Chapter 1788: Learning scum is not scum (2)

Chapter 1788 Learning scum is not scum (2)

Learning scum is not scum 2

Therefore, even at this moment, Chacha is writing hard, and the invigilator does not think she is answering the questions seriously.

may be joking around again...

Just half an hour after the exam time, Cha Cha put down the pen in his hand, crossed his hands and moved his muscles and bones slightly.

It's been a long time since I did a test paper, and I suddenly wrote a test paper, which was a little uncomfortable.

I don’t know if I can submit the papers in advance.

She looked up at the invigilator.

Just as I was about to ask a question, I saw someone raise their hand to ask, "Teacher, can I hand in the papers in advance?"

"No!" The teacher refused directly.

Cha Cha sighed.


Since you can't hand in the papers, let's go to sleep.

She yawned on the table and closed her eyes after a while.

The exam is too boring and the paper is too easy.

When the invigilator saw her sleeping, she shook her head speechlessly.

Compared with Li Wan, why is there such a big gap?


It was hard to wait until the end of the exam.

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief, and was finally able to hand in the test paper.

After handing in the test paper, she ran away.

It’s been a long time since I ate the food in the school cafeteria. Cha Cha went to the cafeteria with a bit of nostalgia and made several dishes before sitting down to eat happily.

Just had a mouthful of sweet and sour pork ribs, and was about to taste the braised pork, when he heard a gentle voice, "Chacha, how was the test this time? I can't take the last place anymore."

Li Wan said softly and sat down beside her with a plate.

Cha Cha raised his head and looked at Li Wan, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "I did well in the test, don't worry, I won't be the last one, I'll give my sister a surprise then."

Li Wan nodded with a smile, "That's good."

She never had any expectations for this younger sister.

is not the first to last, it is probably the second to last.

One of the scumbags.

is not her opponent anyway.

She also really likes the feeling of this instant kill.

There is no need to compare at all, she is the strongest one.

No matter where she goes, everyone's compliments will only be given to themselves, and Li Cha, few people will look at her.

Li Wan was in a good mood and picked up a chopstick of small greens and put it on the tea tray, "Eat more vegetables, don't always eat meat."

Chacha oh, and backhanded the green vegetables back to Li Wan.

"I don't eat other people's food." She said coldly.

Li Wan's face sank instantly.

"Are you despising me?" Did she say something wrong? then what? Li Cha had never spoken to her like this before.

Picking up vegetables is also a common thing to do.

Chacha head didn't lift, and answered indifferently, "It's unsanitary."

When    arrived, Li Wan's complexion changed.


Chestnut Tea actually said she was unhygienic?

Before Li Wan could get angry, she heard a light laughter from the dining table next to her.

As clear as water, it sounds very nice.

It was this laughter that was laughing at her, if it was someone else, she would probably be very happy.

Li Wan restrained her emotions, looked over, and explained, "Junior classmate, my sister is joking with me."

The boy ignored her and continued to grab the food.

Li Wan has long been accustomed to his temper. Almost all the classmates know that Chu Han has a bad temper and can do whatever he wants.

Chacha rarely put down the chopsticks in his hand.

tilted his head and stared at Chu Han for a while.

's eyes are straight, too straightforward.

attracted Chu Han to look at her, his eyes slightly probing.

Chacha smiled at him.

The smile was clean and clear, and the slender, white and tender little hands sat directly opposite Chuhan's table with the plate in hand.

Li Wan, "?" Is there a hole in your brain?

Aren’t you afraid of the early cold hitting you?

Chacha, "Chuhan classmate, I'm Licha, I'm meeting for the first time, please take care of me."

Chu Han gave a meaningful cry.

"Student Licha doesn't have to be so polite, everyone in the school knows your name."

Chacha bowed his head embarrassedly, "So I'm so famous?"

The reputation of a scumbag is also a reputation.

Chu Han hummed, and a trace of interest flashed in his cool eyes.

The little girl looks interesting?

Chu Han looked down at the green vegetables he had just beaten.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of something else, he put some green vegetables on her plate, "Student Licha, eat more vegetables."

Chacha's eyes were serious, "...Okay, Chuhan classmates should also eat more meat. Look, your plate is full of vegetables!"

Hey, shouldn't it be another poor little one?

The poor can only eat green vegetables?

Too bad, right?

Chacha will make up the early cold brain in minutes to make it a pitiful person who can't eat enough and can't keep warm.

Li Wan, who was sitting at the next table, "???" was full of question marks.

So it's unsanitary for me to serve you food?


This is intentional, right?

Did she offend Chestnut Tea?

Li Wan stared at her puzzled.

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked back, "Do you want to eat meat too? Then you have to buy it yourself!"

Chacha said, and distributed more than half of the meat on the plate to Chuhan.

Online explained to Li Wan what a double standard is.

Li Wan was so angry.

She doesn't even know what kind of crazy chestnut tea is!

is simply sick.

Since that's the case, she doesn't care about chestnut tea.

Who cares about this little sister?

There is no use for anything other than to set off her perfection!

Chu Han looked at the extra meat on the plate and fell into contemplation.

There seems to be something wrong with the brain of the scumbag?

He replaced a small green vegetable with so much meat?

The brain of an elementary school scum is really not easy to use.

will not settle accounts.

Big loss.

Chu Han tasted sweet and sour pork ribs while disgusting.

Well, it’s barely okay.

He glanced at the elementary school scum, and saw that the elementary school scum was eating seriously, and it looked like it was delicious.

Li Wan was by the side, looking almost dumbfounded.

When did Chuhan have such a good temper?

Who doesn't know that Chu Han hates girls to be near the most?

It’s okay to let Licha sit across from him, and the two of them still serve each other?

Li Wan felt that she might be blind.

Otherwise, how could you see such a scene? ? ?

This meal is unbearable.

Li Wan was a little aggrieved. Seeing that Li Cha still didn't respond, she ate by herself, and Chu Han didn't give her a look.

When Li Wan got up, she trembled on purpose.

Nearly fell.

Chacha's first reaction was to protect her food, watching Li Wan vigilantly, for fear that Li Wan would fall and affect her meal.

Li Wan, "???" Are you sick?

Chu Han laughed again when he saw it.

Why are elementary school scum so cute?

is so cute, I want to pinch.

Seeing that the two of them ignored her, as if she was singing a one-man show, Li Wan turned her head away in anger.

Chacha continued to eat without caring.

Let's go, what does it have to do with her?

is not her sister with the same father and mother, and she has never been treated as a younger sister, she just wants chestnut tea to set off her perfection.

Cha Cha had just put down his chopsticks after lunch when he saw someone rushing over to pull Chu Han away, and he didn't know what happened.

looks like he is in a hurry.

Cha Cha wiped her mouth, took up her long legs and ran after her.

She has to see if Chuhan has been kidnapped.

If she gets lost, it will be troublesome. Where will she find someone in the future?

(end of this chapter)