Chapter 1796: Learning scum is not scum (10)

Chapter 1796 Learning scum is not scum (10)

Study scum is not scum 10

Zhou Er and Chu Han have known each other for several years.

I know a little bit about Chu Han's temper.

Expecting Chu Han’s kindness to write a review letter for girls? That was simply whimsical.

And now the boss of Chuhan took the initiative to write a review letter to Brother Cha?

What does this mean?

Isn't it just because he fell in love with Brother Cha?

Zhou Er was startled by his own thoughts and was a little confused.

He did not expect that the boss would do such a thing.

is so shameless!

People regard you as a good brother, do you want to kidnap someone's little girl? You are scumbag, you are shameless!

Of course, Zhou Er did not dare to say this.

Silently do not speak.

"Then let's hand over the review book to the grade director."

Chu Han said aloud.

"Yeah." Cha Cha nodded, and the two turned around together.

Zhou Er, "..." Am I really the one who was ignored?

The three of them just took a few steps.

met Li Wan head-on.

As soon as Li Wan saw Cha Cha, she rushed over very kindly.

"Chacha, it's all my fault. I didn't tell you in the morning. I came to school ahead of time. When I got here, I realized that the driver might not be able to pick you up in time, but I was worried. Fortunately, you can come over for the exam."

Although it is the last one, I still have to take the exam!

Chacha snorted, no big expression.

Seeing that Li Wan had no intention of leaving, Cha Cha reminded, "You are in the way."

Li Wan, "...?"

Li Wan explained with an embarrassed expression, "Cha Cha, are you angry with your sister?"

Cha Cha stared at Li Wan for a few seconds, "...I'm not angry with you, you're not in good health, study is the most important thing, let's study, work hard for the exam, and sit firmly in the first place!"

Li Wan, "?"

Li Wan still wanted to talk, but reached out to grab Cha Cha's wrist, Zhou Er dodged to block it, "Hey, boss, let's not waste time, let's go."

"Huh!" Chu Han glanced at Li Wan lightly.

His eyes were full of disdain.

This method is too low-level.

The three went upstairs and distanced themselves from Li Wan.

Li Wan watched the figures grow farther and farther away from him.

She lowered her head, gritted her teeth, and withdrew her gaze.

is really very unpleasant.

Zhou Er walked beside Cha Cha and asked in a low voice, "Brother Cha, do you and your sister have a bad relationship?" I always feel that your sister is a bit of a white lotus...

Cha Cha, "...It's really not good."

"I thought the relationship between relatives and sisters would be very good. Before I knew you, I always thought that your sister was okay. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

Zhou Er muttered, it seems that the rumors are not credible.

Chu Han lightly kicked Zhou Er, "Don't talk so much!"

Elementary school scum is easy to be in a bad mood.

Zhou Er retorted, "I'm telling the truth, not nonsense."

Chu Han, "...Shut up, elementary school scumbags have bad grades. If you affect her performance, you'll be finished!"

Zhou Er was shocked, "?" Boss, do you know what you are talking about?

Affects Brother Cha's performance?

What are you kidding.

Brother Cha is already number one from the bottom, where else could he be?

There is absolutely no room for her to step back.

Chu Han didn't think there was any problem at all, and even comforted Cha Cha with a gentle voice, "Don't pay attention to Zhou Er, he likes to talk nonsense, take the test well, I believe you!"

Cha Cha, "I think I can too!"

"Yo, the sun is coming out in the west? Chuhan classmates actually say things like taking exams well?" Lao Gu looked at Chuhan with a smile.

Chuhan, "...Why can't I say such things? I'm a good student, don't slander me indiscriminately."

Old Gu, "..." You touch your conscience, how dare you say such a thing?

Lao Gu changed the topic with a headache.

"What about the review book?" he asked.

The three handed over the review papers.

Lao Gu glanced at Chu Han's review book, then Zhou Er's review book, and when he saw Cha Cha's review book, his expression became obvious.

Kind eyes wandered back and forth between Cha Cha and Chu Han.

he said softly.

"New students can come to my class after the exam, and even the results of this exam will be directly entered into my class, so keep up the good work!"

"What?" Zhou Er's expression changed, "What teacher, how dare you despise my brother tea so much? Is it shameless to look so impatient?"

What do you think of his tea brother?

Chuhan's face is not very good-looking.

He looked worriedly at the elementary school scum.

The primary school scum is so miserable and pitiful, he needs to take good care of him.

Lao Gu glared at Zhou Er, "What are you talking about? You are a student, how can you say that about Teacher Chen? She is just a little anxious, she doesn't mean to dislike Li Cha, don't talk nonsense, and correct your attitude. "

Turning, he said to Cha Cha in a warm voice, "Don't worry, Li Cha, not everyone in our class is as unreliable as Zhou Er."

Zhou Er, "..." Why is it all me who gets hurt.

Chacha nodded obediently, "Teacher Gu, don't worry, I won't hold you back! I will try my best to get good grades!"

Kick Li Wan from the first place!

Teacher Gu looked relieved, "Zhou Er, you also learn from Li Cha, look at their self-motivation!" How great!

I like this kind of positive and good student.

Zhou Er was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Lao Gu ruthlessly, "My brother Cha wants to be first in the grade, what do you think?"

Lao Gu's face froze for a few seconds, and then comforted, "I think Li Cha has a lot of energy to fight, Zhou Er must study hard, and Chu Han, don't drag Li Cha back."

Lao Gu, as a sensible person, reminded him vaguely.

Chu Han's handwriting, if he can't recognize it, then there is a ghost.

Chuhan wrote a review letter for chestnut tea?

Ah! I see that you are uneasy and kind and want to abduct the well-behaved chestnut tea little cutie.

In the case of Licha being so self-motivated, Chuhan classmates, please don't hold back and lie to others to fall in love!

Chu Han and Lao Gu looked at each other.

saw the consonance in each other's eyes.

early cold, "..."

Want to hit someone!

wanted to kick Lao Gu out.

However, thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this statement.

If the primary school scum is addicted to falling in love, wouldn't that delay her progress?

Chu Han suddenly had a hard time.

He lowered his eyes and his face was not very good-looking.

Chacha didn't understand what puzzles they were playing.

reached out and dragged Chu Han who was in a daze, "Let's go, let's go to the exam room, the exam will be in a while."


Chu Han responded, and the two left together, with Zhou Er following behind alone.

Everything seems to have changed since I got Cha.

The person around the boss is no longer him, he has become Brother Cha.


Zhou Er silently endured this loneliness.

Cha Cha and Zhou Er were in the same exam room, and after walking a few steps, they separated from Chu Han.

Zhou Er saw this and immediately followed.

Then Chu Hanyi grabbed the back of his fate, "! Boss!"

Chu Han said in a low voice, "Protect the primary school scum, don't have a hair, I'll ask you to settle the account!"

Zhou Er's face was full of shock, "?" You asked me to protect the big boss from the five scumbags? What are you kidding?

Under the threat of Chu Han, Zhou Er had to nod in agreement, "I promise to protect Brother Cha and not let other boys hook her up!"

That's right, that's how I am!

(end of this chapter)