Chapter 1844: Prime Minister wait (12)

Chapter 1844 Prime Minister and Slow Down (12)

Prime Minister and slow down 12

The deputy commander was helpless and sighed in response.

The second prince was silent for a while, Qingzhou was too dangerous, and the prime minister didn't let him stay. In this case, he didn't need to say anything more, just politely said a few words and left with the deputy commander.

The prime minister's martial arts are good, but once an assassin appears, I am afraid that the prime minister will put more attention on protecting the sixth.

In this case, leaving Qingzhou is the most suitable choice for him.

In addition, I got the confession from the prefect of Qingzhou. Anyway, in front of the father, it can be considered an explanation.

The second prince left Qingzhou with the deputy commander and others.

Cha Cha and Chang Ye stayed in Qingzhou.

Chacha, "Let's go around Qingzhou first."

"Okay." Long Ye responded.

In Qingzhou City, people are now living and working in peace and contentment.

It doesn't look like it has suffered a disaster before.

However, this is not normal at all.

A month ago, the people suffered disasters and the prefect was corrupt. How could it be possible that in a short period of time, not even a beggar could be seen in the city?

is more likely to be an illusion made by the prefect to decorate the peace.

Cha Cha took Chang Ye around for a while, and found an inn to stay in. There was no abnormality on his face, just like a tourist in the mountains and water.

I stayed in the inn for one night, but still didn't find any abnormality.

until the next day.

Cha Cha asked Chang Ye to stay in the inn and Qi Qi to accompany him. He secretly changed his clothes and walked around Qingzhou City, only to discover the abnormality.

Some beggars and refugees are kept in the same place, in a remote and quiet place, and occasionally someone will bring them meals.

Their captors are not afraid of the dishonesty of the beggars.

Because the amount of food they give is controlled, it won't let people starve to death, and they won't let people have extra strength to resist...


Cha Cha followed those people.

came to a remote courtyard.

Cha Cha wrote down his name and address, and turned back to the inn.

It wasn't until late at night that she came to that other courtyard again.

The other courtyards are famous for their landscapes.

Shanshui Bieyuan, from the outside, looks elegant.

It wasn't until Cha Cha walked in that he realized that there was a huge crisis hidden in this other courtyard.

There are guards everywhere in the other courtyard, and there are also some patrolling secret guards. All of them are strong in martial arts and have deep internal strength. If Chacha is not stable, they will be discovered.

Cha Cha took a look and came to a heavily guarded place. The lock on the red door was clearly visible, and this door had two locks.

It can be seen that this room is very important.

She walked over in no hurry, quietly watching the surrounding guards.

There is obviously a big secret in this room.

However, since it was ancient times and there was no surveillance, it was not a difficult thing for her.

Cha Cha easily dealt with a few guards, dragged them to the corner, and dealt with the patrolling guards passing by, and then used the hairpin to pick the lock of the room.

Soon, Cha Cha was shocked.

She seems to have touched the treasure trove by accident!

It's full of jewelry and gold!

Cha Cha, "...!"

This... is it taken away? Or take it away?

There are a dozen boxes in total. If you want to not disturb anyone, you can take them out of the courtyard. It is absolutely impossible for someone else to do it.

This is a big project.

But for Chacha, it is very simple and very relaxing.

She directly transferred a dozen boxes to her own space.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen boxes in the room disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Cha Cha hooked her lips in satisfaction, and then locked the room again.

Then he dragged the guards out and threw them on the ground, and finally threw the patrolling guards to a place not far away, and then Chacha quickly disappeared into the night.

went to the front hall of the other courtyard again.

The night was getting darker, and there seemed to be no one there.

Cha Cha wanted to leave, but felt that he had overlooked something.

The guard over there Xu Shi hadn't reacted yet. Taking this opportunity, Cha Cha went around the courtyard again, and finally found some clues in a room.

Chacha, "…………" is quite confusing.

There is a jade pendant that looks like something from Tianxuan Pavilion.

Chacha: Does Tianxuan Pavilion have anything to do with this corruption case?

The story behind this is too deep, right?

However, Tianxuan Pavilion should not be short of money.

Cha Cha did a little analysis, put the jade pendant back to its original place, and made sure it was the same as when she picked it up before leaving the courtyard.

At the moment she just left the courtyard.

She could clearly hear that there was a big movement in the courtyard, the lights were bright, and there was a lot of shouting.

Cha Cha waited on the tree outside for a few minutes, but did not see the mastermind, only a bunch of guards were busy back and forth, sighed, and flew away.

It seems that the people behind the scenes are hiding very deeply.

After finding no other clues in the other courtyard, Cha Cha hurriedly returned to the inn, and left Qingzhou quietly with a long night.

Outside Qingzhou, Cha Cha took Chang Ye to the inn where he lived before.

The proprietress was taken away by the deputy commander, and the inn people went to the empty building. No one was there. Under the silent night, it was a little scary.

Chang Ye was afraid to stick to Cha Cha, "Sir, I'm afraid."

Cha Cha clapped his hands soothingly, "Don't be afraid, it's okay, go back to the room we lived in before, but don't light candles."

After that, Cha Cha felt the trembling of the long night, and his heart softened, and he said, "You sleep with me, I will protect you."

Hey, poor little one is so pitiful.

Young and helpless.

Changye restrained his emotions a little, and got closer and closer to her.

"My lord is so nice to me."

No one has ever been so nice to him.

"Why didn't you ask me what I found?" Cha Cha grabbed Chang Ye's wrist and pulled him into the room.

Long night at night, I can't see clearly, subconsciously grabbing Chacha with both hands.

"Sir, I can't see it." Chang Ye whispered.

Cha Cha, "...I forgot that you have no inner strength." I can't see anything at night.

"It's okay, I'll take you to the bedside." Cha Cha walked forward slowly, not forgetting to remind, "Be careful of the threshold."

"By the way, if you have to get up early tomorrow, maybe it will call you to get up and go on your way before dawn."

"Okay, listen to the adults." Chang Ye said softly.

Cha Cha helped Chang Ye cover the quilt, and then lay down. It is estimated that the landscape in the other courtyard is now in a mess. Even she herself did not expect that the water in Qingzhou is so deep.

The next day, before dawn, Cha Cha called Long Ye to hurry.

The two rushed back to the capital.

In all, it was less than a day slower than the deputy commander.

If you move fast, maybe you can catch up with the deputy commander and his party.

The third day.

Cha Cha looked at the deputy commander who was less than ten meters away and fell into contemplation.

"...?" Is my horse running fast, or are you lazy?

We met directly on the horse?

When the deputy commander saw the prime minister, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir, you're finally back! Fortunately, you're all right, otherwise..." He probably couldn't help but turn around and go back to Qingzhou.

The second prince took the first step, while he was walking slowly with a few people. This is not... He met the prime minister directly. It seems that his decision was very correct!

(end of this chapter)