Chapter 1826: Learning scum is not scum (40)

Chapter 1826 Learning scum is not scum (40)

Study scum is not scum 40

Then, Cha Cha climbed to the top of the wall neatly, and she waved at Chu Han on the top of the wall, "Come on!"

The little girl smiled and looked so sunny and cute.

That smile went straight to the bottom of Chu Han's heart.

It's just over the wall, it's not hard to beat him.

Chuhan jumped up and followed him to the top of the wall.

The two were about to jump off.

heard Zhou Er's voice.

Zhou Er, "Why are you here? Why don't you go through the gate?" Do you think it is more exciting to climb over the wall?

Exciting... Well, he wants to try it too!

Zhou Er grinned and was about to climb to the top of the wall.

Cha Cha and Chu Han looked at each other and jumped off the wall neatly at the same time.

Ten seconds later, Zhou Er said, "Boss, I, I, I, I seem to be afraid of heights?"

Early cold, "..." Shabi!

Don't you know if you are afraid of heights?

Dare to climb over the wall?

At this height, how dare you say it?

In the early days of the cold, I raised my feet and had to leave.

no way.

Chuhan finally took the person down with a dark face.

Zhou Er, "..." is very angry!

Today is also a day for pulling back...

Zhou Er regained his senses and asked again, "Boss, why didn't you go through the main entrance today?"

Chu Han, "Li Qingfeng blocked people at the main entrance."

Zhou Er reacted for a few seconds, "...What the hell? He's too shameless! Shouldn't he want Brother Cha to say good things for him and save his reputation?"

Cha Cha nodded, "Hmm."

Because of this, she chose to jump over the wall.

Of course, you can also directly threaten Li Qingfeng and let him go away.

But, she enjoys the process.

Because Li Qingfeng couldn't find her, he would be very anxious, very irritable, and in a very bad mood.

Well, if Li Qingfeng is not happy, she is very happy!

Cha Cha smiled and walked towards the teaching building.

Li Qingfeng didn't know that Chacha had already entered the school.

At this time, he was still blocking people at the gate of the school, waiting for Cha Cha to pass by him, then grabbed Cha Cha and begged her to say something nice...

Waiting, after class, he still didn't see Chacha from the bustling crowd at the school gate to a few people.

Li Qingfeng couldn't figure it out, did he accidentally miss it? Caused you to miss your daughter?

Li Qingfeng, "..."

He gritted his teeth and went to the cafe near the school to rest.

Since he is here to block people, he must be a little patient.

Therefore, Li Qingfeng is not too anxious, and waits to see after school at noon.


A whole day passed.

In the evening, Li Qingfeng was waiting at the school gate.

In the beginning, I was not in a hurry, but now I have no patience.

He called Li Wan directly.

"Go to Licha class to see if she is here, I blocked her for a day and didn't block anyone!"

Li Wan was shocked, but she also knew what Li Qingfeng meant.

is to find chestnut tea to restore his reputation.

So Li Wan directly made a video call to Li Qingfeng.

"I'll go to her classroom now."

Li Qingfeng felt a little more relieved when he saw the scene in the school.

Li Wan walked quickly and arrived at Chacha's classroom within two minutes, but there was no Chacha in the classroom.

Li Wan swept around.

Not only did she not see Chestnut Tea, but Chu Han and Zhou Er also didn't see her.

Li Wan grabbed someone casually, "Hello classmate, what about your classmate Li Cha?"

"Chestnut tea? I left early after school."

Li Wan, "What about Chuhan and Zhou Er?"

"The three of them have a good relationship and should have gone together."

Li thanked him late.

looked down at the phone.

Li Qingfeng heard her conversation, and was obviously anxious, "What are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and find someone? The three of them together, the goal is obvious."

After he said that, he began to hurriedly search for the presence of Licha among the students.

at the same time.

Cha Cha took the two of them to the old place again.

"Let's continue to climb over the wall!"

Early cold, "Yes."

Zhou Er, "My legs are weak."

Chuhan glanced at him with disgust, "I'll show you."

Zhou Er immediately thanked him again and again, ah! He was so moved!

His boss is so nice!

The three of them left the school and got into the car parked outside. Li Qingfeng once again threw himself into the air.

Li Qingfeng was standing at the school gate decadently.

Li Wan's face was also not very good-looking, "Could it be that Chacha deliberately didn't want us to find it? So he avoided us?"

Li Qingfeng suddenly realized, "Yes, there is a possibility!"

Li Qingfeng's eyes flashed with coldness, and he suddenly felt that Li Wan's guess should be correct.

Otherwise, he couldn't have been empty for a whole day, plus, he didn't wait for chestnut tea last night, so this guess is completely possible.

At this moment, he felt a little more hatred for Fengli and chestnut tea.

After so many years of love, he just watched him fall into the cold, and even didn't want to help him.

Since this is the case, it is no wonder that he is cruel.

Li Wan calmly watched Li Qingfeng's expression change, she knew what Li Qingfeng was thinking now, she could barely guess some.

Honestly, she does have a lot of hatred for Zheng Liandi.

But in this case, she didn't want to see Li Cha and Feng Li return to Li's house, because that would mean she lost.

When those two people come back, they will see her most embarrassed side. The matter of Zheng Liandi makes her faceless.

So from the bottom of her heart, she is unwilling to see Li Cha and Fengli again.

If you live well, that's all, but it's like a joke, everyone is watching their jokes.

The chestnut tea was not blocked, so Li Qingfeng and Li Wan had to go back to Li’s house.

Li Qingfeng's current attitude towards Li Wan has long since lost the liking from before, neither cold nor hot.

This made Li Wan feel a big deviation, but she knew that all this was because of Zheng Liandi, and she hated Zheng Liandi in her heart, so she couldn't make Li Qingfeng treat her better.

Everything started because of Zheng Liandi.

And Zheng Liandi is her mother...

Li Wan was full of hatred, but she was helpless.


The next day.

Li Qingfeng did not stop at the school gate anymore.

He chose to go directly to the school during class time, and on the grounds that he was Li Cha's father, he found Cha Cha's head teacher, Teacher Gu.

In the    office, Teacher Gu glanced at Li Qingfeng.

He still has a deep impression of Li Qingfeng. After all, he still remembers what happened last time in the office, plus the hot search on Li Qingfeng.

He didn't have any affection for Li Qingfeng at all.

Li Qingfeng not only prefers his eldest daughter Li Wan and doesn't like chestnut tea, but also cheats during marriage.

Although he can't say anything on the surface, from the bottom of his heart, he despises such a person very much.

Originally, he wanted to refuse Li Qingfeng to appear at the school, but after all, Li Qingfeng was Li Cha's father, so he couldn't stop Li Qingfeng from seeing Li Cha.

He looked sarcastic, "Li Cha is still in class. After class, I will call her to see you."

Li Qingfeng, "No, I'm going to see her now! Isn't she number one? What if I skip a class? Go and call her!"

When the words fall, you may realize that your attitude is wrong.

He added, "I'm really in a hurry to find her."

(end of this chapter)