Chapter 1841: Prime Minister wait (9)

Chapter 1841 Prime Minister wait (9)

Prime Minister wait 9

Chacha's eyes were slightly cold.

turned her wrist, and a sharp dagger appeared in her hand, flashing with an icy cold light.

"Seven-seven." She called out.

Qiqi jumped up and avoided the assassins.

In the blink of an eye, Cha Cha tapped his toes, and a dagger was like a soul-snatching chain, and every assassin fell straight to the ground wherever he passed.

In an instant.

The living assassins run wildly for their lives.

Chang Ye, the second prince, and the deputy commander were all shocked.


The prime minister not only learns to be rich in five chariots, but also has such a high level of martial arts?

This is incredible too!

is simply a combination of civil and military.

The deputy commander suddenly understood why the prime minister wanted him and the sixth prince to rest.

The    monsters had to need them to keep watch.

It turns out that the Prime Minister's own martial arts are already very powerful!

is simply amazing!

Cha Cha left two assassins alive.

"Deputy commander, interrogate them! Prevent them from taking poison and committing suicide."

The deputy commander    immediately walked over, squeezed the poison out of the assassin's mouth, and tied the two assassins with ropes, "Sir, please go to the next room."

There is a lot of blood here, and it takes a lot of time to clean up.

Instead of this, it is better to change a room.

Cha Cha nodded, "Long Ye, let's go next door."

"it is good."

Cha Cha and Chang Ye went to the next room.

The second prince stood there, unable to speak for a long time.

He was indeed shocked.

Who would have thought that the Prime Minister actually had such martial arts?

Those assassins, under the hands of the Prime Minister, were killed in just one move.

A dagger makes for ecstasy.

If he can get the Prime Minister's favor, he can really ascend to the throne in the future, and can make the development of Tianshu Kingdom better and stronger!

This moment.

The second prince had two thoughts in his heart.

Or take the Prime Minister as used.

If you can't take it for your own use, then... get rid of the prime minister.

Such a powerful person can never be his opponent, because he is too powerful, few people can match him.

The second prince was thoughtful and did not show too much emotion on his face. After saying a few words to the deputy commander, he returned to his room.

After this group of assassins, at least tonight will be in peace.

At least tonight there will be no assassins.

This time, the assassins were wiped out, which was really exciting.

The second prince returned to the guest room in a good mood.

Another room.

Cha Cha lay down and went to sleep.

Sitting by the bed for a long night, my emotions are a bit complicated.

Cha Cha tilted his head and glanced at him, "Are you scared?"

Could it be that her shot just now was too ruthless? Shadowed him?

Chacha explained, "I'm actually very gentle and won't do anything casually..."

Long night, "..." moved his hands, wanting people's lives at any time...

He turned his head and lay down, "I wasn't scared, I just didn't expect that the Prime Minister is so powerful."

Cha Cha pursed her lips, "Are you complimenting me? In fact, the truth is not only both civil and military, but also chess, calligraphy and painting. There are many more you don't know!"

When it comes to the end, I feel a little proud.

Chang Ye cooperated and praised her.

Chang Ye found that the Prime Minister looked cold, but in fact, he seemed to like others complimenting her.

So, Chang Ye took this opportunity to praise him for a while.

Leng is a grin that praised Cha Cha.

Chacha, "Hey, I'm just a good general! It's getting late, go to bed!"

Qiqi, "..." This is a routine? gave Qiqi a headache!


The next day.

Wake up early in the long night.

He walked out of the room cautiously.

happened to bump into the second prince.

The second prince glanced at him, then tried to look inside the room.

Long night, "My lord hasn't woken up yet."

The second prince hummed, and there was a flash of disdain in his eyes.

He is not the same as the prince.

He doesn't put too much emotion on his face.

However, he really couldn't understand why the Prime Minister would like the sixth?

The second prince couldn't help but glance at Chang Ye.

Mingcheng is even more powerful than he has shown, why is it different for the sixth?

Before last night, he still thought that the Prime Minister raised the sixth son as a watchdog.

After last night, he changed his mind.

The prime minister would never do such a boring thing.

There must be other reasons for bringing Lao Liu back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Long Ye and the second prince looked at each other.

"Second prince, does he have any other orders?"

The second prince stopped and approached Chang Ye, "After the Prime Minister brought you back to the manor, what did you do?"

Chang Ye lowered his head and raised his eyes slowly.

"What does the second prince think?"

It seems that the second prince is aware of the danger.

But unfortunately, it's too late.

The second prince is indeed much smarter and more sensitive than the prince.

"I'm asking you questions, not you.

However, looking at the self-confident appearance of the sixth brother, it is estimated that he has a good life in the Prime Minister's Mansion? "Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to talk to him like this!

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the second prince.

"Is he doing well in the Prime Minister's Mansion? Does he have anything to do with the second prince?"

Cha Cha came slowly, his expression icy cold.

In the future, I really have to be careful everywhere. She has nothing to do, but it is this long night that people are easily remembered.

The face of the second prince changed slightly, obviously he did not expect the conversation to be heard.

"Anyway, Chang Ye is my sixth brother, so I should take care of him." He explained with a gentle expression on his face.

Hearing this, Cha Cha sneered, as if he heard a joke, "What the second prince said is really intriguing. When the sixth prince was in the cold palace, why didn't the second prince remember him? Or, the second prince is not concerned about him. , but concerned about my Prime Minister's Mansion?"

The second prince secretly screamed that it was not good.

The Prime Minister is not happy anymore.

He quickly explained, "Prime Minister, I have absolutely no other intentions. Brothers, I couldn't help before, so I'm just asking now. If the Prime Minister doesn't like it, I won't mention it again."

"Oh, then don't mention Leng Palace again." Cha Cha went downstairs with a blank expression.

The past is over.

That is definitely not a good thing for Chang Ye, so there is no need to always mention it in front of him, which can easily disturb Chang Ye's mood.

The second prince watched the Prime Minister go downstairs, his mood changed slightly.

It seems that the sixth is in the prime minister's mansion, and his status is not low.

is at least very important in the eyes of the prime minister.

Otherwise, he would not speak like that.


As soon as we got to the hall downstairs, the proprietress greeted me, "Master, what are you going to eat in the morning?"

Cha Cha found a place to sit down, "Your specialty here."

"Okay!" The lady boss responded with a smile on her face.

"Wait." Cha Cha stopped her, "Did the lady boss hear anything last night?"

The proprietress paused, with a reluctant smile on her face, "Last night? Did something happen last night? But you didn't sleep well?"

"I slept well, but the people under my command made a noise accidentally, for fear of scaring the proprietress of the inn. After all, the proprietress looks so delicate and needs care like a delicate flower, so I can't be frightened."

The proprietress sighed and gave a wink.

"Master, why are you so good at talking? The slave family is about to fall in love with you~"

Chacha, "..." Hold back, I can!

(end of this chapter)