Chapter 1787: Learning scum is not scum (1)

Chapter 1787 Learning scum is not scum (1)

Learning scum is not scum 1

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

Fortune Gold Card Level 9 is up to Gold Level 10, the progress is 65%.

Lucky Supreme Card drops a card immediately. 】

The light golden card falls on the palm of Cha Cha.

The hint on the card still has only two words: camouflage.

Chacha glanced in surprise, what are you pretending to be?

Identity? or something else?


As soon as   Chacha passed through, he found himself in the examination room.

There is a test paper in front of her.

A serious teacher is standing in front of him, and the students around him are worryingly doing exam papers.

Cha Cha's brain was stunned, and she stared blankly at the exam paper in front of her.

The way he played this time was really a headache.

She clenched the signature pen in her hand, and instead of answering the questionnaire immediately, she took the time to start receiving the story.

The original main chestnut tea.

Eighteen years old, third year of high school this year.

is the second young lady of the Li family in City A.

His parents are alive, his father Li Qingfeng, and his mother Fengli.

There is also a sister named Li Wan.

She should have lived happily in such a family.

But in the third year of high school, her life changed dramatically.

Sister Li Wan is one year older than her, but because of her poor health, she took a year off from school in the middle, so both of them are in their third year of high school.

The two are in the same school and in the same class. Because Li Qingfeng was worried about Li Wan's health, from elementary school to high school, the two basically studied in the same class.

Li Wan is very gentle, and Li Cha has a good relationship with her.

But this kind of sisterhood is only good on the surface.

Licha believes that the relationship between sisters and the harmony of the family can always exist, but some things cannot be maintained.

A lot of things happened at home this year. For example, her biological sister Li Wan was actually not her biological sister, but her half-sister.

The eldest daughter born to her mother Fengli, her own sister, died early at birth.

So, Li Qingfeng took the daughter of his lover outside and took it as the daughter of Fengli.

He hid it for nineteen years.

Finally, in this year, the conflict broke out.

Families become fragmented.

All appearances of mildness collapsed.

Sisters are no longer in love, husband and wife are no longer in harmony, father-daughter relationship is broken...

Li Cha finally understood why her father always preferred Li Wan, even if she tried her best to coax her, her father seldom loved her. It turned out to be because Li Wan was the daughter of her father Li Qingfeng's lover.

The lover of his father was his first love.

The two broke up due to a misunderstanding.

Then the father and mother got together and got married. After marriage, the misunderstanding between him and his first love was resolved, and he started to hug each other. He had a good wife at home and a lover outside.

Li Qingfeng tried his best to hide his lover.

Unfortunately, it was discovered by the mother's family.

At that time, Feng Li was pregnant. For Feng Li, the Feng family gave Li Qingfeng a chance.

Li Qingfeng was under pressure and separated from his lover.

Unexpectedly, the lover is also pregnant.

Fengli happened to be in the same hospital as Li Qingfeng's lover on the day he gave birth.

The child born to Fengli died, and Li Qingfeng was worried that his lover would not be able to support the child.

The child born by his lover is regarded as the child born by Feng Li and named Li Wan.

And Li Qingfeng's lover also left City A after that and went to other places.

Nineteen years later, he returned to City A. Since then, there has been a **** storm in the Li family.

disturbed everyone.

Chestnut Tea lost a lot of things in this storm.

Poor mother.

and her own future.

The two daughters of the Li family, Li Wan has a gentle personality, good grades in studies, and no trouble.

Chestnut tea has a stubborn personality, loves to cause troubles when studying, and hangs with messy people every day.

But no one knows.

is a deliberate disguise of chestnut tea.

In order to get the love of her father, she studied hard and won the first place in the exam. When she showed her the certificate of the first place to her father, she was not praised, but reprimanded.

Li Qingfeng: You know your sister is not in good health, why do you want to grab her first place? She is second, very sad, are you satisfied?

After that, Chestnut Tea did not dare to take the first place again.

And every time Li Wan won the first place, Li Qingfeng would laugh happily and praise Li Wan for being smart.

Licha gradually realized that he could not grab the first place from his sister.

So, she started to fill in the wrong questions on purpose and never got the first place.

Later, in the exam room, Li Cha had a high fever. Not only did she not get second, but she even failed the exam. Many questions were not written, and she got a countdown.

And that time, Li Qingfeng looked at her ranking and smiled with satisfaction...

The child is young and simple-minded.

I don't understand why my father was very happy when I failed the exam?

She only knew that she wanted to make her father happy.

She started to perform extremely poorly every time.

Where would she think elsewhere, she thought very simply, she just wanted to see her father looking at her with loving eyes...

Unfortunately, it was the wrong payment after all.

Later, chestnut tea grew up.

has become miserable, no longer loves learning, and has grown into a different look.

Li Qingfeng always saw only Li Wan alone.

Only mother, looked at her from time to time and sighed.

until the mother died.

Chestnut tea knows that the mother's heart is like a mirror.

Li Qingfeng's discrimination, how could Feng Li not doubt it?

Once there is doubt, many things are like turning the clouds into the sun.

She silently endured the wrong payment alone, endured all the pain alone, just to maintain the harmony of the family, in the end, she realized how ridiculous...

[Chacha, Licha hopes that her mother can open her heart, and she hopes that she will no longer be blind and live her life well. It should be her number one, and that is her own. Why should you give up the first in order to make Li Qingfeng happy? one? 】

Cha Cha took a deep breath.

She knew what to do.

And it’s a good time to come by yourself.

She glanced at the exam schedule, just right, this is the first one.

The time is just right.

Chacha didn't hesitate, grabbed the pen and began to fill in the answer sheet carefully.

The time line at that time was already the second semester of high school.

The exams in the second semester of the third year of senior high school are all mock exams, and the high schools in the city will take the joint entrance exam together to rank them.

Therefore, the exam paper is very difficult, and the proctoring is also very strict.

The students in each examination room are distributed according to the ranking of the school.

Chacha understood in seconds, "..." According to the original owner's countdown score, which means that the students in this examination room are counted down...

Well, a bunch of scumbags.

In a group of scumbags, only Chacha is the only one who writes and writes quickly, which is particularly conspicuous.

Even the invigilator couldn't help but glance at her.

However, in the blink of an eye, he retracted his gaze.

Chestnut tea, the famous scum of the school.

Why is it famous?

Her elder sister Liwan School was the first in the grade, and she, Licha, was the last in the grade.

The    contrast is too cruel and often unbearable to look at.

is occasionally told to outsiders as a joke.

(end of this chapter)