Chapter 1848: Prime Minister wait (16)

Chapter 1848 Prime Minister wait (16)

Prime Minister wait 16

Tian Yue stared at Cha Cha.

Obviously already provoked, not as good as others?

Actually said that she is not as good as others?

"Junior Sister, today Senior Sister will take you to see the Pavilion Master on Huangquan Road!"

As soon as   's voice fell, Tianyue drew a sharp sword from her waist and slashed straight at Cha Cha.

Cha Cha, "...?"

Since she wanted her life, no wonder she fought back.

Chacha dodged to avoid Tianyue's attack, flipped his hands, took out a folding fan from his waist, and threw it towards Tianyue, with implied power.

Tian Yue squinted coldly, and retracted the sword to block in front of her.

The fan collided with the sword, not only did it not break, but instead returned to Chacha's hand the same way, while the sword in Tianyue's hand was broken from the impact...

Tian Yue looked at the broken sword in amazement, and looked up at Cha Cha in shock, "You actually..."

Her eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I can't keep you anymore!"

It’s been a few months since we haven’t seen him, but his inner strength has become much deeper!

Cha Cha showed an apologetic smile, "That's really embarrassing, you can't kill me!"

Tian Yue, "..."

Such an arrogant tone!

If she didn't kill Tiancha, she would be in vain.

At the same time, Tianyue sent a signal.

Suddenly, more than a dozen junior sisters from the courtyard outside broke in together.

This is a person who was taken by Tianyue for his own use.

More than a dozen junior sisters said angrily, "Sister Tiancha, you actually killed the pavilion master? Tianxuan Pavilion can't keep you anymore!"

Tian Yue hummed and looked at the scene in front of her with satisfaction.

This time, it is difficult for the tea to fly.

She has long hated Tiancha.

originally thought that after solving the matter of Tianxuan Pavilion, I would go to Tianshu Kingdom to attack Tiancha.

But he didn't expect that Tiancha would come back at such a time, and it was still a few days after the death of the pavilion master.

This is a good opportunity for her, she can directly blame the death of the pavilion master on Tiancha.

As far as she is concerned, not only does it solve the trouble of Tiancha, but Tianxuan Pavilion is headless, and she will be the next Pavilion Master of Tianxuan Pavilion. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, no! It should be said that kill three birds with one stone!

After all, after Tiancha's death, Tianxuan Pavilion will send another person to be the prime minister of Tianshu Kingdom.

All power will be in her hands.

Tian Yue made a gesture, and the people around him immediately rushed towards Cha Cha, making a fatal move.

Chacha glanced at them casually.

His eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Just you? That's really embarrassing, you are not qualified to kill me."

Chacha's folding fan is like a sharp blade.

In an instant, the two sides went to war, Cha Cha was light, and the shot was neat and tidy, far more powerful than Tian Yue imagined.

Chacha jumped up, came to Tianyue, and hit Tianyue with a palm.

Tian Yue staggered back a few steps.


The body of the pavilion master was seen on the Chacha bed.

It looked like he had been drugged, so it looked like he had just died not long ago.

Even the blood on his neck was flowing slowly.

This scene is very strange.

Cha Cha looked back at Tian Yue, "You have been planning for a long time. The corruption case in Qingzhou of Tianshu Kingdom is also related to you. You are the mastermind!"

Tian Yue lightly drank, "When you didn't know, I couldn't tolerate you. Now that you know, you must die! Junior sisters, today, either she died or we died! Do you understand?"

The words fell, and a group of people attacked Chacha again.

Tian Yue even had killing intent between her brows.

Chacha avoided coldly, and his subordinates showed no mercy.

The fan that was flying and spinning was like a weapon for killing people, and in a short while, more than a dozen juniors and sisters all fell down.

Tian Yue's eyes gradually showed panic.

"!!! Impossible! It's impossible!"

Tianyue looked at the fallen juniors and sisters, her eyes horrified and shocked. It was impossible for Tiancha to kill so many people easily!


Tianyue watched as Chacha approached her.

"Tiancha! You are crazy! You are crazy!"

Tian Yue couldn't stop backing away, she was still arrogant just now, and in the blink of an eye, she was already at a disadvantage.

It was totally different from what she thought.

Tian Yue retreated to the corner of the wall, her sword was broken long ago, and all the little junior sisters she subdued fell to the ground.

At this moment, she was the only one left.

Cha Cha raised her hand and clasped Tian Yue's chin.

"Senior sister, I'm sorry, you lost."

Tianyue looked resentful, "No, I didn't lose. Here, you did win, but what about your Prime Minister's Mansion? Now, it has been occupied by my people!"

Chacha oh.

asked Qi Qi casually.

Qiqi, [Chacha rest assured, I will protect Fu Changye, the deputy commander and I are very strong! 】

The uninvited guest who appeared in the Prime Minister's Mansion, with it and the deputy commander, can be resolved soon.

is not as scary as I imagined.

It is estimated that Chacha overestimated the strength of the other party.

77: Today is also a day of self-confidence.

"Senior sister, do you think I have no preparations?" Cha Cha shook her head and sighed.

Tian Yue, "You..."

The resentment and unwillingness in her eyes eroded her brain.

Did she just lose like that?

But...I'm really unwilling.

"Senior sister is indeed very smart, but unfortunately, it's a chess move."

Chacha does not care about the supplement.

It’s just a pity that I couldn’t save the pavilion master who was killed.

has been dead for several days.

was long overdue.

Chacha restrained Tianyue, "Originally I was going to take you back to Tianshu Kingdom to be punished, but now it seems that there is no need to take you directly to see the other chiefs of Tianxuan Pavilion, if you kill the pavilion owner, Tianxuan Pavilion will not Let go of you!"

This is no small matter.

The pavilion owner of Tianxuan Pavilion died unexpectedly, and the next pavilion owner...has not been chosen yet, alas, I am afraid that Tianxuan Pavilion still has a lot of bad things waiting for her.

Chacha looked at Tianyue impatiently, if it wasn't for Tianyue, she wouldn't make a trip and waste so much time.

Can't you just stay in Tianxuan Pavilion honestly?

It’s all right now, let’s die.

Tianyue tried to struggle to escape, but unfortunately, at that time, to Chacha, she was the meat on the chopping board and could not escape at all.

Chacha dragged Tianyue and found the steward of Tianxuan Pavilion.

said it again.

Stewards are skeptical.

And the death of the pavilion master is a major event that will affect the entire Tianxuan Pavilion!

Cha Cha pondered for a while, and felt that the look in the manager's eyes was not right.

She has to run!

If the steward suddenly fell in love with her and asked her to be the pavilion owner of Xuan Pavilion that day, wouldn't she be finished?

Of course, under normal circumstances, the pavilion owner is not chosen randomly.

should not be so casual.

Cha Cha sighed and handed over Tian Yue to the steward.

In addition to the pavilion owner, there are of course other people in Tianxuan Pavilion. Chacha finished talking about the specific situation without delay, and immediately left Tianxuan Pavilion. Anyway, Tianyue would definitely be finished.

And now Tianyue's power is just average, and the dozen or so accomplices have also been solved by her.

Tianyue is not that powerful yet and can control everything.

Killed the pavilion master, and then mutilated the same family, and designed calculations. No matter what, Tianxuan Pavilion will not make Tianyue's life any better.

The steward of Tianxuan Pavilion and the elders had an urgent discussion.

After the discussion was over, Tian Yue was directly executed.

(end of this chapter)