Chapter 1834: Prime Minister wait (2)

Chapter 1834 Prime Minister wait (2)

Prime Minister and Slow Down 2

After the Prince    left, the Second Prince did not stop there.

also left.

On the way   , the two happened to meet.

The prince glanced at Fu Changming maliciously, "Where is the second child?"

The second prince didn't raise his eyes, "Like the royal brother, and then he was turned away."

The prince taunted relentlessly, "Oh, useless thing."

The second prince glanced at the prince in amazement.

"……?"You are sick?

says as if you were not turned away.

The shabby pen thing, you almost fought with the Imperial Forest Army? To laugh at him too?

The second prince smiled, "Why does the emperor have to laugh at a hundred paces?"

The prince reacted for a while, and after reacting, his face changed!

Good dick!

Dare to connote this prince!


The Prime Minister's House.

Chacha was lying on the soft couch, his voice was cold, "Stop the fruit first, let's change the cake."

She ate a belly of fruit, and now she doesn't want to eat fruit.

On the other side, the deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army respectfully said what had just happened.

Chacha hummed.

"Go back."

The deputy commander lowered his eyes and stepped back.

On the soft couch, the young man was cold and cold, dressed in a purple robe, extremely noble and outstanding in temperament, but that face was too young.

No wonder the prince does not take the prime minister so seriously.

However, the prince's brain is not enough.

As long as you use your brain and think about the current treatment of the Prime Minister, you will know that this person cannot offend.

His Majesty has been in charge of the country for many years, does he really allow a useless teenager to be prime minister?

also give supreme power?

Your Majesty is not a fool.

Stupid people are those who do not understand the situation.

Cha Cha fiercely enjoyed the treatment of a prime minister.

Well, this treatment can't be enjoyed by her alone, so Qiqi has to be released.


An hour later.

The Prime Minister's Mansion has an additional kitten.

is said to be the favorite pet of the Prime Minister.

needs to be treated well and pampered.

Qiqi, "!!!" Today is the peak day of Meow Sheng!

That afternoon.

News came from the palace, saying that the Prime Minister was going to be invited to the palace.

The **** has a kind attitude, and can't wait to kneel down and hug his thighs.


The palace is resplendent, with beautiful glazed tiles and pillars stacked with jade, showing luxury.

Tianshu Kingdom is indeed a rich stream of oil.

Imperial study.

As soon as   Chacha stepped in, he saw the threshold, which was paved with jade, and the jade was carved into the size of pebbles. If you look closely, you will find that there are some patterns on the jade.

Under the warm yellow sunlight, the jade exudes a beautiful color.

Cha Cha's eyes glowed with light.

In the future, she will also have one in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

It looks very stylish!

Cha Cha withdrew his gaze and stepped in with his auspicious cloud pattern boots.

took a few steps and she was shocked again.

Chacha, "..." I suspect that I am a person who has never seen the world.

The emperor is sitting at the desk.

And behind the emperor's dragon chair, the wall is covered with beautiful night pearls.

One night pearl after another, emitting a dazzling light.

There are so many night pearls, it is estimated that the emperor does not need to light candles at night...

was thinking.

A few more people entered the imperial study.

The prince, the second prince, and a few unknown princes walked in slowly and bowed to your majesty.

The emperor nodded with satisfaction, "I came to you here because I have something to announce. In the future, in addition to the master who will teach you, the Prime Minister will also teach you. This is your honor, and you must not cause trouble to the Prime Minister in the future. "

The prince was stunned for a moment, very dissatisfied, "Why is he?"

When you become the prime minister, you still need to teach him knowledge?

Then wouldn't he be trampled by this prime minister again?

Anger flashed on the emperor's face, "You can choose to face the wall and think, or learn knowledge."

Prince, "..."

He hesitated for a second, "What the father taught is that the sons and ministers know their mistakes." If you have thought about something in the face of the wall, let's forget it.

He didn't want to think about it.

It’s just learning knowledge, it’s not a big deal.

The emperor said again, "The time is set for tomorrow."

Tomorrow, I will teach the prince.

Chacha answered and did not refuse. Teaching is not a big deal. There have been precedents before, and the prime ministers who came out of Tianxuan Pavilion are all knowledgeable and absolutely talented!

Otherwise, how can you be the prime minister?

left the imperial study.

The prince looked at Chacha with disdain.

Prime Minister?

What is it?

The second prince tried to please, Cha Cha turned and left coldly, leaving him with a cold back.

Second prince, "..." You can really toss on a horse.

When Cha Cha left the palace, halfway through, he suddenly felt something, the feeling was like telepathy.

She didn't go any further, she turned around and changed direction.

The deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army behind    was stunned for a while.

"My lord, that's the direction of the Leng Palace." It's not the direction of leaving the palace. Your lord is wrong.

Cha Cha did not answer the deputy commander.

took a few more steps.

Sure enough, I saw a quiet and desolate bamboo forest.

Outside the bamboo forest, several little eunuchs were beating and scolding a young man around him.

The boy was curled up on the ground, his clothes were tattered, and he knew it was miserable at first glance.

Seeing that the little eunuchs continued to work.

Cha Cha shouted, "Stop!"

The deputy commander realized that the lord was going to take care of this matter, and rushed over aggressively, "Don't kneel down for the prime minister? A bunch of things that don't know whether to live or die!"

Where have the little eunuchs seen such a big man as the Prime Minister?

But the deputy commander, they still know each other.

was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

The deputy commander glanced at the boy on the ground.

looked away indifferently.

"Sir, this is the sixth prince of the Leng Palace."

The sixth prince has been in the cold palace for many years, and he is often bullied alone. Without a backer, life is difficult.

But the palace is like that.

Where does so much sympathy come from? It's good to be able to protect yourself.

The biological mother of the sixth prince was a palace maid, with no background or influence.

Once    flew up the branches, and without anyone's protection, it was only a flash in the pan, and was soon forgotten by His Majesty.

was later sent to the cold palace.

The sixth prince is young and cannot be separated from his biological mother.

The other concubines were unwilling to support him.

dislikes his biological mother for being lowly.

And there are so many princes in the palace, and there is no shortage of him.

Not a few years.

The biological mother of the sixth prince died in the cold palace.

since then.

The sixth prince was often bullied.

Even a little **** could step on him.

It is said to be the sixth prince, but in fact, His Majesty can't remember the existence of the sixth prince...

Cha Cha came to the Sixth Prince, "Would you like to go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion with me? I guarantee you will no longer be bullied."

Qing's cool and firm words fell into the depths of the boy's heart.

He raised his guard and looked up cautiously at the person who said he was going to take him away.

The    purple robe is extremely luxurious, and the face is also exceptionally beautiful, like a **** who suddenly appeared in the world.

His heart throbbed and asked, "Really?"

Cha Cha, "Really."

This is a promise and a belief to him.

Even if she is not the prime minister in the future, she can still protect him, and she has certain strength.

So, no matter what you do, you must have a certain amount of strength.

In front of a certain strength, many things are not worth mentioning...

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha reached out to the boy.

Later, in countless days and nights, Fu Changye would often think that meeting her was the greatest luck in his life.

And his choice to go with her was the most important decision in his life...

(end of this chapter)