Chapter 1785: And the pro princess (27)

Chapter 1785 and the pro-princess (27)

and pro princess 27

Yan Qinghuan wanted to vomit blood.

Obviously she has been calculating for so long, even after the sea of ​​​​clouds, learning all kinds of lessons, will she actually fall to this step?

She angrily looked at the commander Wang, who also had a knife on her neck, "Didn't you say that there is no change in the palace? You bastard!"

At this moment, the anger in her chest could not find anyone other than venting at him.

The commander of the king lowered his head and said nothing.

This is the end of the matter, there is nothing to say.

It was indeed his negligence that brought him to this point.

If he is not so confident, and if he is more careful, he may realize that there is a big problem with the general's return, and he will not be controlled by the general's troops...

She wants to scold him, so scold him.

fell from heaven to hell, the gap is too big, it is also right to scold him.

Yan Qinghuan cursed a few words and fell to the ground powerless.

She lost completely this time, but she was really unwilling.

I hate it!

Is she reborn, or has she failed?

Do you have to end up with a tragic death?

Chacha stood in front of Yan Qinghuan with curved eyebrows, "Don't be in a hurry to be sad, do you have an antidote for the poison in Yunhai's body?"

Otherwise, Yunhai would not be able to settle accounts with Yunhai if Yunhai was in such a dead state now.

Yan Qinghuan didn't expect that at such a time, Yanqingcha asked her such a question, and she didn't take a breath, she just fainted.

Chacha, "..." She just asked a question.

This is dizzy?

She looked at Yun Yu innocently.

Yunyu motioned to the general to send the person to the prison.

"General, find some imperial physicians and see if they can wake him up." Some accounts always have to be settled.

When   Cha Cha stepped out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he saw a small bamboo being controlled in the corner.

When Xiaozhuzi saw her, it was like seeing a savior.

"Second prince concubine rescued the slave! The slave is a little bamboo! The slave and Eunuch Fang often went to the cold palace before, do you remember?"

Little Bamboo did not expect that the dead were actually resurrected?

Oh no... not dead from the start.

Who would have thought that the final winner in life would be the one who has been in the cold palace?

Instead, the emperor and Yan Qinghuan lost completely?

This life is really ups and downs.

is too confusing.

Cha Cha glanced at Xiao Zhuzi, and immediately turned her head and ran to Yun Yu's side, tugging at his sleeves with both hands, and said pitifully, "It was him, and that father-in-law Fang, who greedy me for a lot of gold leaves! Night Pearl!"

Xiaozhuzi was stunned, "Second Prince Concubine, you can't turn your face and don't recognize anyone. It is Father Fang who took the golden leaf, not a servant. The servant is Father Fang's little follower and has no right to speak."

Cha Cha smiled, "Where's Father Fang? Where is he now?"

Xiaozhuzi murmured and did not dare to answer.

Inadvertently met Yun Yu's gaze, those eyes were dark and deep, like an abyss, making people tremble uncontrollably.

"Father Fang, Father Fang is gone..." As long as he became the emperor's confidant, he found an opportunity to kill Father Fang.

Yun Yu sneered, "Where is the golden leaf that Father Fang took? Where is it?"

Xiaozhuzi was shocked by his aura, "In, in the servant's room."

Father Fang died, and the golden leaves, luminous pearls and silver taels were naturally his.

"Yuefeng, get the things back, as for this minion, the general will take care of it!" Yun Yu settled his ending lightly.

is not a good thing, a dog minion who will betray his master at any time.

And it will be reported.

Do you keep this kind of minion and give him a chance to stab him?

Yun Yu left with Cha Cha.

It's just the matter of the palace. It can't be dealt with in a while. It is estimated that it will be busy for the next few days.

There are still several ministers in the court who belong to Yan Qinghuan, so naturally he cannot let them go.

And this is a big matter, and it needs to be discussed with the important minister.


The next day.

Yunhai woke up.

out of unconscious state.

However, what happened, he vaguely knew something.

For example: Yan Qing liked him.

Another example: Yun Yu is back...

He didn't sit on the throne for even a year, and this happened.

His physical condition is obviously not optimistic.

Even when he was awake, it was because the imperial doctor put a lot of needles in his head.

won't last long, and may die.

In this life, when he fell into this situation, he didn't even think about it himself, it was like a dream, from an unknown prince to an emperor step by step.

The appearance of   Yan Qinghuan changed his fate.

He thought it was a blessing, only to realize later that it was a blessing and a curse.

Where can there be so many good things in this world?

Xu is a dying person, but Yunhai is actually starting to regret it.

If he did nothing at the beginning, but was a prince safely and steadily, he would probably be very happy too?

instead of dying young as now.

was destroyed in the hands of Yan Qinghuan.

Probably because of the cycle of heaven, Yan Qinghuan was not much better, and was sent to prison by Yunyu so quickly...

Even if he died, he could be considered dead.

If there is a chance to come back, Yun Hai thought, probably he will still choose this way, because the position of Ninety-five Supreme is too easy for people to want to have.

The supreme right is right in front of you, you can grab it with your hand, who doesn’t want it?

Take advantage of the sea of ​​clouds to wake up.

Yun Yu, the generals, and many other important officials gathered in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and put up evidence that Yun Hai usurped the throne.

Yun Hai confessed very quickly and the evidence is conclusive. He himself has few days left to live. It is better to admit it neatly and suffer a little less crime. After all, he has no power to resist now. Angered Yun Yu, the end is likely to be even worse.

A country cannot live without a ruler for a day.

After discussion among the ministers, it was decided that Yun Yu would be enthroned as soon as possible.

Originally, this throne should belong to him.

It's a pity it took so long.

On the contrary, it made Yunhai such a waste toss for a long time.

the day of enthronement.

is set in three days.

And the sea of ​​​​clouds, after the end of the discussion among the ministers, did not even hold back for a few hours.

Died directly at night.

Before he died, he was still thinking that he actually died one step before Yan Qinghuan?

After    Yunhai died, only the queen was willing to guard him for one night.

No one would have imagined that the queen, who was always quiet, never participated in harem battles, and didn't care about anything, actually went with the sea of ​​clouds that night... committing suicide in front of the sea of ​​clouds.

She met Yunhai at the best age.

The first time I saw her, it was just like what was said in the play. The girl was ignorant and ignorant.

After that, it was hard for someone else to come into my heart.

Knowing that it was a robbery, he still fell into it and became the third concubine, accompanying the sea of ​​clouds year after year.

Watching him never get favored, he once ascended the throne and became the Supreme Being of Ninety-five.

And she also became the queen.

It's just that the two of them still go further and further apart.

She didn't want to care about him anymore, after all, she still paid a deep affection by mistake.

Now, she doesn't want him to die alone.

Let's accompany him for the last ride.

Since then, there will be no connection and no debt to each other.

Forget each other in the next life.

(end of this chapter)