Chapter 1833: Prime Minister wait (1)

Chapter 1833 Prime Minister wait (1)

Prime Minister and be slow 1

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

Fortune Gold Level 9, the distance rises to Gold Level 10, and the progress is 70%.

Lucky Supreme Card drops a card immediately. 】

The pale gold card fell on Cha Cha's palm.

The hint on the    card this time is: Rescue.

chacha, “…”


Tianshu Kingdom.

Cha Cha reclined calmly on the soft couch.

Beside the soft couch, four maidservants waited on the body, and the two maidservants pinched their shoulders and beat their legs respectively.

Another maid was holding a fan in her hand, blowing the wind.

There was also a maid who delivered the prepared cut fruit to the tea mouth.

Chacha, "..." comfortable!

Little days are beautiful.

She wore it an hour ago, and then quickly accepted the story about this plane and accepted her identity calmly.

Prime Minister of Tianshu Kingdom.

One person is below ten thousand people.

Even the queen had to give her three points.

This identity, properly walks sideways in Tianshu Kingdom.

The original owner, Tiancha, is a person from Tianxuan Pavilion.

Tianxuan Pavilion has made great contributions to the development of Tianshu Kingdom.

Regularly send talents to Tianshu Kingdom and become the mainstay of Tianshu Kingdom.

Tiancha was the best talent in this session of Tianxuan Pavilion, and then she was selected to be sent to Tianshu Kingdom, where she disguised herself as a man as the prime minister.

Only successive emperors of the Tianshu Kingdom are qualified to know the secrets of the Prime Minister of the Tianshu Kingdom. Since the establishment of the Tianshu Kingdom, the position of the Prime Minister belongs to the Tianxuan Pavilion.

On the one hand, it can be said that Tianxuan Pavilion transports talents to Tianshu Kingdom, but at the same time, it can also be said that Tianxuan Pavilion holds great power of Tianshu Kingdom.

The two parties are considered to be checks and balances against each other.

This is also the supreme power given by the first emperor of Tianshu Kingdom.

The emperor was afraid that his descendants would not work hard and would not be able to keep the country, and he was also afraid that the people of Tianxuan Pavilion would grab the throne, so there was such a rule.

The prime minister must be a person from Tianxuan Pavilion. At the same time, the person who enters the Tianshu Kingdom and becomes the prime minister must be a woman, and she must disguise herself as a man, and cannot enter the harem.

And each prime minister can only serve for ten years, and when the ten-year period expires, the next prime minister must be replaced.

This rule makes Tianshu Kingdom still develop in a good direction after the death of the first emperor.

And the small country that existed in the same year as Tianshu Kingdom either became a subsidiary country of Tianshu Kingdom, or disappeared and perished, which also proved that the emperor's vision was extremely long-term.

The original owner is the prime minister of Tianshu Kingdom.

In addition to eating, drinking and enjoying, you only need to care about the development of Tianshu Kingdom.

The rest has nothing to do with her.

Originally, she could successfully complete her mission.


After the current emperor of Tianshu Kingdom passed away, after the new emperor ascended the throne, the new emperor, as the emperor, also knew her identity.

The new emperor, Fu Changming, was originally the second prince. He became emperor after winning the heirloom and defeating the prince. He was very ambitious. After knowing this secret, his first reaction was to annex Tianxuan Pavilion. Why should Tianshu Kingdom be controlled by Tianxuan Pavilion? ?

Tianshu Kingdom does not need Tianxuan Pavilion to send someone to be the prime minister!

Fu Changming was very smart. He didn't immediately act on the original owner, and slowly gained the trust of the original owner. When he arrived in ten years, when he was about to replace the next prime minister, he exposed the identity of the original owner and accused the original owner of disguising as a man, with ulterior motives.

This act caught everyone off guard.

Fu Changming violated the last wishes of his ancestors, which made Tianxuan Pavilion and Tianshu Kingdom turn against each other.

And the original owner was also locked up by Fu Changming, tortured in various ways, and eventually died.

Therefore, the task that the original owner left her was to prevent the second prince from being the emperor and prevent everything from happening.

Chacha smash it, ah, this task is too easy for her.

This timeline she came through.

Fu Changming's own father has not died yet, the crown prince is still there, and the second prince is still only a second prince.

Everything is still in time.

at this time.

A maid told me, "My lord, the second prince asks to see you."

Chacha refused without raising his eyes, "No."

A second prince also wants to see her? Does it match? Not worthy!

Outside the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The second prince was slightly shocked, "?"

The prime minister actually didn't want to see him?

He is the second prince, the second prince with a promising future, not the fourth-ranked waste, she actually refused to see him?

After all, he is also a prince. This prime minister is too young and too arrogant and confident.

I don't know what the father and emperor liked about this prime minister?

Not only give power, but also make offerings everywhere?

The second prince frowned in dissatisfaction, and did not leave in a hurry, but found a place to squat near the Prime Minister's Mansion.

He wanted to see if the Prime Minister would meet other people.

He came to the prime minister's residence one step ahead of the prince.

Maybe after a while, the prince will also come to ask to see the prime minister.

After all, this prime minister does not belong to any prince's power at present. The prime minister does not stand in line, neither does he stand in line with the prince, nor does he have a foot in the prince.

So, anything is possible.

This Lord Prime Minister will be the object of all parties to curry favor for some time in the future.

As soon as the second prince finished thinking about it, he saw a carriage parked in front of the prime minister's house, and the carriage was swaggering across the market, for fear that others would not know that the person inside was the prince.

The prince was born to the queen, the eldest son, and was loved by the father and emperor, so he was established as the prince.

But now.

Prince is clearly a piece of trash.

couldn't support the crown prince position, plus, the queen died two years ago, and the father's love for the crown prince also decreased a lot.

So, these princes also had various thoughts.

The prince got out of the carriage.

waved his hand, "Hurry up and report to the Prime Minister, saying that this prince brought him two stunning beauties."

The guard of the prime minister's residence, "Prince please wait a moment, the servants will pass the news."

The smile on the prince's face instantly solidified.

directly kicked the past.

"Under the whole world, is there any place that Prince Ben can't go? He is a Prime Minister, but he is not a minister of Prince Ben? Prince Ben came to visit him because of his face, and now he wants to enter the Prime Minister's Mansion. The prince bowed his head?"

The guard took a kick and said slowly, "This is the rule of the Prime Minister's Mansion. If the Prince has an opinion, he can argue with the Prime Minister."

Prince, "...?"

Guard, "The Prime Minister said that no one except Your Majesty can enter the Prime Minister's mansion at will, and his consent must be obtained through communication."

The prince snorted coldly, "What if this prince is not?"

He doesn't believe it anymore, as a prime minister, can he still enter?

The voice of    just fell.

I saw the sound of neat footsteps coming from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and a pair of Royal Forest Army came out in an orderly manner, and the leader of the Royal Forest Army solemnly said, "His Royal Highness, this subordinate is protecting the Prime Minister by His Majesty's will. If you have to break in, your subordinates can only be rude.

It’s just that His Royal Highness’s precious body is precious, and it will be bad if you accidentally hurt your body. "

Prince, "..."

Good Prime Minister, he doesn't have so many imperial troops in the East Palace.

A prime minister's mansion is so arrogant?

Unfortunately, this arrogance was given by His Majesty.

The prince frowned, and finally left the Prime Minister's mansion cursing.

After watching the whole second prince, "..." Even the prince was turned away, and he suddenly felt a balance in his heart.

(end of this chapter)