Chapter 1847: Prime Minister wait (15)

Chapter 1847 Prime Minister wait (15)

Prime Minister and slow down 15

The original owner originally had a separate room in Tianxuan Pavilion.

Little Junior Sister took her back to the room, and Cha Cha calmly observed the situation of Tianxuan Pavilion.

On the surface, there seems to be no problem.

But you can't look closely, as long as you look carefully, you will find the problem.

Cha Cha covered the thoughts in his heart.

Lie down in bed for a little rest.

at the same time.

The people around Tianyue said anxiously, "Senior Sister, Senior Sister Tiancha is back, she must have found something?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Tian Yue scolded unhappily.

So far, Tianxuan Pavilion is not all under her control.

Only the courtyard of the pavilion owner is completely under her control.

She thought things could be resolved quickly, but at this critical moment, Tiancha came back.

However, since you are back, let’s walk along the Yellow Spring Road with the pavilion master!

The pavilion owner will be very happy!

Tian Yue's eyes flashed ruthless, it was Tian Cha who bumped into it herself, and she couldn't blame her.

Originally, she didn't plan to do something to Tencha so soon.

may be...


This is probably called fate?

Tian Yue raised her brows slightly, "Since she wants to see the pavilion master, then I will let her see it!"

"Xue'er, if you go and call her, just say that the master will see her."

Tian Yue walked into the courtyard with fierce eyes, and then stepped into the room with the door closed.


Chacha was a little surprised to hear Xueer calling her.

The pavilion master is going to see her before a few minutes of rest?

Isn't this... a coincidence?

Chacha, "I'm sorry to trouble Junior Sister Xueer."

Xueer bowed slightly.

Her eyes flickered slightly, but in a flash, she regained her composure.

She kept her mission in mind.

Cha Cha followed Xue Er and went to the courtyard of the pavilion master.

However, this time, Tianyue was not in the hospital.

"Where is Senior Sister Tianyue?" Cha Cha asked casually.

Xue'er, "I think I'm here to help the pavilion master to handle things. Senior sister, the pavilion owner's room, I can't enter at will, only you can enter, Xueer will wait outside the door."

Cher stood outside the door.

Cha Cha took a look, pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Cha Cha felt a chill.

Immediately, he looked to the right and saw a figure sitting behind the heavy gauze curtain.

"Pavilion Master?" Cha Cha shouted.

In the memory of the original owner, this pavilion owner was as stern as the teaching director.

He has a stern face all the year round, as if he has no emotions.

And the identity of the pavilion owner is only the pavilion owner, not the one who taught them skills.

Therefore, the original owner did not have much affection for this pavilion owner.

"Aren't you the prime minister in Tianshu Kingdom? Why did you come back suddenly." The voice of the pavilion master came, with a bit of sternness.

This voice matched the voice I remembered.

This is the man...

Across the heavy gauze curtain, she couldn't see clearly.

"Something happened in Tianshu Kingdom." Cha Cha said softly, "Thinking about it, it is better for you to let the pavilion master know about it."

Pavilion Master, "What makes you so solemn?"

Cha Cha looked at the gauze curtain in front of him and squinted.

"When I went to Qingzhou to investigate the corruption case, I accidentally found a different courtyard, the famous Shanshui Courtyard. I found a jade pendant belonging to a disciple of Tianxuan Pavilion in that other courtyard.

According to the rules, the disciples of Tianxuan Pavilion are not allowed to be involved in the affairs of the court, except for the few who are designated as officials in the court.

And the mastermind behind the corruption case is not only involved in the administration of the government, but also corrupts the government, and even wants to disrupt the Tianshu Kingdom!

It's time for the pavilion master to check the people in Tianxuan Pavilion. "

As soon as the    voice fell, Chacha felt that the temperature in the room was a little colder.

She stared straight at the gauze curtain.

for a moment.

The person behind the gauze said in a deep voice, "Do you know how serious your accusation is? How could I, a disciple of Tianxuan Pavilion, be involved in a corruption case?"

Cha Cha, "The disciple doesn't want this to involve Tianxuan Pavilion, but the jade pendant was indeed seen by the disciple, so it is better for the pavilion master to investigate it as soon as possible. After all, the corruption case is a big one, if you can't give a satisfactory Explain that the emperor of Shu Kingdom will be suspicious of Tianxuan Pavilion when he comes to that day."

As soon as the    voice fell, the pavilion master snorted clearly unhappy.

"Why, are you threatening me? Tiancha, don't forget your identity, without Tianxuan Pavilion, you wouldn't be where you are today!

Not only did you not think about Tianxuan Pavilion, but you came here to threaten me? What a brave man, what a prime minister of the Tianshu Kingdom! "

Cha Cha bent his lips, and looked away with a smile that was not a smile, "How has the pavilion master retreated recently? I wonder if the appearance of the disciple has disturbed the pavilion master."

The topic suddenly changed, and the pavilion master was a little disdainful.

"I can't talk about disturbing, but let's continue the topic just now. Do you think there will be disciples in Tianxuan Pavilion who would dare to do such a thing?"

Chacha, "I think someone should dare to do this kind of thing, maybe even more terrible things. After all, everyone's ideas are different, and there are many people who prefer to risk money for this since ancient times."

It was a moment of silence that answered Cha Cha.

Cha Cha didn't wait for her to say more, she was already one step ahead.

"Does the pavilion continue to retreat? After talking for so long, I haven't been able to see the pavilion. What's wrong with the pavilion? I am so unfamiliar with Chacha? I used to treat Chacha with such an attitude. back……"

In the last half of the sentence, Cha Cha deliberately did not go on.

I saw the gauze curtain move slightly.

"You are already the prime minister, so you mustn't be fooling around anymore."

I don't know if it was Chacha's illusion, but she felt that the pavilion master's voice had a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Cha Cha laughed with a puff.

"Pavilion Master, I am teasing you! Pavilion Master has always been unselfish, how could the attitude of others be different? Senior Sister Tianyue, come out, and stop pretending to be false."

Chacha's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at the figure roaring at the curtain with an expressionless face.

Sure enough.

The figure shook.

Then, he walked out slowly.

Tian Yue did not reveal the anger and impatience, she looked at Cha Cha calmly, "Junior sister is really amazing, it's just a few words, so soon I found out that I was pretending to be the pavilion master... I think it's nothing. flaw."

Chacha looked at Tianyue, and Tianyue changed into the pavilion master's clothes. As for why she could make a voice like the pavilion owner, it was probably a sound imitation skill.

"I'm not stupid, why should I tell you the flaws? Do I give you a chance to improve?"

In this situation, they are enemies to fight.

Tianyue's eyes flashed with jealousy, "...articulate! No wonder the pavilion master gave you the position of prime minister!"

Cha Cha was very dissatisfied, "You're wrong, although I'm really articulate, but I got the position of prime minister by my own ability, senior sister, who are you to blame for your own skills? Don't say it as if I have no strength. of!"

Whether it is she or the original owner, they are all powerful!

It's not the kind that relies on relationships!

Don't frame her casually.

Although, she really wants to rely on her relationship to be superior, but her strength does not allow it!

Who made her so powerful!

(end of this chapter)