Chapter 1850: Prime Minister wait (18)

Chapter 1850 Prime Minister and Slow Down (18)

Prime Minister wait 18

The Imperial Study Room of the Imperial Palace.

Cha Cha calmly explained the situation of Tianxuan Pavilion.

Tianyue betrayed Tianxuan Pavilion and did such a thing, Tianxuan Pavilion naturally couldn't tolerate her.

Now, Tianyue is dead, and things have come to an end.

And the pavilion master of Tianxuan Pavilion is about to be replaced by someone else.

This matter is also a big blow to Tianxuan Pavilion.

The emperor realized what happened to Tianxuan Pavilion, and after thinking about it, he didn't say much. The prime minister had already given him the result he wanted. Tianshu Kingdom was a victim, and Tianxuan Pavilion was also a victim.

Therefore, the emperor thought that in this case, not to care about Tianxuan Pavilion was the best decision.

Not only that, but also asked Tianxuan Pavilion with concern.

After all, Tianshu Kingdom still needs Tianxuan Pavilion to send talents in the near future.

Because the matter of Tianxuan Pavilion was a secret and could not be made public, the emperor directly closed the Qingzhou case.

And let the second prince go to pack up the funeral and solve all the remaining problems.


When Cha Cha left the imperial study.

happened to meet Concubine Meng who came to the imperial study with a food box.

This is not their first meeting.

At that time, the proprietress was different from the past. There were many palace maids and eunuchs around her, and they were very beautiful.

It was Concubine Meng, who was slightly surprised when she saw Cha Cha.

Until the maid next to him reminded, "This is the Prime Minister, the person your Majesty trusts most."

Mengfei suddenly woke up.

She looked at Cha Cha with a smile and a smile, like a prime minister with a jade tree facing the wind and an unparalleled beauty.

She knew that he was not simple, not a small person, but she never thought that he was actually the prime minister under one person and above ten thousand people?

"It turned out to be the Prime Minister."

Cha Cha's complexion was cold.

glanced at Concubine Meng, "Congratulations Concubine Meng, in just a few days, she has become the Concubine Meng today. I don't know how many girls will be heartbroken, and it is really a great regret in life to fail to become His Majesty's concubine."

Concubine Meng's face changed slightly, she gritted her teeth, "Meeting Your Majesty is a blessing for my concubine."

Your Majesty that old man is about to become his own father.

How could she be willing?

Cha Cha smiled more and more gently, "Since Concubine Meng is here to look for His Majesty, then the truth will not disturb your time."

Mengfei watched him leave.

Relative to the poor old man's majesty.

Of course, she prefers the unparalleled Prime Minister.

Can't marry the prime minister, I'm afraid it will be a regret in this life.

Unfortunately, the prime minister did not have her in his heart, nor would there be her. From the day she poisoned the prime minister, it was impossible for them.

Concubine Meng sighed, looked away, and carried the food box into the imperial study.

For her now, pleasing His Majesty is the most important thing.

Cha Cha left the palace and went directly to the carriage back to the palace.

His Majesty looks sober and normal. For Concubine Meng, I'm afraid it's more of a temporary novelty.

Chacha shook his head helplessly.

There is a knife on the   -colored prefix. If Your Majesty really overturns the car, then you can't blame her, after all, it is His Majesty's own choice.

As long as Concubine Meng has no connection with Tianxuan Pavilion, she has nothing to worry about.

Cha Cha returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

As soon as I got to the door, I saw Long Ye who came to pick her up.

Chacha's heart softened.

She found that Chang Ye became more and more well-behaved.

She liked it very much.

"Long night." Cha Cha shouted.

Next second.

She saw Chang Ye's face stiffen with her own eyes.

Cha Cha, "...?"

She doesn't seem to have spoken yet? Why did he suddenly change his face?

"What's the matter with you?" Cha Cha asked.

Chang Ye looked at Cha Cha with an unpleasant expression, his eyes darkened, "Besides Your Majesty, who else have you met?"

He smelled a powdery smell.

Chacha was stunned, and it took a long time to react, "In addition to Your Majesty, I also met Concubine Meng who went to the imperial study, that is, the previous proprietress, you have seen it. Is there any problem?"

She didn't quite understand why Chang Ye asked this question suddenly.

Chang Ye shook his head, "No problem." However, his face changed and changed, obviously not very happy.

Originally came to greet Cha Cha. After Chang Ye answered, he turned around and left, leaving Cha Cha with a lonely back.

Chacha, "???"

She watched Chang Ye walk back into the yard with a bewildered expression.

Then he thought about the conversation just now.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with those few lines of dialogue.

is very confusing.

When did the heart of a man become a needle in the sea?

Chacha looked for the deputy commander in confusion, but the deputy commander was also bewildered.

He didn't know what was going on either.

Because before the Prime Minister came back, the Sixth Prince had been really looking forward to the Prime Minister's return.

So, to get to the bottom of it, the Prime Minister should have said something wrong.

Cha Cha, "...?"

was at a loss.

She really didn't know what she said wrong, after thinking about it, she couldn't understand it.

Cha Cha sighed and went to Chang Ye's room.

At that time, Chang Ye was sitting there in a daze.

"If I say something wrong, tell me." Cha Cha said softly, and sat down beside him.

Chang Ye's brows and eyes moved slightly, "Are you obsessed with Concubine Meng?"

Cha Cha was stunned on the spot, "??? What are you talking about?"

She to Mengfei?

What is this all about?

"I'm innocent with her, why should I keep thinking about her!" Did he get water in his head? Or has your brain become out of whack?

Chang Ye snorted and continued to ask, "Then why do you smell like fat powder?"

Cha Cha thought for a while, "...Maybe it's because I stood with her and said a few words, so I got it."

After the words were finished, she sniffed her sleeves and didn't feel any smell. How could his sense of smell be so sensitive?

was unexpected.

So, is he being petty because she said a few words to Concubine Meng?

Chacha thought quickly, and then said, "If you don't like Concubine Meng, I won't have contact with her in the future. There's no need to be angry because of a messy person."

Long Ye nodded, "Hmm."

It turned out to be a misunderstanding?

That's right, your lord is not stupid. Concubine Meng is already His Majesty's person. If you really can't get involved with Concubine Meng, isn't that giving up your great future?

It was him just now, digging into the horns.


Chang Ye's eyes were dark, "There is no need to deliberately distance yourself from Concubine Meng. After all, the days to come are still long, and she is His Majesty's concubine. If you are too deliberate, it will cause His Majesty's dissatisfaction."

After all, His Majesty's man... is really not that good.

The so-called companion of the king is like the companion of a tiger.

As long as the adults have nothing to do with Mengfei, he will be very happy.

It would be no good if the lord deliberately alienated Concubine Meng because of his reasons and caused His Majesty's dissatisfaction.

Long Ye: Today, I will also be a caring person who works hard for the Prime Minister! ! !

Cha Cha patted Chang Ye's shoulder with satisfaction.

"Long Ye knew that he was thinking of me, and I'm very happy.

However, I still hope that you will trust me a little more. To me, you are the most important thing. No matter whether it is the concubine Meng or the proprietress, they are all strangers to me. "

Chang Ye pursed the corners of his lips and couldn't help but retorted, "Then what you said to the proprietress at the inn before? Are they all just a show?"

(end of this chapter)