Chapter 1802: Learning scum is not scum (16)

Chapter 1802 Learning scum is not scum (16)

Study scum is not scum 16

She looked very calmly on the grade director, "Director, you have no evidence to prove that I cheated, first, I am in the last exam room, and everyone knows the level of the last exam room.

Second, since I said that I have full marks in several subjects, may I ask, is there any full marks in the whole school besides me? If not, then ask, who do I copy? What kind of cheating was used?

In the absence of any evidence, you said that I cheated and besieged me as a little girl. Are you embarrassed? "

The grade director was speechless.

There is no evidence for this. Besides, she kept saying that it was Teacher Chen who cheated, not him.

He just doubted, the rest said nothing.

Teacher Chen snorted angrily, "That's because you used other cheating methods, otherwise how would you explain that you got a perfect score?"

Cha Cha calmly cast his eyes on Li Qingfeng again.

"This question, shouldn't Mr. Li be the clearest?"

Li Qingfeng was still angry, "What do I know? How did you cheat, how do I know? Don't be ashamed if you don't get good grades, and An Jing is a poor student, can't you? The Li family doesn't expect you to inherit the company!"

Hearing this, Cha Cha suddenly laughed.

"If that's the case then don't blame me."

Li Qingfeng, "?"

Li Wan, "?"

Chacha looked at Li Qingfeng mockingly, "Let's start over from the beginning, I can see that Mr. Li has a bad memory."

Li Qingfeng retorted unhappily, "I have a good memory!"

"Why doesn't Mr. Li remember what he said back then?" There was only a sneer at the corner of Cha Cha's lips.

"Back then, I took the first place and came to you with the certificate of award. You reprimanded me all the time. You said: You know your sister is not in good health, why do you want to grab her first place? She is second, very sad, Are you satisfied?

Mr. Li, my good father, are these your exact words? Do you remember it now? ? "

Li Qingfeng's face changed, "So what? Even if I said that, what does it have to do with you cheating?"

Chacha's brows were cold, "Of course it has something to do with it!

Since then, I haven't won the first place, and I haven't won the first place from her Li Wan. You are very satisfied, very satisfied with Li Wan's excellence. "

Immediately afterwards, he said, "For the sake of the drama of sisterhood, I have to pass exams every time, I am stubborn and I cause trouble, isn't this what you want to see? Use my unbearableness to set off Li Wan's excellence, how perfect it is. .

Over the years, because I was unbearable, the Li family was calm and peaceful. "

Li Qingfeng suddenly had a bad feeling and tried to stop her from continuing, "Li Cha! What are you crazy!"

Li Wan's body was shaky, trembling a little, as if she couldn't bear the blow.

Cha Cha sneered and glanced.

Turn a blind eye.

Immortal, what does it have to do with her? She can't wait for something to happen later!

Chacha, "Right now, I'm just doing a test paper seriously, after all, I'm in the third year of high school, so I can't lose my future to Li Wan, right?


Cha Cha tilted his head and smiled, extremely innocent, "But I really didn't expect that my elder sister is so useless, after so many years, this first place can't sit still!

And I just moved the pen lightly, and this number one actually fell on me again? "

She smiled and looked at Li Wan, are you happy? satisfied? This is the result she gave.

Li Wan's eyes turned red, and her body trembled.

Cha Cha continued to make up for the knife, "Sister, it's not that I don't care about your body. I let it go for so many years, but in the end, this is the result. Don't blame me, it's really, you, too, waste, thing!"

Li Wan burst into tears and glared at her angrily, "You, you are talking nonsense! I don't believe it! You are cheating!"

She couldn't accept the chestnut tea.

This so-called truth is not intended to be a sharp blade after another, stabbing her heart fiercely!

She would rather believe that Chestnut Tea is deliberately bullshitting!

Yes, that's it, Li Cha was deliberately angering her, mad at her, and wanted to hit her hard, she couldn't be deceived!

Cha Cha said lightly, "If you can feel better by brainwashing yourself like this, then you think so."

Li Wan, "..."

At the same time, Zhou Er and Chu Han, who did not know when they appeared, stood not far away, and both fell into contemplation.

Zhou Er, "..." Brother Cha deserves to be Brother Cha, it's so sassy!

The trick is fatal, hey, the hidden scholar!

But I didn't expect that things in the Li family would be so complicated?

I really feel sorry for his brother tea.

actually gave up the number one for so many years.

This chestnut night is indeed a waste.

Chu Han stared at his elementary school scumbag, his girlfriend is so beautiful.

Well, sooner or later it will be his girlfriend, he can't run away!

Li Qingfeng slowed down for a while, but couldn't recover.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. Finally, his eyes fell on Li Wan. This time, his Wanwan was greatly wronged...

Li Qingfeng does not agree with the practice of chestnut tea.

The first is the first, what do you have to worry about?

Look at the tossing night...

Li Qingfeng walked over to comfort Li Wan.

Cha Cha tutted, "Trash is trash."

Li Qingfeng was instantly angry, "Li Cha, pay attention to your words and deeds! Even if you didn't cheat, can you say that about your sister? Do you still have my father in your eyes? What do you think of me!"

Cha Cha's eyes are indifferent, like winter cold snow, "? I don't know if she is my sister, but I really don't have your father in my eyes. You don't fulfill your father's responsibilities, and you still think that I respect you? What are you dreaming about? Don't even look at what **** you've done!"

Li Qingfeng was shocked, "..." Did she know Li Wan's identity?

Li Wan's face was originally not good-looking, but this time it turned pale.

Cha Cha looked domineering and sideways, "Is there anything else? I'll go back if I'm fine."

Otherwise I can kill you all!

Teacher Gu nodded dumbly, "Let's go back..." The combat effectiveness of the little classmates is beyond the table!

I accidentally heard about the Li family.

Really... a headache.

He really wanted to pretend he didn't know what to do.

However, at this moment, no one can run away.

Mr. Chen still wanted to talk, looked at Li Wan's face, didn't say more, and restrained his emotions.

Is what    chestnut tea says true?

She didn't cheat?

The last one before    was hiding his strength?

This riding on a horse is too fantastical.

Mr. Chen's eyes changed, and finally he could only whisper, "Mr. Li, why don't you take Wan Wan back to rest first." By the way, calm down, this blow... a bit big.

Li Qingfeng is in a bad mood right now.

responded and took Li Wan out.

This farce is part of the end...

The grade director sighed with a headache.

I didn’t expect this to be quite complicated.

"Mr. Gu, you remember to appease classmate Li Cha."

Teacher Gu, "...Okay." I'm afraid he doesn't need to comfort him.

The little girl is so ruthless!

He looked at it just now, and went back with Chu Han.

Tsk, if you don't make a move, it's fine, as soon as you make a move, you directly hit the dead end.

The little girl looks soft, but in fact she is not easy to mess with at all, no wonder Chu Han is so honest and obedient by her side...

(end of this chapter)