Chapter 1840: Prime Minister wait (8)

Chapter 1840 Prime Minister wait (8)

Prime Minister wait 8

The second prince smiled and said nothing else.

Since he is the prime minister's favorite pet, how dare he say nothing?

It's too late to have a good relationship with the Prime Minister!

He's not that idiot like the prince.

Offending the Prime Minister everywhere.

blocked his own way alive.

Yuelai Inn.

Cha Cha took Long Ye off the carriage.

The snow-white little milk cat huddled in Chacha's arms is very well-behaved.

One person and one cat are particularly conspicuous here.

Cha Cha hugged the cat, Chang Ye and the deputy commander followed from left to right.

Soon someone entered the inn and asked about the room.

As soon as the proprietress who opened the inn saw these people, she knew that they were not ordinary people and greeted them with a smile.

It is not very safe to go out.

Chacha's superior room has an outer room in addition to the inner room. To prevent accidents, Chacha rests in the inner room, and Chang Ye and the deputy commander are guarded by the outer room.

The second prince lived opposite Chacha

The second prince's mind is very simple.

He lives opposite the prime minister, so there is no danger in thinking about it. Even if there is danger, the prime minister's people will quickly save him and give him a helping hand.

This abacus hits so loudly.

into the night.

Cha Cha came to the outside world and glanced at the deputy commander and Chang Ye, "You guys rest, you don't have to watch me all the time."

She is not without the ability to protect herself, and the deputy commander's martial arts are average, but relatively outstanding, and he does not need him to protect her.

The deputy commander refused, "Protecting the adults is the responsibility of the subordinates, but it is the sixth son, you can go to rest first."

He looked towards Chang Ye.

Since the sixth prince entered the prime minister's mansion, the prime minister has been very good to the sixth prince.

At this moment, seeing that the sixth prince took the initiative to guard the adults, the deputy commander breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope that the sixth prince is a person who repays his gratitude.

Don't talk about repaying the prime minister, at least don't be an enemy of the prime minister.

Otherwise, wouldn't the prime minister teach a sly wolf to come out?

"No need, the long night is not tired, the long night should protect the adults." Chang Ye raised his head with a serious and resolute expression, "Sir, go and rest, the boat and the car are tired, these few days, the adults must have not rested well."

Chacha shook his head helplessly, knowing that he couldn't beat them.

"In this case, you will go to the inner room with me for a long night to rest. The deputy commander can lie down on the soft couch in the outer room for a while. They are all family members, so you don't have to care about etiquette."

Afraid that Chang Ye would disagree, Cha Cha directly reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the inner room.

The long night was stunned.

seems a little surprised.

"grown ups……"

"No need to say any more, or are you afraid of what I will do to you?" Cha Cha teased.

"No, it's just that it doesn't fit the ritual." Chang Ye bowed his head to explain, with a complicated expression.

He couldn't see the Prime Minister's thoughts, maybe he really wanted to be nice to him?

Long Ye's eyes gradually darkened, and he stopped speaking.

Chacha hugged the quilt again for Chang Ye. The two of them shared a bed and covered a quilt each, so that they would not disturb each other.

Chacha remembers his identity and is very careful when sleeping.

You cannot be discovered by Fu Changye as a woman.

At least, so far, it has not been discovered by him.

Candle goes out.

Lying outside the bed for a long night, hugging the quilt tightly, he looked a little nervous.

This was the first time sharing the same bed with Cheng, and I couldn't tell how strange it was.

He closed his eyes and couldn't sleep for a long time.

No one has ever slept with him before, and suddenly there is another person beside him, he is not used to it...

After a long time, he turned his head and glanced at the prime minister.

Then he found that the prime minister had fallen asleep and looked sound asleep.

The long night was stunned.

fell asleep so soon?

Do you believe him that much?

Aren't you afraid of what you can do to him?

Emotions rolled in Chang Ye's eyes, and in a moment, all emotions were suppressed by him.

That's all, don't think too much about it.

Closed his eyes for a long night. After an unknown amount of time, he gradually became sleepy.

Lie down beside the Prime Minister, his precautions and vigilance gradually relaxed a lot.

Just when the long night was about to fall asleep, a sound suddenly appeared in his ear, he suddenly opened his eyes, his face changed slightly, he had been in the cold palace for many years, and he was particularly sensitive to the movement at night.

Chang Ye carefully tilted his head to look outside.

At this time, a warm hand was covered on his wrist, and the fingertips felt hot.

Chang Ye was slightly startled, and when he turned his head, he saw that the Prime Minister had woken up and was sitting there. Seeing him look over, he put his index finger on his lips, signaling him to be quiet and careful.


Cha Cha signaled to stay inside for a long night.

She squinted, got up and looked outside.

Soon, there was the sound of fighting.

The deputy commander fights the assassin.

There were obviously more than a few assassins. Chacha stood there, feeling the sound quietly. There were probably dozens of assassins.

She squinted.

Sure enough, Qingzhou has a big problem.

Otherwise, no one would spend such a large amount of money to assassinate.

These assassins, in addition to wanting the life of the second prince, also wanted to take his life.

Since then, it can explain why she and the deputy commander can easily find the second prince.

It's not that the second prince tactfully avoided the assassin, but the assassin knew that she, the prime minister, was coming to Qingzhou, so he planned to kill her and the second prince in one go.

The second prince is a bait at best.

Unfortunately, the second prince didn't even know why he was alive until now.

The deputy commander and the guards he brought along with the assassins.

at the same time.

The second prince rushed in in a hurry.

If you don't care, you should ask Chacha for help.

Who would have thought that these assassins are so crazy?

"Prime Minister, save me!" The second prince called out for help.

Chacha glanced and sneered, idiot.

Are you sent as a target at such a time?

The deputy commander was helpless, and sent out a few guards to let them go to the second prince.

But there are too many assassins and their strength cannot be underestimated. The deputy commander realized that even if he was prepared, he still made a mistake.

These assassins came in a hurry and fierce, and they attacked even more fiercely.

The deputy commander gradually fell behind, "Sixth son, take the adults away!"

Chang Ye was a little surprised, knowing that this was a signal that the deputy commander could not resist.

"Sir, let's go!" He looked at Chacha nervously.

Chacha hummed, "It's okay, don't worry."

As soon as the voice fell, Cha Cha released Qi Qi.

The snow-white kitten flew out like the wind, scratching the assassin's face with one paw.

The assassin behind the deputy commander let out a scream.

Deputy Commander, "...?" Is this okay?

He reacted quickly and slashed at the assassin with a sword.

Qiqi was nimble and agile, and in this fight, he was stunned to use his clear-cut posture to scratch more than a dozen assassins.

Later, the deputy commander and a group of guards stunned Qiqi to gain the upper hand.

Deputy Commander, "..." I never thought about this situation.

Guard, "..." It seems that you won by lying down accidentally?

This development, no one expected.

Even those assassins were stunned, where did this little wild cat come from?

So fierce?

The    assassin couldn't stand it, and in a fit of rage, a dozen assassins besieged Qiqi together.

is going to solve the biggest threat of Qiqi!

Qiqi, "Meow!" Cha Cha!

, these assassins are so shameless, they want to fight in groups if they can't beat them?


(end of this chapter)