Chapter 1773: And the pro princess (15)

Chapter 1773 and the pro-princess (15)

and pro princess 15

Chacha paused for a while, it doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't feel embarrassed, there is no problem.

Her face was not red and her heart was beating as if nothing had happened.

looks as calm as water.

Yun Yu retracted his gaze and smiled softly.

He pretended he didn't see the little girl's blushing face.


two days in a row.

Cha Cha ran to Yun Yu's room at night.

Every time I say a few words, I leave without delaying too much time. The relationship between the two seems to be better than before.

At least Yun Yu no longer has a calm face.

Although his face is still not very good-looking.

But there is a clear difference from before.

While Chacha is making progress, Xindi and Yan Qinghuan are also very happy. Finally, there is progress. It seems that their plan is likely to be successful.

If you can get rid of Yun Yu, that would be great!

On the third night.

Cha Cha arranged Xiaoyue with a mysterious face.

"You don't have to wait for me tonight, I'll stay at Yun Yu's place for the night." After acting for so long, it's time to add some more information.

And her relationship with Yun Yu is indeed much better than before because of her acting, which can be regarded as an indirect cultivation of feelings.

Xiaoyue stared blankly at the princess. Although she didn't quite understand what the princess was doing, she knew exactly what it meant if she stayed overnight.

"Princess, have you really made up your mind? Entrust the second prince for the rest of your life?"

She was a little worried.

The status of the second prince is embarrassing, and he has no future. The most important thing is that he may die one day. If the princess loses her feelings and wants to get out in the future, it will be difficult.

Chacha nodded seriously, she smiled, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, I won't regret choosing Yun Yu, and I won't make you regret not stopping me!"

She understands Satsuki's worries.

However, there are some things that cannot be said outright.

She can only give Xiaoyue some reassurance pills.

Xiaoyue, "...Okay, the maid believes in the princess's choice!" She doesn't believe in Yun Yu, but she believes that the princess' choice can't be wrong!

Cha Cha reached out and touched her little face, and said with a smile, "Be good, don't be afraid to be alone, I'll find someone to talk to you."

Xiaoyue, "?" Besides the three of them in this cold palace, where are there other people?

Xiaoyue was inexplicably startled by Chacha and panicked a little.

"Princess, slaves are not frightened."

Chacha's eyes fell on her nervous and frightened face, and she knew that her words seemed a bit ambiguous.

"I mean it, let it sleep with you all night." Cha Cha pointed to the bed, and said a little milk cat that appeared out of nowhere.

"Look, cute, right? It's not only soft, but also smart, it can protect you from being hurt." Cha Cha walked to the bed, hugged Qiqi in her arms, and touched its head.

"Remember to protect Xiaoyue!"

Her family Qiqi is the best!

This quest must be completed!

Seven-seven, "Meow." Okay.

Qiqi let out a listless snort, it's Cha Cha is going to sleep with Yun Yu, although this is a matter of time, but it's... still very heartbroken.

Helpless sigh.

Xiaoyue looked at the little milk cat dumbfoundedly.

After a long while, he said, "Is this the little wild cat that scratched Eunuch Fang at the entrance of the Leng Palace?

Princess, you are amazing! It's so nice in your arms? It seems that the little wild cat also knows who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. "Because Eunuch Fang is a bad person, so he injured Eunuch Fang and taught Eunuch Fang some lessons.

After Xiaoyue was happy, she looked around in a panic, it was night, it was not easy to find outsiders, and it was not easy to be monitored, she said cautiously, "Princess, Eunuch Fang must not like it very much, but you can't let Eunuch Fang see it. arrive!"

If Eunuch Fang sees it, this clever little wild cat will probably be finished.

Chacha replied, "It's called Qiqi, it's very clever, after a night with you, it will hide by itself, and it will never appear when it shouldn't appear.

Now that I have it to accompany you, I feel relieved a lot. "

The words fall.

Cha Cha then went to the next room.

Xiaoyue hugged Qiqi anxiously.

"Qiqi? You have a name! Hey, I'm really worried about the princess, and I don't know if the second prince is reliable. This will affect the rest of the princess' life."

Qiqi, "..." is even more angry.

Being a waste prince, can you marry his family's tea tea on a horse? It's amazing! I'm afraid that Tiandao secretly opened him up?


Cha Cha went to the next room.

In the past two days, she and Yun Yu have gotten to know each other well.

Of course, this is in her opinion, and she feels that the two are quite familiar.

It's been so long after all.

Yun Yu sat at the table, with his chest upright and meticulous.

looks a little quieter than the previous two days.

Chacha walked up to him, looked at him, couldn't help but reached out and poked his face, reminding, "Second prince? We should rest."

Yun Yu's normally calm face turned red.

"Well, rest." He pointed to the bed, a little embarrassed, "You sleep there, I'll watch over you tonight."

Cha Cha coughed unnaturally.

Why is this more embarrassing than her?

Hey, in this situation, those who didn't know thought she wanted to do something to him.

Clearly, she is a serious and good person.

Cha Cha thought for a while, and took the initiative to take his hand, "Let's go together, the cold palace is already cold, and it is extremely cold at night, there is no need to put the bed and endure hardship here."

Yun Yu's expression froze fiercely, "..." Does she know what she is doing?

Take him with him?

Why is she so courageous?

Aren't you afraid of what he does to her?

It’s okay to be alone in the same room, and sleep in… the same bed?

Cha Cha waited.

found that Yun Yu was awkwardly motionless.

Chacha said in surprise, "What's wrong with you?" She was not afraid of a girl.

What are you nervous about?

This kind of thing is also her disadvantage.

Cha Cha looked at Yun Yu calmly, but it made Yun Yu even more embarrassed.

"I'm fine, then I turn off the lights?" Yun Yu didn't dare to look at her and asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Cha Cha nodded.

A faint moonlight fell on the room.

Cha Cha grabbed Yun Yu's wrist with a headache, "...Are you stupid?" She finally couldn't help but ask.

"I didn't even go to the bed? You put out the candle?" You, you, you are mad at me!

Yunyu, "...It's okay, I'll help you."

Chacha, "!" You still have a little wink.

Really, isn't it just living in the same room?

Are you so nervous and scared?

And she doesn't eat people, why is he panicking?

in the dark.

The two lie together.

But there is still one more person lying in the distance between the two.

Cha Cha sighed, "Yun Yu, you are so far away from me, are you sure you won't fall off the bed when you roll over?"

Yun Yu moved in unnaturally.

Chacha, "...Come over here a little longer, I have something to tell you."

"...Okay." Yun Yu moved a little further.

is still restraining his reason.

Cha Cha raised her hand and pressed her eyebrows, okay, for his shyness, why would she take the initiative?

She turned over, grabbed Yun Yu, and pulled the person to her side. When she realized that Yun Yu wanted to escape, Cha Cha immediately threatened her fiercely.

"Don't move! Sleep! Or I'll throw you under the bed!"

(end of this chapter)