Chapter 1822: Learning scum is not scum (36)

Chapter 1822 Learning scum is not scum (36)

Learning scum is not scum 36

Zhou Er's kick was a little harder.

Li Wan could only watch Zhou Er leave.

She gritted her teeth in anger, and even the lower lip was bitten with blood.

As soon as Zhou Er went out, he saw that the door of the next room was opened. Zhou Er reacted very quickly and hurried in.

As soon as he saw Cha Cha and Chu Han, he cried impatiently about the grievances he had just suffered.

"I almost lost my life!"

Zhou Er was terribly wronged.

"She is too cruel."

Later, when he sees Li Wan, there will be a shadow.

Zhou Er took out his voice recorder while talking.

"Even if Li Wan framed me shamelessly, I could still clean myself up. Fortunately, I was well prepared." Zhou Er breathed a sigh of relief.

If it wasn't for his tea brother reminding him, I'm afraid it would be over.

Cha Cha comforted a few words.

Zhou Er asked, "When are we leaving?"

Cha Cha shook his head and answered mysteriously, "Don't go, watch the play."

Zhou Er, "???" Is there still drama? What play are you watching?

Zhou Er didn't react, and saw Cha Cha pointed at the computer on the coffee table.

Zhou Er walked over suspiciously, and then saw the surveillance camera in the restaurant downstairs.

" do you have it?" This is the real-time monitoring of the restaurant downstairs, how did they get it? This restaurant is not new!

Cha Cha smiled lightly, "I just understood a little bit of technology, so I just clicked it and took a look."

Zhou Er, "...!" Does this mean you understand a little bit?

"Brother Cha, are you still a hacker?" Zhou Er was excited.

Cha Cha interrupted him without blinking, "No, I just learned computer for a few days, it's all trivial, there's a good show in it!"

Chacha said while typing on the computer a few times.

Soon, Zhou Er saw the enlarged video.

Among them, two figures appeared on it, a man and a woman sitting and eating together, looking very close.

Zhou Er didn't react at first.

Until Chu Han reminded, "Zheng Liandi, Li Wan's mother."

Zhou Er, "What the hell?" Is it so exciting?

Didn't you say that this woman was Li Qingfeng's first love?

The love between the two is stronger than that of Jin Jian, why is Zheng Liandi with another man at this moment?

Li Qingfeng is green?

Zhou Er looked at the computer as if he were watching a play.

Hey, eat melon, eat melon!

Chacha is suitable for melon seed cola and popcorn.

The three of them gathered around and happily ate melons.

Originally, Chacha didn't notice Zheng Liandi, until Qiqi suddenly reminded her to turn on the computer and check the monitoring of the restaurant.

This is very interesting.


Cha Cha called up the monitoring of the corridor of the hotel on this floor again.

Zhou Er silently gave a thumbs up.

"Brother Tea is mighty!"

However, Zhou Er was a little surprised. Could it be that Zheng Liandi would run directly to the man to open a room? Then indescribable?


Zhou Er's face was a little unnatural.

Oh, Li Wan hasn't left yet.

In case of a collision, it would be more interesting.

was thinking about it, when he saw that in the surveillance camera, a man put his arms around Zheng Liandi and kissed her.

Then the two of them went to the front desk and went all the way to the hotel upstairs.

I just didn’t expect that these two were too impatient.

A warm hug and kiss directly in the corridor.

Zhou Er was a little embarrassed when he saw it.

The three of them watched this monitor together, and they always felt a little embarrassed.

at the same time.

Chu Han had already covered Cha Cha's eyes with a dark face.

Cha Cha, "...?"

"I didn't finish it?" she whispered.

"Don't look at it." Chu Han categorically refused.

If he knew that Zheng Liandi was so shameless, he would have covered her eyes long ago.

Chacha, "..." Okay, don't watch it if you don't see it, it's nothing to see anyway.

at this time.

Zhou Er saw Li Wan's room with sharp eyes, and the door lock moved.


"Li Wan is coming out!"

Cha Cha, "!" She pulled Chu Han's hand away and stared at the play.

Really interesting!

At that time, Li Wan sorted out her clothes in a very bad mood, but she didn't think about the failure.

She only felt infinite grievance and humiliation welling up in her heart, and finally cried for a while before leaving slowly.

You can't let others see her, things have failed like this, if she is seen again, wouldn't she be embarrassed and thrown home?

Li Wan opened the door and was about to go out.

The footsteps were abrupt.

She stared blankly at the man and woman not far away.

"..." The woman is very familiar, it is Zheng Liandi, while the man is very unfamiliar.

is someone she has never met.

There was a bang in Li Wan's mind, as if something suddenly collapsed.

"Why is this happening? How is this happening?"

Li Wan stared at the man and woman.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and took a step back, closed the door and went back to the room...

The mother betrayed the father.

This fact repeated over and over in her mind.

Why is this so?


Li Wan sat paralyzed on the ground, carefully recalling various small details after Zheng Liandi appeared.

Those little details that were originally inconspicuous now seem to be all kinds of problems...

For example, when Li Qingfeng gave Zheng Liandi money, he said that Zheng Liandi would give her some money.

But Zheng Liandi didn't mention it to her.

Another example: Zheng Liandi didn't move back to Li's house.

Originally thought it was because she was afraid that others would gossip, but now it seems that it is more convenient for her to hook up with other men if she lives alone?

If she didn't meet by chance, I'm afraid she would still be kept in the dark...

Li Wan's thoughts flew around.

She took out her mobile phone and called Zheng Liandi.

Unfortunately, it was quickly hung up...

Look, I don’t even want to be perfunctory.

At that time.

Zhou Er, who was watching the play, had seen the two enter the room intimately, and then closed the door... As for what happened inside, you don't need to think about it.

Zhou Er only felt a little emotional.

Actually... so good at playing?

I don't know how Li Qingfeng will react when he finds out the truth.

Tsk, this melon is delicious.

is... why is he the only one left after eating and eating?

He looked around cautiously.


Boss brought Brother Cha into the room?

So here comes the question...

Should he get out of here?

So as not to delay their two-person world?

Zhou Er held the melon seeds in his hand, thought for a while, and left the room silently after a few seconds, "…"

A single dog like him should go home first.

Otherwise, sooner or later, he will be disliked.


Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Chu Han, not sure why he was suddenly angry?

"Didn't we watch a play and eat melon together?"

Chuhan's fierce threat, "Don't watch it! Watch you again!"

He pointed at her.

Cha Cha looked at his slender fingers, raised his hand and held it in his hand, and replied confidently, "You won't hit me!"

Chu Han, "..." You are really confident!

Knowing that I won't hit you, so you are so righteous?

Chu Han sighed helplessly.

"Even if I don't hit you, don't look at it! Look again, and I'll kiss you!"

The threat of early cold is not very lethal.

Chacha laughed suddenly.

took his hand, then leaned over to his side and gave him a kiss.

Chu Han, "..."

Lao Tzu is going to crash.

Elementary school scum is too embarrassing.

He glanced at the primary school scum, the little girl's star eyes were shining, almost as soon as they looked at each other, Chu Han couldn't hold it anymore.

(end of this chapter)