Chapter 1839: Prime Minister wait (7)

Chapter 1839 Prime Minister wait (7)

Prime Minister wait 7

Prince was very hurt and felt very wronged.

Why make him face the wall and think about it?

The wrong one is obviously the Prime Minister.

Not to mention that the gift he kindly gave to the Prime Minister was rejected.

The prime minister actually kicked him for a Fu Changye and threw him out of the prime minister's residence, making him so embarrassed?

He is the prince!

How can you be bullied like this?

Father Emperor actually made him think about it because of this?

The prince was irritable and dissatisfied. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the prime minister had bowed his head to his father, which was why the father was so partial.

The prince secretly swore that when he left the East Palace, he would make the Prime Minister pay the price! ! !


The second prince laughed out loud as soon as he received the news that the prince had been thinking about it.


Deserved punishment.

The second prince looked at the evidence in his hand, and went straight to the imperial study room to ask to see the emperor.

No one could understand his joy at the moment.

He suppressed that joy, and went to the imperial study, worrying about the country and the people.

"Father, since the Prime Minister gave a lecture, my son has come to his senses. The prime minister is worried about the country and the people. This is really the direction that my son needs to learn. For this reason, my son has deliberately checked some things..."

The second prince sent the evidence in his hand.

"A month ago, there was a flood in Qingzhou. For this reason, the court allocated funds for disaster relief. My son asked people to inquire about the news of Qingzhou. Unexpectedly, after this inquiry, something happened in Qingzhou. Those disaster relief funds were embezzled by the prefect of Qingzhou. quite a few..."

The    emperor was greatly shocked, and his face turned blue after reading the evidence.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened in Qingzhou?

is really incredible.

"Changming, the matter of Qingzhou will be handed over to you. You can go to Qingzhou to solve this matter! It is difficult for you to think of Qingzhou. I gave you the sword of Shangfang, but you can kill it first and then play it!"

"Father, don't worry, my son will resolve this matter!"

The second prince's eyes glowed.

This step is really right.

When he returns from Qingzhou, he will definitely thank the Prime Minister!

Master Prime Minister's teaching is really beneficial!


Prince faced the wall and thought.

The second prince went to Qingzhou to investigate the embezzlement of disaster relief funds with the sword of Shangfang, which caused a lot of trouble in the palace.

Even the ministers in the court had other thoughts.

Looking closely now, His Majesty seems to value the second prince even more.

The position of the prince may be unsteady.

If this is the case, then they also need to re-line up.

East Palace.

The prince was so angry that he smashed a lot of things.

He pondered over the wall here, the second child, that bastard, had to go to Qingzhou?

Prince's anger was almost uncontrollable.

First the prime minister, and then the second prince.

He remembered these two!

Since the second child is going to Qingzhou, he will give the second child a great gift!

The prince's eyes flashed with cold light.


No one thought of it.

The second prince had just gone to Qingzhou, but he was assassinated before he arrived in Qingzhou. The second prince was seriously injured and was forced to stay outside Qingzhou.

The emperor was furious and ordered the prime minister to go to Qingzhou to investigate the matter!

on the carriage.

Cha Cha sat upright with Long Ye by her side.

holding a small milk cat in his arms.

This trip to Qingzhou was unexpected.

However, the second prince is actually such a waste? An assassination made him stop outside Qingzhou?

Chacha thought carefully.

In this matter, the second prince is actually not very clever, and is eager for quick success.

Investigating such corruption cases is done quietly.

And the second prince, for fear that others would not know that he was going to investigate the case.

If you do this, you will startle the snake.

is no better than the prince.

Cha Cha first took someone to find the second prince, so that the second prince would not die directly.

When    found the second prince, it was almost dusk.

Chacha was a surprise.

Because the second prince and a few people actually hid in a ruined temple.

Cha Cha, "...?"

After all, he is also a second prince, shouldn't he stay in an inn?

It seems that the second prince's visit to Qingzhou is not only dangerous, but very dangerous.

When   Cha Cha and Chang Ye got off the bus, they glanced at the second prince and formed a stark contrast to him.

Cha Cha is wearing a purple robe and is extremely noble. The young man has a long white robe fluttering in his arms, holding a small milk cat in his arms. On the other side, is the deputy commander who is full of chills.

Look at the second prince again.

His clothes were tattered, his face was muddy, his body was injured, and the two guards around him were even more embarrassed, with knife wounds everywhere.

Cha Cha frowned, "Deputy commander, let someone help them deal with their wounds, and find some clothes to put on."

The second prince's eyes were dark and he didn't say a word.

After a few people changed their clothes and briefly treated the wound, Cha Cha asked the deputy commander to continue on their way, and they had to rush to the nearest inn before dark.

On the carriage, there was a second prince.

The three of them sat down, and the space was slightly smaller.

Chacha asked without raising his eyelids, "Second prince, what happened?"

The second prince lowered his eyes with a hint of coldness in his eyes, "I brought people to Qingzhou to investigate the corruption case. Originally everything went smoothly, and there was no publicity on the way, but when we were near Qingzhou, a group of assassins suddenly appeared and attacked us. Start.

The first batch of assassins did not want our lives, and these assassins should have been sent by the prince.

The key lies in the second batch of assassins.

At first, I thought it was the prince who sent us to make trouble, but I didn’t take it to heart. It wasn’t until the group of assassins attacked us with killing intent to kill us all… We realized that it wasn’t someone sent by the prince.

It's the real assassin, in order to prevent me from going to Qingzhou to investigate the case... The assassin is in hot pursuit. The person I brought was lost to the assassin. In order to protect me along the way, there were only two guards left... There was no way, only Hide in a ruined temple. "

Cha Cha narrowed his eyes, "It seems that things in Qingzhou are not that simple."

"Second prince, let's rest for a while." Cha Cha added.

She tilted her head and looked at Chang Ye.

Chang Ye immediately put down the kitten and reached out to beat her legs.

Chacha, "..." Actually, I didn't mean to let you beat your legs.

I want you to take a break too...

She looked at the incomparably well-behaved boy, and her mood suddenly improved a lot.

The second prince twitched his brows, a little surprised.

After the sixth prince in the cold palace was taken by the Prime Minister, he thought that the Prime Minister would teach the sixth prince, but it turned out that he was regarded as a slave?

The second prince showed a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It seems that he doesn't have to take Lao Liu to heart.

Or maybe the prime minister took Lao Liu out of the palace just to make Lao Liu a servant. Maybe he liked Lao Liu's face.

Like a dog, obedient and honest.

Cha Cha lowered her eyes and glanced at Qi Qi.

winked quietly.

Qiqi meowed, looked at the sixth prince with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and then looked at the second prince.

Oh, that's why this second prince is not pleasing to the eye.

Qiqi stretched out, then jumped up and slapped the second prince's shoulder with a paw.

Coincidentally, it was the location where the second prince was injured.

The second prince immediately gasped.

"His!" This dead cat!

"Qiqi." Cha Cha shouted, "Don't hurt the second prince."

Qiqi meowed twice, and stepped on the second prince's head a few times before returning to Chacha's arms.

Chacha caressed it carefully, "Don't blame the second prince, my family Qiqi is the most naughty."

(end of this chapter)