Chapter 1856: Prime Minister wait (24)

Chapter 1856 Prime Minister and Slow Down (24)

Prime Minister and slow down 24

The second prince never reacted when he saw the third.

In desperation, he had no choice but to shift his target to another prince.

He used the same strategy to calculate the fourth prince.

The fourth prince was soft-hearted, and when the **** beside him said that the prime minister might value the sixth prince very much, the fourth prince was immediately annoyed.

Although he has never paid attention to the sixth prince.

However, as soon as he heard that the prime minister valued it, the fourth prince immediately raised his vigilance.

he thought about it.

Since the Sixth Prince was brought into the Prime Minister's Mansion, they have never been bullied again, and they haven't seen the Sixth Prince again. In other words, isn't it just protecting the Sixth Prince in disguise?

The fourth prince suddenly realized.

It turns out that the prime minister really has ulterior motives for the sixth prince?

The more the fourth prince thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

A prince in a cold palace, why is he valued by the prime minister?

Even the abolished prince, the second prince, and the prime minister didn't even look at them.

The more the fourth prince thought about it, the more he felt that there was a problem.

He must go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to find out what's true.


The fourth prince hurriedly went to the prime minister's residence, expressing that he wanted to see the sixth prince.

Outside the Prime Minister's Mansion, the deputy commander directly refused, "Fourth Prince, please come back, the Prime Minister's Mansion is not seen."

The fourth prince was persistent, "I don't want to see the prime minister, I want to see my sixth brother and sixth prince, and I hope the deputy commander will say something."

If the Sixth Prince really becomes stronger than before, then this will be troublesome.

The deputy commander hesitated for a while, "The fourth prince will wait here first, and he will return after his subordinates go."

The deputy commander turned and entered the courtyard.

"The fourth prince wants to see the sixth prince."

Cha Cha glanced indifferently, then turned his gaze on Chang Ye, "Do you want to see him?"

Long Ye's eyes darkened, "I can't see it."

The deputy commander immediately returned the same way.

Since it is said that it is not seen, then it is not seen.

The deputy commander stood at the gate of the mansion and rejected the fourth prince, "The fourth prince, please come back."

The fourth prince was already full of anger, but he was rejected now, and suddenly burst out, "...? That little beast dared to refuse to see me? What is he?"

Just accidentally caught up with the prime minister.

If there is no Prime Minister, he would kill Fu Changye as easily as killing an ant!

The deputy commander's expression changed slightly. The sixth prince is still a prince. Even if he is not favored, the fourth prince must have some brains. He can't say these words at will.

The fourth prince sneered immediately, Fu Changye leaned on the prime minister to see him, why? At this moment, even a deputy commander dared to slap him?

"You asked me to pay attention to words? What are you? Are you not a deputy commander? To put it bluntly, you are nothing more than a guard dog, and you dare to talk to me like this? Who gave you the courage?"

The fourth prince was arrogant and angry.

The deputy commander's face changed. He looked at the fourth prince, another person who wanted to go the old way of the prince.

The fourth prince will do something to the deputy commander if he is cursing.

In terms of identity alone, this commander is definitely not qualified to fight back, so the fourth prince is particularly arrogant.

"Even if I kill you today, the royal father will not do anything to me!"

Deputy Commander, "..." The Fourth Prince is really confident.

Confidence is a good thing, but sometimes...confidence can ruin a person.

"The fourth prince is so arrogant, how can my prime minister's mansion be a place where you can kill people at will?"

Cha Cha walked slowly with a fan in his hand.

Dressed in a purple robe, luxurious and solemn, Qing Jun's face was full of indifference.

When the fourth prince saw the Prime Minister appear, his complexion changed slightly.

He is not stupid, at least he is smarter than the prince. As soon as he sees the prime minister, he immediately admits his counsel.

"Master Prime Minister, I was just joking with the deputy commander."

Chacha's meaningful eyes stayed on him for a moment.

"Fourth Prince, the last person who was arrogant in front of my Prime Minister's Mansion was the former Prince, I hope you can learn from it."

The fourth prince was so frightened that he was sweating on the spot.

He lowered his head and said quickly, "Thank you for your teaching."

No matter how arrogant and arrogant he was, he would not dare to be so arrogant in front of the Prime Minister.

The power of the prime minister, after passing the abolition of the prince, he has already felt it.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the Prime Minister say such words.

The Fourth Prince only felt chills all over his body.

shrinks into a ball in fear, where is the momentum just now.

The deputy commander's eyes flashed with mockery.

Although he is a subordinate and a slave, he really can't figure out what some princes think.

You are obviously afraid of dying, but you still dare to come over?

is like chasing death.

And the matter of the prince is enough for many people to learn a lesson.

Unfortunately, it has only been a few days.

The fourth prince began to die again.

He shook his head, he really didn't quite understand what these princes were thinking.


Is it not good to live well?

Why do you have to die?

"It's windy outside, the Prime Minister should hurry in, I'm the one who bothered." The fourth prince added cautiously.

Then, out of the corner of the eye, he saw Long Ye.

He subconsciously took another look, his eyes filled with resentment.

If it wasn't for Fu Changye, he wouldn't be reprimanded by the Prime Minister.

Cha Cha saw Chang Ye appear, and Wei Wei guessed something, she responded and turned back to the house.

The deputy commander followed him into the palace with a wink.

And at the entrance of the prime minister's residence, Chang Ye stared blankly at the fourth prince in front of him.

"Brother Fourth Emperor, do you have anything to do with me?" he asked.

The boy's face was calm and he stood there indifferently.

The fourth prince gritted his teeth, knowing that this was at the door of the Prime Minister's residence, and did not dare to speak casually.

He said, "Of course I miss you, I haven't seen you for a long time, sixth brother, take a step to talk."

"Okay." Chang Ye walked towards the Prime Minister's mansion with dark eyes, leaving the fourth prince behind.

When the fourth prince saw him walking out, he was overjoyed and immediately followed him.

When there is no one else, he can teach Fu Changye a lesson.

Do you really think that by being by the Prime Minister's side, you can become a dragon and a phoenix among people?

is simply delusional.

The long night brought people to a small alley.

The Fourth Prince called him from behind, "Fu Changye! Stop!"

There is no one here, there is no need to go further.

Unfortunately, the long night seems to be unable to hear, and keeps going forward.

The Fourth Prince was a step behind, unable to catch up with him.

had to trot.

And the pace of the long night is getting faster and faster.

At this moment, to the fourth prince, Chang Ye was like someone he couldn't catch up with.

The Fourth Prince was very unhappy.

His face was full of anger.

He started to pick up his pace, chasing the figure and running forward.

until the end of the alley.

The long night stopped.

The fourth prince managed to catch up, panting against the wall, "You, are you sick? What are you doing walking so fast? Fu Changye, I warn you, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise..."

Having said this, Chang Ye suddenly turned around.

The expressionless face suddenly became dark and dark, and it was a little more sinister.

The fourth prince's words just got stuck there.

He opened his mouth, subconsciously feeling a hint of danger.

Changye said slowly, "Or what? Kill me? Or kill me? Or do you want to go to the cold palace with a dozen eunuchs and beat me? All kinds of humiliation?"

The sullen eyes of the young man were full of danger, the fourth prince trembled, and suddenly he didn't know what to say.

(end of this chapter)