Chapter 1857: Prime Minister wait (25)

Chapter 1857 Prime Minister and Slow Down (25)

Prime Minister and slow down 25

The Fourth Prince paused for a moment.

In the next second, there is only one thought left in my mind: escape!

His eyes were terrified and he wanted to turn and flee.

However, there is no way to escape.

As soon as he had the courage to turn around, he was caught by Fu Changye.

An unfamiliar hand fell on his shoulder.

The hand was white and thin, but it seemed to have an irresistible gravity, pressing him to the spot, unable to move.

The panic in the fourth prince's eyes continued to magnify.

There was only one voice left in his ear, "The debt you owe will eventually be repaid."

After a long time.

Chang Ye walked out of the alley, and walked back to the Prime Minister's mansion with a calm expression on his face.

in the corner of the alley behind him.

The fourth prince was lying on the ground and was given a severe lesson.

looks young and pitiful and helpless.

However, it is only a small amount of interest recovered.

I do not know how long it has been.

The fourth prince managed to regain his senses and struggled to get up.

His eyes were dull.

kept muttering, "Scary! It's terrible!"

Fu Changye is too scary.

is like a demon!

let him taste the pain that Fu Changye once tasted.

punched and kicked him, poisoned him...

He didn't know if this was the beginning or the end.

The current Fu Changye is not the same as before.

He had absolutely no idea how the Prime Minister taught Fu Changye, he was just a wolf!

He had bullied Fu Changye before, he had beaten and scolded Fu Changye before, and he even joined others to attack.


Fu Changye has the ability to take revenge.

He has no ability to protect himself.

What is he going to do?

What else can we do?

The fourth prince went back in despair.

The arrogance when he came has long since disappeared.

What happened to Fu Changye in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he no longer wanted to know, he just wanted to live, and only hoped that Fu Changye would not put all his hatred on him.

The fourth prince returned to the palace and locked himself in the room.

No one wants to go out.

As if to isolate himself.

After this.

The Fourth Prince was reluctant to step out of the room for several days.

Not only that.

The fourth prince himself was going crazy.

After that day, when he returned to the palace, as long as he closed his eyes at night, he would have nightmares, haunting him like a nightmare, making him unable to live in peace and quiet. After several days in a row, the fourth prince did not even want to step out of the room during the day. .

After the emperor heard about it, he called the imperial physician.

Unfortunately, the Imperial Physician couldn't see the fourth prince's illness. Maybe this is called heart disease?

If the cause cannot be found out, the emperor has no choice.

I checked the whereabouts of the fourth prince that day, but in desperation, he asked the prime minister again, if the fourth prince died when he went to the prime minister's residence, there was something unusual.

Chacha, "Your Majesty, the fourth prince went to the prime minister's mansion to see the sixth prince that day, but was rejected, and then quarreled with the deputy commander. I came out to solve the matter. As for other abnormalities, there is really nothing."

Her poor family beat the fourth prince.

Well, nothing else.

The fourth prince scared himself and fell ill. This can't let her poor family take the blame.

Therefore, Chacha directly cleans the long night wash.

Couldn't find out any cause, the fourth prince had such an inexplicable mental problem, and the emperor was worried.

But there is no way to solve the problem, even the imperial doctor can't solve the problem, what can he do?


The most troublesome is the second prince.

The second prince was really surprised.

It's fine if the three princes don't make a move, how could it be so difficult to find a fourth prince to take action, to fool the fourth prince out, without doing anything, and his mind is not normal?

This ride...

The second prince had a headache.

How can this be good?

It’s either that he is unwilling to take action, or that there is a problem directly before taking action…

The second prince was silent for a long time, and finally decided that some things may still need to be done by himself.

Probably the only way to succeed.

Everyone is unreliable.

Only on your own!

The second prince's eyes were fierce. Now that he has decided, he must take a long-term view.

He even took thirty-six strategies and read it carefully over and over again for three days in a row.

In the end, I came up with a more perfect plan.

Remove the Prime Minister!

Let the father emperor never trust the prime minister again!

This method is too reckless and risky!

In case of failure, Concubine Meng will be put in.

The second prince asked Concubine Meng to discuss it. The two discussed it for a long time, and Concubine Meng finally nodded, agreeing to this matter.

Concubine Meng fell sideways into the arms of the second prince.

wrapped his arms around his waist, "Second prince, if this plan fails... I will never see you again, will you still remember me?"

She should have died long ago.

But because of various reasons, she became a dream concubine. This is fate, a fate that cannot be controlled.

Fate gave her hope, but also gave her a dead end.

She has no choice.

In other words, even though she knew it was a dead end, she was still willing to go.

In fact, this plan, whether it fails or not, will not end well for her.

The second prince didn't look at her, and hugged the person in his arms, "I will always remember you."


He bowed his head and said seriously, "Don't worry, even if you fail, I will try to save you. The big deal is that a golden cicada will escape. Are you willing to give up your identity as a concubine Meng?"

The second prince looked at Concubine Meng affectionately, as if the person in his arms was his most important person.

Concubine Meng nodded with emotion, "I do."

Whatever the outcome, she will be mentally prepared.

The two finalized the details again, and Concubine Meng left.

After Mengfei left.

The second prince restrained his affection.

There are no more affectionate models in the eyes.

For him, Concubine Meng is a tool, a sharp sword for her.

Feelings or something, he won't have real feelings for her.

Woman, it's really easy to deceive.

The second prince sneered and perfected the next plan.

This plan must be well thought out.

Carefully perfected.

Otherwise, it is easy to trap him too.

He has come to this point with great difficulty, and he must not make mistakes!


The Prime Minister's House.

Cha Cha took a cup of tea and looked at the long night of martial arts practice.

This martial art is getting better and better.

"Deputy commander." Cha Cha shouted, "You and Chang Ye make a gesture."

she ordered with a small smile.

The deputy commander was slightly stunned, a little worried.

"That subordinate will stop at the moment."

Although Sixth Young Master is talented and intelligent, but after careful calculation, Sixth Young Master has only practiced martial arts for just one month, and he has been practicing martial arts for more than ten years.

If you really do it, if it hurts the self-confidence of Sixth Young Master, it will be bad.

Cha Cha greeted Long Ye with a smile.

In the bottom of my heart, I silently ordered a wax for the deputy commander.

After a while, the deputy commander knew that he was crying.

Hey, naive.

The innocent deputy commander came to the open space.

"Sixth son, please let me know."

Long Ye, "The deputy commander must not release water." Otherwise, he will be unhappy.

He wants the prime minister to see his strength with his own eyes!

He really worked hard.

The deputy commander responded perfunctorily.

He was actually quite embarrassed. First, he was afraid of hurting Young Master Liu, and second, he was afraid of hitting Young Master Liu.

Confidence is not easy to build up. If because of him, the confidence of Sixth Young Master is broken, it will be bad.

After half a stick of incense.

The deputy commander's face changed again and again, "..." The one who stepped on the horse was naive! ! !

(end of this chapter)