Chapter 1803: Learning scum is not scum (17)

Chapter 1803 Learning scum is not scum (17)

Study scum is not scum 17

Teacher Gu only felt that the little girl was hiding.

Actually, because of Li Qingfeng's words, he has hidden his strength for so long?

Alas, fortunately a few months before the college entrance examination, I finally figured it out, otherwise wouldn’t my future be ruined?

It is also interesting to say that Li Qingfeng.

For the sake of the eldest daughter, you start to care about the future of the younger daughter?

The eldest daughter Li Wan is so good, but let the younger daughter be naughty?

I really don't understand what Li Qingfeng was thinking.

Even if it is eccentric, this is too much.

Teacher Gu shook his head and did not agree with Li Qingfeng's approach. This behavior was a failure, and he was ashamed of Li Cha.

Even if Li Wan is in poor health, she can't reprimand her little daughter like this? So many years of sacrificing chestnut tea for Li Wan? Pearl dusted! It's heart-wrenching!

Eighteen classes.

Chu Han smiled and looked at Cha Cha, and couldn't help but praise, "The primary school scum is amazing."

Li Wanqi ran away easily.

"When did you come here?" Cha Cha tilted his head and asked him, "Do you think I'm too fierce?"

She was full of aura just now.

If Chu Han was frightened by her, it would be bad.

Cha Cha sighed.

Everyone said that Chu Han should stay in the classroom, but then sneaked out again, which is really a headache.

"Not fierce, my elementary school scumbags are nice and soft." Chu Han touched her little head, his elementary school scumbags are super cute!

Zhou Er, "..."

He couldn't help falling into silence, obedient and soft?

When you say this, won't your conscience hurt?

First, one person defeated a dozen people.

Then he took the first test again, making Li Wan almost collapse.

The whole person is beautiful and sassy! Absolutely!

and many more.

The first test?

Oh yes, Brother Cha got the first place in the exam!

Brother Cha is really not a scumbag! It's a scholar!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Didn't he lose his bet?

Breakfast for a month?


Breakfast for a month! his money!

Zhou Er wanted to cry but had no tears. It was all his fault. He shouldn't bet, let alone listen to the boss. Change a week to a month.

No wonder Brother Cha has kind eyes.

The truth turned out to be like this!

Brother Cha has changed from the last one to the first positive number, so he is the last one.

Zhou Er silently looked at his pocket money, "..." He is really poor.

When Teacher Gu appeared in Class 18, he first encouraged the students, then put the grade sheet on the wall and left.

Everyone, "???"

What the hell? This time chestnut tea is the first?

What did they see?

Chestnut tea is the first!

Could it be that the school got the name wrong?

A bunch of people were shocked.

At the same time, there are also new posts on the school's forum.

Cha Cha was in the corridor when he was arguing with Li Qingfeng. The two classes in the front and the back could hear it clearly.

No, I posted this incident on the forum as soon as I had time.

At first, many people didn’t believe it.

Then someone took a photo of the score sheet and put it on it.

Of course, there are still many people who question it.

I think it is impossible for Licha to hide its strength for so many years, but the full marks are clearly printed on it, unless Licha buys the teacher who revised the volume... or gets the answer in advance...

All speculation finally stopped after Chu Han appeared.

[Chu Han: It is recommended that those who suspect cheating go to the grade director, I believe he will explain it to you. 】

In an instant, the discussion on the forum stopped abruptly, for fear of offending Chuhan.

Everyone was curious but didn’t know what to say, and they all discussed in private.

Until someone mentioned Li Wan, and then pulled Li Wan out and discussed it again.

Although this melon is delicious, many people have doubts about chestnut tea. She said that hiding strength is hiding strength? What if it was an excuse for cheating?

The    discussion continued.

Chacha is not interested in these.

Always calm and unaffected.

After all, what did those people's arguments have to do with her? What are they? And can't let her lose a piece of meat.

If you doubt it, you will doubt it. Anyway, there is still the next exam and the college entrance examination!

She will be number one!


The chestnut family.

Li Qingfeng's face was ashen.

I wanted to find Fengli to settle accounts and ask about the situation, but found that Fengli was not there.

Li Wan cried and cried alone.

She doesn't know how to face the people around her after today.

Her excellence, her first place, were all given by Chestnut Tea? How can she accept this?

Since the chestnut tea has not been ranked first in the exam for so many years, and has not shown its real strength, why does it have to show its strength now? crush her? It also made her so embarrassed that she couldn't get off the stage...

also kept saying that she was a waste...

Li Wan's eyes were almost swollen from crying.

Li Qingfeng was very distressed.

"Wanwan, don't cry, okay? When Licha comes back, I'll teach her a lesson!"

Chestnut Tea is really annoying this time.

Li Wan's tears seemed unstoppable.

has been crying for a long time.

Until later, Li Wan suddenly stopped crying.

She looked at Li Qingfeng suddenly, "I'm not about Chacha's sister, does Chacha know?"

It has been the last for so many years, and it is impossible to suddenly attack! Something must have happened that she didn't know.

Combined with Li Cha's recent attitude, she doesn't trust her as much as before... Could it be that Li Cha knows the truth?

Besides, she couldn't think of any reason why Chestnut Tea suddenly debunked the truth.

Li Qingfeng was silent for a moment, "...I shouldn't know! Even you only knew about it recently. How could she know such a thing?"

Li Wan was the daughter of his first love. He didn't tell anyone about this, only he and his first love knew.

"What about...the mother? I mean Chacha's biological mother, will she know?" Li Wan asked again.

"Fengli? It's unlikely." Li Qingfeng's face changed, "Fengli has raised you for more than ten years, and she never mentioned it, she can't know."

If Fengli knew the truth, he would have fallen out with him long ago!

"Not necessarily..." Li Wan asked, "Have you ever thought about why she doesn't favor me, but more favors the daughter of Licha?

Although it is normal for parents to be biased, but... think about it carefully, there are many doubts, what do you think? "

"..." Li Qingfeng suddenly felt extremely frightened when he thought about it.

"If so, why didn't she fall out with me!"

"Maybe because of chestnut tea? Don't want to destroy this home?" Li Wan suddenly felt as if she had gotten the truth.

Maybe it's because Feng Li knew that once the truth was revealed, the Li family would fall apart, so Feng Li kept holding back and didn't say anything?

This can explain why Fengli's attitude towards her and Licha's attitude are completely different.

Li Qingfeng was horrified.

If this is the case... then he and Feng Li may have formed a grudge long ago, and the company shares in Feng Li's hands will probably not be given to him again.

Li Qingfeng, "..."

He was lost in thought.

What should I do next?

Li Wan suggested, "Let's try it out first, if she doesn't know, it's okay, if she really knows, then there's no way..."

Li Qingfeng nodded, "It can only be like this now."

If they knew that Li Wan was the daughter of his first love, then they could only tear their faces...

(end of this chapter)