Chapter 1795: Learning scum is not scum (9)

Chapter 1795 Learning scum is not scum (9)

Learning scum is not scum 9

Fengli is not stupid either.

There are three cars in the Li family's garage now, one for her and one for Li Qingfeng, and the other for tea and Li's evening class.

Feng Li looked at Cha Cha and said gracefully, "I haven't gone out shopping for a long time, dear daughter, take the exam well, come on!"

"Okay." Cha Cha nodded and smiled.

The mother and daughter left the Li family at the same time.

Waiting for Li Qingfeng to come out after breakfast, his face was confused.

"?" Where's his car?

Li Qingfeng angrily called the driver.

At the same time, as soon as Cha Cha heard the driver's cell phone ringing, he looked at the driver with a smile, "Uncle, uncle is calling from my father, I'll answer it."

The driver responded, and it would be best if the lady answered.

You can make things clear to prevent Mr. Li Qingfeng from getting angry.

The driver handed the mobile phone to Cha Cha.

Chacha pressed to answer, Li Qingfeng was angry and fierce, "Where are you? Where have you been? Do you want to be deducted from your salary?"

The driver doesn't do his job well, so what's the use of the driver?

Chacha replied slowly to Li Qingfeng, "Dad, what are you talking about? I asked the driver's uncle to take me to school. I have an exam today, have you forgotten?

And didn't you say that learning is the most important thing?

So first borrow your driver to take me to school. "

Li Qingfeng's face darkened, "But..."

Chacha continued talking without rushing.

"This is what you just said, is it possible that in your heart, sister's study is important, but mine is not important?

Besides, today is a big day for the exam, an important time. "

Li Qingfeng was silent for a while, not saying anything, and hung up the phone not very happy.

The words have come to this point, what else can he say?

He can't directly say that Li Wan's study is important, and Li Cha's academic performance is not important, right?

Although he did think so in his heart.

But on the surface, it’s not enough to say it irrationally to make you unhappy.

Just thinking about it is still very angry.

Li Qingfeng turned his head and called Feng Li again.

I don't know where Feng has gone.

He can drive Fengli's car to the company.

However, it took several minutes for Feng Li to answer.

Without waiting for Li Qingfeng to speak, she said directly, "I went shopping with my little sister, what's the matter?"

Li Qingfeng was full of question marks, "Are you going shopping? Are you going shopping at this time?"

Feng Li, "Is there a problem? I'm driving and it's not convenient to answer the phone, so let's do it first."

Li Qingfeng was standing in front of Li's house with his mobile phone, his face gradually turning blue.

Unhappy, in short, he is very, very unhappy now.


After Chacha arrives at school.

stood downstairs in the classroom for a while.

I plan to wait for the first cold.

She sent Chuhan a message.

After about two minutes, Zhou Er rushed over, he came a little earlier than Chu Han.

As soon as he saw Cha Cha, he began to ask her, "Brother Cha, have you written your review? I told you yesterday that you can consult me ​​for free, but you didn't answer me..." Speaking of which, Zhou Er felt a little resentful looking at her.

He is really good at writing review books, and being a free consultant is more than enough. However, Brother Cha doesn’t seem to believe him.

! Can't believe him!

He was sure that her review book was not as good as his.

Zhou Er thought of this, took out his review book with great interest, and shook it in front of Chacha.

"Look, this is the review book I wrote, how is it, excellent, right?"

Cha Cha looked at Zhou Er with a complicated expression.

Last night, she chatted with Chu Han, and then forgot to reply to Zhou Er's message... a little guilty.


Chacha nodded cooperatively, "It's really excellent, work hard, you won't be able to get along in the future, you can write a review book to earn money to support yourself."

Zhou Er didn't understand what Chacha meant. He really thought that Chacha was complimenting him, "I also think that I am very good. In the future, I can open a review studio, alas, wait a minute!"

Zhou Er's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Do you think my idea can be realized? I suddenly feel that I have too much talent for doing business. I want to open a review book studio? How perfect is this idea?

I will open the review book studio in every school!

Then everyone will come to me to write a review book, I will make a lot of money every day, and then make a fortune! ! ! "

Cha Cha looked at Zhou Er and silently distanced himself from him.

Where did this little fool come from?

She felt that Chu Han's younger brother was not very smart, it was really hard to be Zhou Er's boss, and she suddenly felt a little distressed for Chu Han.

Why every time you look for a younger brother, you can't find a smart and fierce type?

Zhou Er was immersed in his own thoughts. After he imagined a bright future, he began to rush to Cha Cha again, "Brother Cha, otherwise, you will be my first guest, and I will give you a 20% discount. .

Do not! I will write it for you for free, you are my brother tea, and I will write you a review book for free! Then you can help me spread the word. "

Oh, why is Zhou Er so smart?

Zhou Er touched his chin, feeling more and more that his idea was simply amazing.

Review book studio?

My God, who came up with this idea, how can he be so powerful? Just a little genius!

at this time.

Chuhan came over, interrupted his thoughts, and said coldly, "Her review, you don't need you to help her write it."

Zhou Er heard the voice and turned to look at Chu Han, "Boss, you're here, where's your review book? I just discussed it with Brother Cha, I think I have a new idea to make money, and I can open a review later. The book studio..."

Zhou Er was talking nonsense there.

Chu Han glared at him and ignored him.

Zhou Er looked confused, did I say something wrong?

Chu Han walked to Cha Cha, took out one of the review papers and handed it to Cha Cha, "Primary school scum, your review book."

Cha Cha looked at Chu Han with a smile, "Thank you, boss for your hard work. Although Zhou Er's review is also very good, I think the boss's review is even better."

Chu Han didn't change his face, "Well, I'm really good, but if I don't take jobs, no matter how much money I have, I won't write a review letter for others."

I was afraid that the elementary school scum would not understand, but Chu Han said it very clearly.

Cha Cha's eyes lit up and looked at Chu Han seriously.

"Is the boss trying to tell me that I am not someone else, but my own?"

"It can be understood in the same way." Chu Han's face did not show, but his heart blossomed with joy, "!" The elementary school scum is not that stupid, but fortunately, he understood what he meant.

Well, she is her own, his own.

Zhou Er stood aside, feeling very strange.

The boss became the boss of Brother Cha?

That's fine, the boss actually helped Brother Cha to write a self-criticism?

Is he blind?

Zhou Er also glanced at the review book.

Oh, it is really the handwriting of Chu Han.

This is very confusing.

Zhou Er's reaction was slow, but he wasn't stupid. He didn't think Chu Han was fighting him for a job, and the boss wrote a review letter for Brother Cha?

What is this called?

This is called seeing the color.

(end of this chapter)