Chapter 1849: Prime Minister wait (17)

Chapter 1849 Prime Minister wait (17)

Prime Minister wait 17

Cha Cha watched Tian Yue be executed with his own eyes. After the execution, Cha Cha left Tianxuan Pavilion with confidence.

Of course, direct execution may not be very good indeed.

However, Tianyue's mind is not pure, she can understand Tianxuan Pavilion steward and elders' practices, and at the same time, she personally supports it.

Just talking about the murder of a pavilion master, Tianyue must die for this crime!

Not to mention corruption cases...

Before leaving Tianxuan Pavilion.

The stewards of Tianxuan Pavilion and the elders want to recommend Chacha as the pavilion owner. They feel that Chacha is stable in matters and is the leader of Tianxuan Pavilion. It is the most reassuring to teach Tianxuan Pavilion to her.

Cha Cha, "??? I can't, I can't! I don't want it!"

After    continuous denial and rejection, Cha Cha left Tianxuan Pavilion.

She is already the prime minister of Tianshu Kingdom. If she becomes a pavilion master again, I am afraid that more people will want to kill her.

And for her, being a prime minister is enough.

She doesn't want to manage the affairs of Tianxuan Pavilion

Since he left Tianxuan Pavilion, he will not come back often in the future.

There is no one that she is particularly fond of here.

Although the original owner grew up in Tianxuan Pavilion, from the day they were sensible, Tianxuan Pavilion taught them to strive to become better and become the most outstanding and outstanding person among all.

This seems to be a kind of incentive, but is it not a kind of pressure and competition?

Work hard to make yourself excellent, and work hard not to be eliminated.

Poor and pathetic...


Tianshu Kingdom.

It has been five days since Cha Cha returned to the capital.

She went back to the Prime Minister's Mansion first.

Along the way, Qiqi shared the situation with her.

So she knew the situation of the Prime Minister's Mansion very well.

To be more precise, she knew Fu Changye well, even though she was not by his side.

After she left, she just arrived at Tianxuan Pavilion.

The Prime Minister's Mansion has ushered in a group of assassins. The assassins are very powerful, the deputy commander is not an opponent, and these assassins know the Prime Minister's Mansion very well.

Their purpose is also very clear, to capture Fu Changye.

The mastermind behind this incident is naturally the dead Tianyue.

Tian Yue had already arranged a killer near the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The special contact information allows the assassins to receive orders in time to attack Fu Changye.

The deputy commander desperately protects the guardian.

Qiqi took Fu Changye to hide, and then ran out to fight the assassins.

Qiqi, with his super-strong practical experience, gained a head start for the deputy commander...

Those assassins probably never dreamed that they would end up in the hands of a cat.

The deputy commander wanted to arrest the assassin for questioning, but unfortunately he was a step too slow. The assassin took all the poison, and did not get any useful clues at all.

However, even if there is no clue, it doesn't matter, Tianyue is already cool, and the Qingzhou matter can be considered to come to an end.

Qiqi knew that Cha Cha was back.


Qiqi, who used to be in Fu Changye's arms, suddenly became restless, and ran frantically outside the Prime Minister's mansion as if he was having fun.

Then he obediently looked into the distance, as if waiting for someone.

Fu Changye, who was chasing after him, moved slightly, he looked at Qiqi and asked in a low voice, "But he's back?

said this sentence, even he felt incredible.

How could he ask a cat such a question?

Isn't the answer obvious?

No matter how powerful the little wild cat is, is it possible that it can transmit voices over a thousand miles?

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiqi nodded.

Long Night, “………………”

This cat is really...

Long Ye didn't think much about it, since Qiqi nodded, then wait here with it.

Long night did not expect, less than a stick of incense time.

He saw that familiar figure.

Chacha was also a little surprised.

Far away, I saw Chang Ye holding Qi Qi standing there.

Qiqi reacted very quickly, jumped directly from Chang Ye's arms, and flew towards Cha Cha.

嘤嘤, this is the first time it has not seen Chacha for so long, for five days!

Qiqi got into Chacha's arms and kept crying in her arms how much he missed her.

Cha Cha reluctantly touched its head and coaxed a few words softly.

Then came to the long night.

"Why are you standing here?" she asked.

Long Night's eyes are dark, "Wait for you."

I am waiting for you because I am looking forward to your return.

Cha Cha smiled, holding Qi Qi in one hand and Chang Ye in the other, and walked into the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The deputy commander who came up saw this scene, his expression paused slightly, "..." He always felt that something was not right.

This looks so warm.

Those who didn’t know thought it was a family of three.

Parents plus children!

Obviously, this idea is unlikely.

The deputy commander quickly separated his thoughts, "Prime Minister, a lot of things have happened in the Prime Minister's mansion recently."

Chacha nodded, "Deputy commander, don't worry, I'll go get something to eat first, you can speak slowly."

Chang Ye heard the words, and immediately asked someone to get her favorite pastry.

on a soft couch.

Cha Cha lay there and rested.

Long night to feed with cakes.

The deputy commander was on the side, talking about the things of the past few days in detail.

It only takes five days.

But these five days, the Prime Minister's Mansion suffered an assassination

And the second prince has become His Majesty's favorite prince now.

It is said that the case of Qingzhou won the favor of His Majesty. Not only that, but His Majesty’s harem also had a concubine.

Cha Cha was a little surprised at the end.

"Your Majesty has established a concubine? Who is the newly conferred concubine?"

You are already a lot of age, but you still think about Concubine Book?

is not afraid that the body will be overwhelmed.

The deputy commander hesitated.

looks hesitant.

Chacha was even more puzzled, "Who is it? To make you look like this?"

The deputy commander sighed deeply, "Your Majesty's new concubine is the proprietress we captured in Qingzhou before!" The deputy commander was helpless and could not understand the emperor's behavior.

There are so many beautiful girls, why do you have to choose a woman who was almost thrown to death?

That lady boss looks pretty, but isn't that pretty?

Can actually make His Majesty dizzy?

And the identity of the proprietress is really...

Alas, the proprietress of a black shop has a lot of lives on her hands.

Such a person, instead of being executed, made her a concubine?

Even if His Majesty is the Honorable One of Ninety-five, I dare to scold a few words in my heart, faint!

A knife on the prefix!

Deserves to be scolded later!

Chacha snorted.

It's only five days, these two princes and the proprietress are really amazing!

Deputy Commander, "His Majesty named the Boss Lady as a Concubine Meng the day after the Prime Minister left.

There were also ministers in the DPRK, but it was of no use. Your Majesty was very unhappy about it.

If those ministers knew what the dream concubine did, they would be killed on the spot in the Golden Throne Hall. "

Chacha made a gesture to signal Changye to stop feeding.

She picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, then put down the tea cup and got up from the soft couch, "Forget it, I personally went to the palace, just in time, I have to report this harvest to Your Majesty, the Qingzhou case is almost the same. The case can be closed."

The deputy commander bowed his head and sighed.

The prime minister is worthy of being a prime minister, and the case can be closed as soon as he makes a move.

(end of this chapter)