Chapter 1827: Learning scum is not scum (41)

Chapter 1827 Learning scum is not scum (41)

Learning scum is not scum 41

Teacher Gu glanced at Li Qingfeng and felt that his state was not right.

When I went to call Chacha, I sent a message to the school security guard by the way, and asked a few people from the school security team to come. If they found something wrong, they would immediately kick Li Qingfeng out.

When   Chacha was called to the office, he was a little surprised. After seeing Li Qingfeng, his face immediately became cold and disgusting.

Before Li Qingfeng could speak, Cha Cha said sarcastically, "Mr. Li really did everything he could to see me, and he has already chased after him to the school? Then, what's the matter with Mr. Li?"

Li Qingfeng looked at Chacha suspiciously.

Why does he feel that something is not right with his daughter? What's with this attitude? He was very kind when he saw him before?

And there is always some anticipation in his eyes. Now not only has nothing, but even his attitude has become indifferent.

Even, he saw disgust in her eyes.

Li Qingfeng was shocked, and he said kindly.

"Chacha, I'm looking for you because I care about you. By the way, there is something I want you to help with, but it's not really a help. You only need to say a few words, and it will take a few minutes of your time, and that's fine."

Cha Cha snorted and looked at Li Qingfeng with a half-smile.

"What? Do you want me to say good things to you and restore your reputation? Mr. Li, did you make a mistake? My mother has nothing to do with you!

I was taken away by my mother, and I have nothing to do with your Li family.

In the beginning, you personally kicked me and my mother out of Li's house, don't you think it's a little ridiculous to tell me this now?

Of course, Mr. Li, don't talk to me about your feelings, you don't have any feelings between me and you.

We argued in this corridor before, and from that moment on, our relationship completely vanished. "

Li Qingfeng opened his mouth, he was stunned for a while, a little overwhelmed, because everything he wanted to say was blocked by Chacha.

He hesitated, "But...but you are my daughter and I am your father.

Isn’t it just right for a daughter to clarify for her father? Or, do you want to be scolded for being unfilial if you don’t recognize your six relatives? "

Cha Cha stood there happily.

She found that Li Qingfeng's thoughts were quite simple sometimes.

"If Mr. Li thinks that I will be afraid of other people's gossip, then Mr. Li can go and publicize my unfilial piety.

At that time, I don't mind publicizing the things that Mr. Li has done, such as my sister, the identity of your daughter Li Wan, and the grievances between you and that Zheng Liandi.

I can say it clearly, and let outsiders judge it, but I don't know if Mr. Li will be able to accept this shock.

After all, I don't have any company.

But Mr. Li, the company is already crumbling, and I don’t know if it can withstand this toss again, what do you think? "

Li Qingfeng's face is earth-colored.

He looked at Li Cha stupidly, "Are you still the cute and cute daughter I used to be?"

Chacha laughed instantly when he heard this, "Cute and cute? Mr. Li, do you have any misunderstanding of me?

But it doesn't matter, Mr. Li didn't care too late anyway, Mr. Li only had a daughter like Li Wan in his eyes.

Therefore, I hope Mr. Li can think about it carefully. From now on, I hope Mr. Li will never appear in front of my mother again!

Don't bother her anymore, if you bother her again, Mr. Li, you know, I'm not the same chestnut tea I used to be, and I won't foolishly expect my father to love me and pamper me.

When I'm cruel, I don't know what I'll do, such as if the fish die and the net breaks?

Of course, I don't think we will go down the road of perishing together, but the one who suffers the most must be you, not me! "

Li Qingfeng wanted to say something, but when he touched the coldness in Cha Cha's eyes, he was suddenly speechless, unable to say a word.

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha turned and left.

Li Qingfeng stood there for a long time, and then left the office.

Teacher Gu was amazed as he watched from the side, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the little classmates were so powerful!

One person took out Li Qingfeng. It seems that the security team he called was useless.


Chacha after returning to the classroom.

Chuhan asked about the situation.

Cha Cha gestured to him with a smile, "I'll go out, of course there's no problem, I'm just a Li Qingfeng. I guess he won't bother me again in the future."

Chu Han was stunned at first, but then he understood.

Li Qingfeng actually came to the school to look for her? It's really shameless, oh, that's not right, Li Qingfeng's face may have been lost long ago.

After school at noon, Li Qingfeng was not blocked at the school gate.

It was Li Wan, who ran over aggressively.

She stared at Cha Cha, "Li Cha, are you so cruel? You have to watch the Li family go to defeat, are you happy?"

Cha Cha smiled, "Does the Li family have anything to do with me? Don't you think your question is funny? You should ask Zheng Liandi about this question. If it wasn't for her, would the Li family come to this day?"

Li Wan was so angry that she trembled at the question on the spot, Zheng Liandi Zheng Liandi is Zheng Liandi again!

If it wasn't for Zheng Liandi, why would she need to run over to find Licha to settle accounts?

Li Wan was emotionally unstable and a little excited.

Cha Cha glanced at her, then pulled Chu Han and turned to leave.

As soon as Zhou Er saw the two of them leave, he immediately followed him. He still has a big shadow on Li Wan, and he doesn't want to be stared at by Li Wan anymore.

In case Li Wan's brain twitched and she stared at him again, wouldn't he have to die again?

The shadow of    is still there before, and he is afraid that he will not fall in love for several years.



resolved the matter of Li Qingfeng. When Chacha returned home, she told Feng Li, and Feng Li was a little relieved. She did not expect that her daughter had grown up so fast.

The mother and daughter talked for a while, and Feng Li suddenly asked, "Do you like Chuhan Chacha?"

Cha Cha was a little stunned, and said with a guilty conscience, "It's okay, why do you ask this question?"

Could it be that her relationship with Chu Han is too close, and Feng Li sees something wrong?

Fengli smiled, "You don't have to be nervous, I'm not the kind of mother who would break up her daughter's happiness.

Chuhan, I have also been in contact with him for a while. It's very good. Your vision is good, at least much better than your mother's vision. "

Every time, Chuhan's eyes are full of tea.

This is probably what love looks like at first.

It is a pity that she has no chance in this life, so I hope her daughter can be very happy and happy.

Cha Cha immediately grabbed Feng Li, "My mother is young and beautiful, even if I find a good man to marry now, it's not too late, I don't mind if you find me a stepfather!"

Fengli couldn't help laughing and crying, "How do you talk as a child?"

Chacha, "I'm telling the truth, or I'll ask my first aunt someday to see if she knows a good man, and let her introduce it to you."

Fengli was a little helpless, "How can a daughter find a stepfather for her mother?"

Chacha, "Why not? Am I looking for you?"

The mother and daughter smiled happily and warmly.

(end of this chapter)