Chapter 1823: Learning scum is not scum 37

Chapter 1823 Learning scum is not scum 37

Learning scum is not scum 37

Chu Han suppressed the emotions in his eyes, "You, you..."

You have been for a long time, but you have no reason to.

"What's wrong with me?" Cha Cha tilted her head to look at him.

looks innocent and dazed, Chu Han only feels that his little heart is pounding and accelerating frantically.

After a long while, Chu Han returned to her, "You're fine..." Very good!

Chu Han took a deep breath, and after a while, he said, "Let's go back."

"Okay." Cha Cha responded and suddenly paused, "No, I can't go back."

"What?" Chu Han looked puzzled.

Is it possible that the elementary school scum is thinking about something that should not be thought?

Chuhan's face was unnatural, but he could actually take the initiative a little bit.

Cha Cha smiled wickedly, "I'll send Zheng Liandi's video to Li Qingfeng now and wait for him to catch the rape."

Early cold, "..." is also fine.

As soon as the two walked out of the master bedroom, they found that Zhou Er was no longer on the sofa.

Chacha, "! Could he be taken back by Li Wan again?"

Chu Han grinded his teeth.

"Don't worry about Zhou Er." If he didn't know why Zhou Er ran, he would be a ghost.

I don't know what Zhou Er is thinking about all day long. Is he such a beast?

Zhou Er, "?" Are you not a beast?

Chacha quickly cut a clip of the surveillance video, and then anonymously sent it to Li Qingfeng, and sent the hotel address and room number along with it.

Chacha"!!!" Hey, I'm trying my best to think of Li Qingfeng today, I'm such a good daughter!

I believe that when Li Qingfeng sees it, it will definitely be very exciting.

As for Zheng Liandi and that man.

looks familiar.

I'm going to spend a night in the room, which is interesting.

Cha Cha took out a few packets of snacks in a happy mood.

By the way, he sighed, "It's such a pity that Zhou Er can't watch the play, the good show is still to come!"

early cold, "..."

When I see Zhou Er again, he will definitely pull over and beat him.

What mess are you thinking about in your head?


Half an hour later.

Li Qingfeng came in a hurry.

In the surveillance of the corridor, Li Qingfeng's face was ashen, and he rushed in regardless of the staff's obstruction.

He went straight to Zheng Liandi's room 206.

The staff chased him here.

Li Qingfeng suddenly calmed down, he looked at the staff, "Open the door!"

The staff is very embarrassed, "Sir, if you do this again, I will call the security guard."

Li Qingfeng, "If you don't open the door, I'll call the police!"

The staff almost laughed angrily, "Sir, don't make trouble unreasonably, even if you call the police, I'm not afraid, our hotel..."

Li Qingfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he took out his mobile phone and asked him coldly, "How much do you need to open the door? Is ten thousand enough?"

Staff, "Sir, you have to understand that I am a hotel worker. My monthly salary is 10,000 yuan. I am responsible for my work..."

Li Qingfeng, "Fifty thousand, open the door."

The staff took out his mobile phone, "Deal, sir, please pay."

As soon as the voice fell, the money arrived.

The staff hurriedly opened the door.

Chacha, "..." is really a stupid person and a lot of money.

deserves to be played around by Zheng Liandi.

Li Qingfeng walked in and saw the scene in front of him, and his eyes went black.

He rushed to the head of the bed in disbelief, lifted the quilt, and saw a pair of dogs and men.

Dog men and women are sleeping soundly.

was suddenly awakened, and when the man saw someone breaking in, he immediately scolded, "Who are you! How did you get in?"

The man hurriedly pulled back the quilt to cover himself and Zheng Liandi.

Li Qingfeng stared at Zheng Liandi, "Bitch! Tell me, who is he!"

Zheng Liandi looked dazed. After seeing who the person in front of her was, she was immediately stunned.


Zheng Liandi's face was pale, "Why are you here?" She hurriedly grabbed her clothes.

Li Qingfeng raised his hand and slapped it!

"You bitch! I'm so kind to you, yet you're with this bitch? I've waited for you for so many years, how could you treat me like this?"

His eyes were scarlet.

After the man next to    got dressed, he immediately became angry when he saw Zheng Liandi being beaten.

He stood up and went to fight Li Qingfeng.

"You're sick on horseback! I'm sleeping with my wife, what are you?"

Li Qingfeng's eyes flashed in disbelief, "???"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Lian Di doesn't have a husband. She got divorced a few years ago. Don't talk nonsense on horseback! Lian Di will marry me soon!" Li Qingfeng was furious and turned to catch Zheng Lian. Tee, "you talk, you tell him, am I going to marry you?"

Zheng Liandi pushed Li Qingfeng, "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know you at all, who are you? Crazy! Husband save me!"

Li Qingfeng's mentality collapsed instantly, "...?"

The man took this opportunity to grab Zheng Liandi back and hugged her tightly, "Don't be afraid, I've already called the police!"

Then the man said to Li Qingfeng, "Lian Di and I are legal husband and wife, you'd better get away."

Li Qingfeng, "???"

A few people made a lot of noise, and there were several rooms around to open the door to watch the play.

Among them, Li Wan is also there.

She stared blankly at the scene in the room.

is like being punched in the head.

it turns out……

Is there any other family?

She and Li Qingfeng are the ones who are shameless in front of Zheng Liandi?

Since you have a family, why come back?

Why do you want to marry Li Qingfeng?

Li Wan's eyes darkened.

is shaky.

When she regained her senses, her eyes were full of madness.

Li Wan stumbled in and cried when she saw Zheng Liandi, "Why did you lie to us? Since you have another family, why do you lie? You promised to be my stepmother? It was for our family. money?

Do you know how much my dad likes you? How can you do such a thing? "

Zheng Liandi was stunned on the spot.

She didn't expect that Li Wan would also appear here.

Li Qingfeng's expression was also dull.

"Wan Wan..." While he was distressed, he admired his daughter's wit.

Put him in the position of the victim almost instantly.

instead of a male junior who destroys the relationship between husband and wife.

Li Qingfeng followed Li Wan's words, "Yeah, my daughter likes you so much, I really want you to be her stepmother, you took me hundreds of thousands a few days ago... How can you turn your face and don't recognize anyone? ?"

At the same time, Li Qingfeng looked at the man again, "Are you really her husband? Then I'll tell you, you were greened by her. She cheated my feelings and my money!"


The wife in her arms suddenly became... hot?

The man stared at Zheng Liandi in astonishment.

"Didn't you say that you only come here for work? How much have you lied to me???"

Heartache crossed his eyes.

I don't want to believe that my daughter-in-law would be such a person.

Li Qingfeng sneered, he was supposed to catch a traitor, but he didn't expect that he should be the one who was caught...

The crowd eating melons around:  …

This reversal is quite fast?

This woman is amazing!

How can you play so well? Looking for a lover without the knowledge of her husband, and the lover is also cheated of money and feelings... Tsk, it's really interesting to ride a horse.

(end of this chapter)