Chapter 1843: Prime Minister wait (11)

Chapter 1843 Prime Minister wait (11)

Prime Minister and Slow Down 11

The proprietress was a little shocked.

Immediately afterwards, his face suddenly became a lot more ruthless.

"Since we have no fate in this life, then see you in the next life!"

After the words fell, a sharp dagger appeared in the proprietress's hand, flipped her wrist, and stabbed Chacha quickly.

Cha Cha was already prepared, and his eyes were sharp.

Almost instantly, the dagger in the hand of the proprietress fell to the ground.

"I said, you were unlucky when you met me!"

At that time, what kind of gentleness was in her eyes?

The proprietress sneered again and again, "You already found out that I have a problem?"

"It's almost." In fact, the proprietress concealed it very well, but she has experienced a lot of planes and has experience, so she can easily find the problem...

She doesn't like this lady boss.

I just said a few words at random.

If she guessed correctly, the proprietress might have lost a lot of lives.

Talking about love with the proprietress?

I'm afraid she doesn't want to die!

Immediately afterwards, the proprietress attacked Cha Cha again, Cha Cha feinted a few moves and captured the person.

Then, the deputy commander, Chang Ye and others rushed over.

Cha Cha withdrew his hand and glanced at the deputy commander, "Tie the person up, don't let her commit suicide."

The deputy commander immediately tied the man up.

Hey, the Prime Minister is too powerful, and there is no chance for them to take action.

After tying people up.

The proprietress stared at Cha Cha.

At this moment, she finally knew why the assassins from last night were wiped out.

Originally, there was no need for her to attack this group of people.

Last night's assassins just need to get rid of these people.

But, last night's assassin not only failed, but also wiped out the entire army. In desperation, she was the only one who did it.

Among these people, her main target is the man in purple.

So, she just used the beauty trick.

She thought she really cheated on this person.

But it turned out that he was being tricked around?

The proprietress was very unhappy.

She actually overturned the boat in the gutter?

Even, she had always thought that the assassin was solved by his subordinates, but she didn't think that his martial arts were so powerful!

"Hey, who the **** are you!"

The deputy commander observed his words and said immediately, "He's our son, but it's you, who actually opened a black shop? How dare you kill someone? You're very courageous!"

Cha Cha moved a chair for a long night.

She sat opposite the lady boss.

He spoke slowly, "The proprietress doesn't know who we are, that is to say, did you listen to someone else's orders? First an assassin assassinated, and then so blatantly poisoned, not afraid of the government's investigation, the proprietress has something to do with the Qingzhou prefecture. ?"

Madam Boss, "...Does it matter? It's none of your business?"

After    was tied up, the proprietress' temper became violent in an instant.

Cha Cha chuckled lightly and tapped the palm of his hand with a folding fan in his hand.

"That's a relationship. The proprietress has colluded with the magistrate's officials and businessmen. This inn is just in the place where you must pass through Qingzhou, and there is only your inn nearby. Passers-by want to go to Qingzhou. See you later, I will rest here with you.

Tsk, the prefect of Qingzhou can know who has come to Qingzhou with the help of carrier pigeons without leaving home, but whoever the prefect of Qingzhou wants to solve will probably not be able to escape, right?

Assassins are from the prefect, and you collude with the prefect. "

Before that, there was a new prefect in Qingzhou, but unfortunately, before he arrived in Qingzhou, the people were gone, and the matter of changing the prefect would be over.

The faces of the deputy commander and the second prince changed slightly, the prefect of Qingzhou was too daring!

Does the prefect of Qingzhou know who they are?

One is the current second prince, and the other is the current prime minister!

I'm afraid I ate the gall of a bear heart and a leopard!

The proprietress didn't say anything else, her eyes flashed with amazement, and disappeared after a moment.

She had to admit that his insight and mind were really sharp...

Before she said anything, he had already guessed the truth.

"If the proprietress doesn't speak, I will tacitly assume that I guessed it right. However, the prefect asked you to do something to us without telling you our identities, so aren't you afraid?"

Chacha stared at her and asked.

This prefect obviously regarded the proprietress as a murderous sword.

I just don't know what is involved between the proprietress and the prefect.

"Don't be afraid, you will earn an extra day of living anyway." The proprietress laughed at herself.

"People like us have a lot of blood on our hands, and we should have died a long time ago. Naturally, we don't care who we want to kill, but we never thought that you would be so powerful. have nothing to say."

She is indeed a black shop.

However, it rarely hurts people's lives. Most of the time, it is only for money. Of course, there are exceptions.

And her black shop is still open safely, all because the prefect protects her and solves some problems for her that she can't solve, which requires his identity and power to solve it.

And the price she has to pay is to help the prefect to kill people, and she will do it for some people he can't kill.

says that they colluded with each other, which is true.

"Deputy commander, deal with it according to the law." Cha Cha ordered and turned to leave.

"We're going to Qingzhou now." She said firmly.

She wants to meet this Qingzhou prefect!

Kill the prime minister and kill the second prince?

This is not afraid of death at all!

The group set off directly to Qingzhou. At the same time, they brought the proprietress, Chacha thought for a while, and asked the deputy commander to feed the proprietress with soft muscle powder, which was safer and saved her from running halfway.



Cha Cha took people directly to the county government office to ask the guilt.

However, what they saw was the body of the prefect of Qingzhou.

At the same time, there is a confession.

Judging from the confession letter, the prefect knew that what he had done would soon be revealed, so he pleaded guilty to the law and apologized with death.

Cha Cha frowned.

Everything seems to be going so smoothly.


Still insisting on killing him and the second prince's prefect, is it really that easy to confess guilt and commit suicide?

I'm afraid that someone wants them to end the case as soon as possible, so they can leave Qingzhou and return to their lives.

for a moment.

Chacha to make a judgment.

"Half an hour later, leave for Beijing."

Second Prince, "...?"

Deputy Commander, "...?"

Chang Ye, "There is an explanation for the matter, it is better to go back as soon as possible to return to life, and also to communicate with the emperor."

Cha Cha glanced at Chang Ye approvingly, "Yes, I like it very much."

Very good progress!

Half an hour later.

Cha Cha took Chang Ye and parted ways with the deputy commander with an expressionless face.

The deputy commander was so anxious that he almost cried, "Sir, Qingzhou is dangerous, you can't!"

Cha Cha, "You're leaving for Beijing for business trips. Chang Ye and I will stay in Qingzhou for two days. Otherwise, there are so many of us that it's easy to attract attention, and we can't keep a low profile. Do you understand?"

The implication of    is that you get in the way and delay my affairs.

The disgusted deputy commander, "But..."

"It's nothing, but whether the prefect of Qingzhou committed suicide or was forced, and whether there is a mastermind behind these matters, I will return to Beijing after I find out." Cha Cha said slowly, there are obviously hidden secrets in Qingzhou.

The strength of those assassins is so powerful that even the people around the second prince are losing ground.

is enough to see that the identity of an assassin is not simple!

(end of this chapter)