Chapter 1842: Prime Minister wait (10)

Chapter 1842 Prime Minister and Slow Down (10)

Prime Minister and slow down by 10

Cha Cha smiled slightly and looked at the proprietress for a while, "Is the proprietress married?"

The proprietress was suddenly a little shy, and her phoenix eyes seemed to contain autumn water.

"Never married."

Deputy Commander, "...?" Prime Minister, do you still remember your identity?

Cha Cha sighed, "Unfortunately, I already have a wife at home."

The proprietress was stunned for a moment, and regret flashed on her face, "I think it's me and my grandfather. I have no luck in this life. I am lucky."

The proprietress turned and left.

Cha Cha's expression was bleak, as if he had lost his sweetheart.

The deputy commander and the others were confused and complicated.

Lord Prime Minister, you are a virtuous adult, why did you chat with the proprietress here?


After breakfast, Cha Cha stopped the second child, "Where's your boss lady?"

Xiao Er laughed along, "The proprietress has gone to rest."

"Well, then we'll stay here for one more night." Cha Cha said, looking back at the deputy commander and asking him to pay.

The deputy commander did not quite understand this behavior.

However, since it was requested by the Prime Minister, there should be no problem.

I believe that the prime minister is.

After all, the prime minister is by no means the kind of person who loses his mind for the sake of beauty, probably because the boss lady has a problem.

He believed more in the prime minister's judgment.

So, the group went upstairs again, and did not rush to set off.

Although the second prince was very puzzled, he didn't say anything. He just followed quietly. Now, he has nothing but the two injured guards. If the assassin appears again, he will definitely have no resistance, so he follows the prime minister. , is the safest.

Especially last night, the Prime Minister's hand was really amazing.

The eyes of the second prince flickered brightly, this is his good time, he has already taken countless steps ahead of the prince!

If in this situation, the Prime Minister cannot be on her side, then maybe the relationship between you and the Prime Minister is really not suitable...

After   Chacha went upstairs, seeing the second prince and the deputy commander following her closely, he couldn't help but reminded, "I was so tired last night, what are you doing with me? You should go back and have a good rest."

The second prince was stunned for a moment, then he went straight back to his room.

The deputy commander also took a rest in another room.

Only Cha Cha and Chang Ye were left.

"Long Ye, play chess with me."

Chang Ye said with difficulty, "Chang Ye won't."

Chacha, "It's okay, I'll teach you."

Her patience is not bad now, even if he can't, she can teach it slowly.

Even, after she taught it herself, it would be more in line with her heart.

There is a chessboard set up in the wing room, and Cha Cha took the long night and taught him the basics first.

Changye's ability to learn is very fast, and he can draw inferences from one case, which was discovered before Chacha.

After    three rounds of chess, Chang Ye's chess skills have been gradually improving.

Chacha is very satisfied with this.

"Let's go here first today, you can go to the deputy commander's place for a while in the long night." Cha Cha looked towards the door, someone came.

Hearing Cha Cha's words, Chang Ye was a little surprised. Did the prime minister want to leave him alone and meet the proprietress alone?

Or, did the Prime Minister really like the lady boss?

As far as he knows, the Prime Minister is not the kind of person who covets beauty.

Although the proprietress is very charming, she is not a stunning beauty.

Chang Ye was stunned for a while without moving, and Cha Cha asked him warmly, "What's wrong?"

Long Night, "...It's okay."

Then, Chang Ye left, and when he passed by the door, he looked deeply at the proprietress who brought tea.

The proprietress smiled and had a unique flavor.

Unfortunately, it's useless for long nights.

He lifted his foot and went to the next room.

The proprietress twisted her waist and walked in.

"Master, this is the tea that the slave family made specially for you."

Originally, there was no need for the proprietress to make a trip to deliver tea and water.


In view of the conversation between the two in the morning, it seems that it is normal to come to deliver a meal.

Cha Cha smiled at the proprietress, if there was a girl here, it would definitely upset the girl's heart.

A handsome and noble man, his eyes are full of nostalgia, looking at you and smiling, who can resist this horse?

"You have to work hard for the proprietress." Cha Cha said warmly and motioned for the proprietress to sit down.

The proprietress glanced at the chess game, "Are you playing chess with the boy just now?"

"He doesn't know how to play chess, I'm teaching him." Cha Cha took a sip of the tea and said, "This tea is good, did the proprietress make it by herself?"

The proprietress covered her lips with a handkerchief and smiled, "It seems that this master really has a good relationship with the Nujia, and this tea is indeed brewed by the Nujia!"

There are only a few people who can make her own tea.

Coincidentally, the man in front of him is one of them.

Chacha picked up the tea cup again and took a sip.

"Although the tea is fragrant, it is not one ten thousandth as good as the proprietress."

She made her evaluation with a faint smile.

If it were someone else, it might have been regarded as a naive or a scumbag, but Chacha said it solemnly, and he looked very serious.

The proprietress sighed, "Unfortunately, the slave family was not lucky enough to meet you earlier."

If I could have met earlier, maybe... Her eyes trembled slightly.

Even if I could meet him earlier, so what?

They are not the same way, and it is impossible for them to come together.

The one-sided relationship is nothing more than a casual talk, so how can it be taken seriously?

"Does the lady boss know how to play chess?" Cha Cha rearranged the chessboard.

"The slave family has never learned..." The proprietress lowered her head, unable to see the expression in her eyes.

Cha Cha hummed and put Bai Zi by her hand, "I'll teach you."

The proprietress caught a glimpse of Baizi by her hand, and was slightly taken aback, "This Baizi... is not suitable for me, the slave family should hold Heizi."

Chacha shook his head and rejected her proposal, "Nothing is suitable or not, the proprietress is bright and charming, and she holds a white child, which can be considered a contrast."

Chacha was mild from start to finish.

The proprietress didn't look up at Cha Cha again.

Time for a cup of tea.

The white stone in the proprietress's hand suddenly trembled and fell on the chessboard with a click.

The chess game that has just been carefully arranged...

Cha Cha sighed slightly, "It's a pity..."

The proprietress took a look and withdrew her hand. She raised her head with a bit of pity in her eyes.

"It's really a pity, Lord, you look like a good person, but it's a pity that the slave family is not a good person."

The proprietress looked at Cha Cha and chuckled, "You're not very lucky, you met me."

"It's not me, it's you who are unlucky." Cha Cha retorted seriously, and re-arranged the messed up chess game, calmly.

The proprietress waited quietly, and after a while, her face changed slightly.

"You...Didn't you drink tea? Why...haven't responded yet?"

She subconsciously looked at the tea cup next to her, she was watching the tea he was drinking with her own eyes.

also took two sips.

Within the time of a cup of tea, the poison is bound to strike. How could the person in front of him not respond?

No signs of poisoning at all?

"I did drink it. However, this poison has no effect on me, so naturally you won't see the scene where I was poisoned to death."

So, Madam Boss, you are unlucky and met me.

If it were someone else, he might have been poisoned and died...

(end of this chapter)