Chapter 1861: Prime Minister wait (29)

Chapter 1861 Prime Minister wait (29)

Prime Minister and wait 29


Concubine Meng is not in the palace.

The rest of the concubines seemed to smell an unusual aura, and they were keen to look for Concubine Meng immediately.

Several concubines had light in their eyes.

disappeared at His Majesty's birthday banquet, and he hasn't returned to his bedroom, obviously there is a problem!

If they can catch the problem, maybe this dream concubine is over.

And then.

Something that shocked everyone happened.

Mengfei found it.

However, the second prince was also discovered at the same time.

There is something indescribable between the second prince and Concubine Meng.

When the    emperor rushed over, the two men in disheveled clothes were scrambling to organize their clothes.

All drunkenness, instantly sober.

The emperor was so angry that he almost fainted.

The news was immediately blocked, and no one was allowed to spread it.

The emperor waved everyone back.

Those concubines who were watching the play didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

silently retreated to the door.

They just want to make Mengfei fall from grace.

And Concubine Meng, just did this kind of absurdity and wanted to lose her head?

There were only three people left in the room: the emperor, the second prince and the concubine Meng.

The second prince fell to his knees with a plop.

"Father, my son really doesn't know why this happened. Someone must have set up a malicious frame!!! Father must be the master of my son!"

Concubine Meng was also crying there.

"Your Majesty, the concubine is wronged! The concubine and the second prince are not familiar with each other at all, how could such a thing happen? The concubine must have been framed!"

Concubine Meng was both afraid and hated.

I am afraid that His Majesty will put the blame on the second prince, and I hate the Prime Minister even more!

Actually backhanded her and the second prince?

The emperor's eyes were sharp, "You all shut up!"

It doesn't matter if you replace it with someone else, just behead it directly.

But the people in front of him are his son and his concubine...

The emperor was so angry that he instantly grew old.

He also didn't want to believe that this happened.

But it still happened.

Of course, he also somewhat agrees with what the second child and Concubine Meng said.

After all, these two are not stupid.

As the prince, the second child has been in the limelight recently, and it is impossible for him to destroy his future. Being with the concubine completely ruins his future. The second child cannot be stupid.

In his eyes, the second child is very smart.

And Concubine Meng is not stupid, she knows what she wants, and it is impossible to be stupid enough to do such a thing at such a time and place.

Both of them have been favored recently.

If you are framed by someone, you just kill two birds with one stone.


Even if he was framed, things have already happened.

He glanced at Concubine Meng.

This kind of thing happened, he certainly couldn't think that nothing happened.

He couldn't dote on her anymore.

Concubine Meng gritted her teeth, knowing her own results.

As early as when calculating the prime minister, she thought of it.

No matter what happened or not, it is a humiliation for the emperor today that the two of them are in the same room.

So, she won't have any good end.

She was just not reconciled.

She is so unwilling!

Calculated for so long, but still fell short

And also implicated the second prince.

Concubine Meng's heart swayed.

looked up at the emperor seriously.

"Your Majesty! My concubine really didn't do anything wrong to you. My concubine just met the Prime Minister on the way back to the dormitory, said a few words at random, and then didn't know anything!"

Concubine Meng struggled to the death.

tried to implicate the matter on the prime minister.

His Majesty was a little stunned, "Prime Minister?" Why did this matter involve the Prime Minister again?

The prime minister doesn't like girls, so he won't be interested in concubines...

Concubine Meng pondered while taking advantage of His Majesty.

Finally glanced at the second prince.

eyes look like death.

The second prince was stunned for a moment, as if he wanted to say something. The next second, he saw Concubine Meng pear and rain crying, "Your Majesty! The concubine is willing to die to prove her innocence!!!" After that, Concubine Meng slammed her head to death in front of the emperor. .


The second prince looked at Concubine Meng in shock.

opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

She actually... chose to die?

The second prince's strength seemed to be drained.

He knew what she meant.

also knew her choice.

She is using her death to prove her innocence, and at the same time, it is to protect him!

In order to let the emperor know, he is also innocent.

In this way, it is tantamount to letting him take this opportunity to turn over.

Let the emperor know that they are framed because they are favored, and they are in the position of victims!

It's just that she exchanged her death for this step.

The emperor was stimulated by Mengfei's death.

The second prince said quickly, "Royal father! The relationship between the son and the concubine Meng is innocent, and I hope that the imperial father will return the concubine Meng to be fair."

The    emperor glanced at him, didn't say anything else, got up and walked out.

That scene just now was too shocking.

He needs to slow down.

The second prince was suddenly relieved.

The father didn't ask him to blame him, and he didn't mean to do anything to him, which means that Concubine Meng won the bet, and this move was very correct...

The second prince followed behind the emperor.

When    was about to reach the door, he couldn't help but look back.

It's okay, he will remember her.

Remember that she used her death to give him a new life.

The emperor walked out of the room, and the second prince immediately sent someone to deal with the corpse of Concubine Meng.

The concubine who was guarding outside was terrified.

Several people shivered around each other.

They really didn't think about killing Concubine Meng's life.

Don't blame them! It was made by the concubine Meng...

Several people were terrified.

The emperor just took two steps out and fell directly to the ground.

The emperor fainted, and for a while, the scene became a mess.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty."


Amid the shouts, the emperor was sent back, and the imperial physician hurried to check the pulse.

The second prince closed his eyes.

His eyes were awake.

He wants to turn defeat into victory.

Concubine Meng paved a way for him, he must make good use of it!


The emperor fell ill immediately.


The next day.

It is not yet dawn.

The news of the emperor's illness reached the prime minister's residence.

At the same time, there is news of the death of Concubine Meng.

The matter of Concubine Meng and the Second Prince, not many people knew about it, and those people didn't dare to say a word, for fear that their little life would not be guaranteed.

Therefore, when it spreads to the outside world, it means that Concubine Meng died and the emperor fell ill.

At that time.

The deputy commander stood there and talked about the situation.

As for the specifics, he doesn't know.

He didn't leave in a hurry after reporting.

looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

The prime minister actually slept in the same room with the sixth son?

Oh no, to be more precise, a night in a bed! ! ! ! ! !

Deputy Commander, "..." The mood is quite complicated.

Although the prime minister is also a man, he always finds it strange.

"Anything else?" Cha Cha noticed his gaze and asked casually.

He opened his mouth, and it took a long time before he said, "Sir, I'm afraid there is something strange about the death of Concubine Meng. You must be more careful when entering the palace."

"Yeah." Cha Cha replied, she could almost guess something.

Concubine Meng and the second prince were arrested.

If Concubine Meng was deeply in love with the second prince, this is probably the result.

Anyway, she was a little surprised.

But it was just an accident. Concubine Meng had a deep affection for the second prince...

(end of this chapter)