Chapter 1784: And the pro princess (26)

Chapter 1784 and the pro-princess (26)


Yun Yu's accusation against Cha Cha was completely taken as if he had not seen it.

It's not his fault either.

After all, they are married couples.

Although the wedding is simple.

But after the process is over, it is also a husband and wife.

Chacha's charming little face is puffed up, and her puffy little appearance, like a white dumpling, looks even cuter.

She beeped softly.

Then he was carried back to the room by Yun Yu.

Cha Cha, "..."

She didn't resist too much. After all, she has been familiar with it for more than a month, and she also knows who Yun Yu is. The more she resists, the more dog he is.


For three days in a row, Yun Yu did the cooking.

Although there is no talent, it is still okay, at least it will not cause huge damage to the kitchen like Chacha.

On the fourth day, Yuefeng came back.

And bring back good news.

The general    brought a group of troops first, and then arrived.

When the time comes, the general will first go to the palace to investigate the situation. If the situation is true, he will take Yan Qinghuan down.

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief.

In this case.

There is no need to waste Yan State's troops, she personally still doesn't like wars.

If there is a war between the two countries, there will inevitably be casualties.

Now that it can be solved without bloodshed, that's even better.


The general    brought a group of troops back to the capital and went straight to the palace.

So this matter is very important.

Yun Yu followed with Yue Feng.

Cha Cha failed to twist Yun Yu, and stayed in the other courtyard obediently, waiting for them to settle the matter.

At that time, Yan Qinghuan was still dreaming about her grand occasion when she became the queen.

As everyone knows, the dream is about to be broken.


At dusk.

Yuefeng brought news that everything went well.

After    got the news, Cha Cha went directly to the palace.

She is very light and can come and go freely.

Even in a heavily guarded situation, it is like passing through no one.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Yan Qinghuan knelt on the ground, the guard next to her held a knife on her neck, and Commander Wang was also under control.

The general    glanced at the two with disdain.

"You poisonous woman, you actually want to control the government? What do you think of me returning to the cloud country?"

He was angry and hated.

Your majesty, this trash, was trying to usurp the throne, and in the end he was planted in the hands of a woman?

is really a causal cycle.

Yan Qinghuan is still in an unacceptable state at the moment.

She stared blankly at Yun Yu, "Aren't you dead?" He was obviously poisoned, how could he still be alive?

This is impossible!

The corpse was personally examined by the imperial physician, so it is impossible for him to be alive.

It is even more unlikely that the United General will see through her plan as soon as it appears.

Yunhai was seriously ill, and she should have died naturally, and then she could overcome all difficulties and ascend to the throne, how could suddenly kill a dead Yunyu?

Yun Yu's face was indifferent, "I'm not dead, I'm disappointed by Concubine Yan."

Yan Qinghuan's complexion changed slightly when she heard this address.

for a moment.

She reacted suddenly.

"Yanqing Tea! Didn't Yanqing Tea poison you?"

She herself does not believe this guess, but Yun Yu is not dead, so this is the only possibility left!

If it was really poisoned, Yun Yu would never appear here.

She quickly thought of the sudden fire in the Leng Palace and the fact that Yanqing tea was reduced to ashes.

"..." A very terrifying conjecture gradually emerged in my mind.


Calculating from the beginning?

Yun Yu gave a cold hum.

"Chacha has already seen through your plan, but it's just a plan, and when you come to Zhao Jinchan to escape, unfortunately, you haven't reacted until now."

With this IQ, he still wants to kill his Chacha?

What dreams do you have?

Yunyu's eyes were cold.

Yan Qinghuan is a woman with a vicious heart and must not be let go. She must be executed.

Yan Qinghuan's face changed and changed.

His fingers were clenched tightly, and the tips of his fingers were white.

How is this possible?

That idiot of Yan Qingcha has no way of seeing through her plan!

Even Yunhai is not her opponent. She is almost the queen of Guiyun Kingdom, so how could Yanqingcha be calculated?

Yan Qinghuan couldn't accept it, and glared at Yun Yu, "You can't lie to me! I know better than anyone how much Yanqing tea has. There has never been a loophole in my plan, so don't provoke me on purpose, it means nothing. No!"

"Stimulate you?" Yun Yu looked disdainful, "Is this called stimulating you? Then you are too useless."

Yun Yu was too lazy to look at her and asked, "What should the general think she should do? He poisoned the new emperor and tried to control the government."

"The death penalty." The general replied, this was originally considered a major crime to kill the nine clans, but she was sent by the state of Yan, so she couldn't destroy the state of Yan, right?

And Yan Qinghuan's younger sister is now Yun Yu's concubine.

Since Yun Yu suspended his death and Jin Chan escaped from the shell just now, it is very likely that Yan Qing Cha did not die. This is... difficult.

Forget it, let’s deal with it step by step.

After all, the most important thing is to solve Yan Qinghuan first, and whether the new emperor can survive is still a problem.

In addition, it also involves the usurpation of the new emperor.

If the new emperor cannot survive, then Yunyu will directly be enthroned as emperor.

If the new emperor survived, it would still be settled.

General    looked at the sea of ​​​​clouds on the dragon bed speechlessly, oh, still unconscious.


Yun Yu looked up at the top of his head, he was rather helpless, "Come down."

General    followed his line of sight suspiciously, "Is there someone on the roof?" Is that person's Qinggong so outstanding? Even he didn't notice it.

Thinking of this, the general looked solemn and a little more vigilant.

Chacha blinked, a little dazed.

Was actually discovered by Yun Yu?

She just showed a little breath, and his vigilance was quite high.

Cha Cha came down from the roof and walked to the Hall of Mental Cultivation under the shocked gaze of the guards.

Yun Yu frowned, the little liar was not obedient at all.

He walked up to her and held her wrist, "You are not allowed to come, and you are sneaking here alone? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Although    is a reprimand, there is an indifference in his words that cannot be ignored.

Cha Cha responded perfunctorily.

's gaze fell directly on Yan Qinghuan's body.

Yan Qinghuan saw her.

's face changed suddenly, his eyes fixed on Cha Cha.

The two of them looked at each other, and Cha Cha burst out laughing, "Sister, don't be so surprised, I'm not a ghost, don't be afraid."

Yan Qinghuan gritted her teeth, "You are not dead!"

Although I had just guessed that Yanqingcha was not dead, but now that I saw it with my own eyes, the impact was even greater.

This also means that what Yun Yu said just now is probably true... He didn't deliberately stimulate her, Yan Qing's tea had arrived early, and he deliberately played with her in applause.

"Not dead, let you down."

Cha Cha sighed slightly.

Yan Qinghuan was in prison when there was a fire in the cold palace, and naturally he could not check the cause of her death, but as soon as Yunhai saw the fire in the cold palace, he thought that her bones were turned into ashes, and there was no doubt about it.

Therefore, Yunhai was calculated by Yan Qinghuan to be like this, and it really deserved it.

You don't have that ability, and you still want to usurp the throne and become emperor?

Look, isn't this not going to last long?

On the contrary, he ended up being half-dead, and he might die one day.

This emperor is really aggrieved.

(end of this chapter)