Chapter 1862: Prime Minister wait (30)

Chapter 1862 Prime Minister and Slow Down (30)

Prime Minister and slow down by 30

Cha Cha simply cleaned up and was about to enter the palace.

Changye stopped her suddenly, with firm eyes, "I'll go with you."

This journey to the palace, there will definitely be danger, he wants to accompany her.

Cha Cha thought for a while and agreed to the long night.

"Okay, let's go together."

Cha Cha led Chang Ye out of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The entrance of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The deputy commander asked, "Can I follow it?"

They all entered the palace, if he didn't go, he always felt that something was missing.

Cha Cha laughed, "No, you are in the Prime Minister's Mansion, just guard the Prime Minister's Mansion."

The palace is dangerous, she has to take care of Chang Ye.

If you add a deputy commander, you have to put another thought on the deputy commander.

"Okay." The deputy commander stayed in the prime minister's mansion.

For some reason, I always felt that this time was not so simple.

Why did Concubine Meng suddenly die?

I hope the Prime Minister's trip goes well...

on the carriage.

Cha Cha closed his eyes and rested.

"Are you nervous?" She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Chang Ye.

"I was worried that I would see the emperor when I entered the palace. I don't know what to say?" The relationship between father and son is indeed weak, and it is normal to be nervous.

Chang Ye shook his head, "No."

He paused and said, "The second prince will not let it go."

That person, obviously he will report it.

"Don't worry, the second prince will not be my opponent."

Even if the second prince is really crazy, and even wants to die, she has nothing to worry about. In the face of a certain strength, the second prince's conspiracy and tricks are completely out of her eyes.

"Still be careful." Long Ye advised.

The second prince, who knows what he will do?


After Cha Cha entered the palace.

The personal **** beside the emperor invited her directly into the palace.

"Master Prime Minister, His Majesty has specified that he wants to see you. He doesn't want to see anyone except you."

Cha Cha's eyes flickered, vaguely guessing something.

As Your Majesty, leading the country, naturally has a unique sensitivity.

Cha Cha crossed the outer hall and walked in.

"Your Majesty." She called softly.

The person on the dragon bed immediately struggled to get up.

Eunuch Li hurriedly supported His Majesty, put the pillow behind His Majesty, and then exited the inner hall.

Only Cha Cha and His Majesty were left in the hall.

The emperor took a deep breath, "Prime Minister, do you know Z, what the **** is going on?"

Chacha, "..." This is embarrassing.

I can't say directly that your son is really related to Concubine Meng?

Cha Cha paused, thinking about how to say this.

"Your Majesty, I don't know.

Last night, the minister drank wine and returned to the prime minister's residence early. "

"Prime Minister, there is no one else here." The emperor's eyes grew a little older.

After last night, the more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

Since she was framed, why did Concubine Meng end her life in such a way?

I'm afraid there are other things that he doesn't know.

"I asked Eunuch Li to investigate, except for Concubine Meng, the second prince, and you who left the table together last night."

The emperor said again, his eyes sharply falling on Cha Cha.

He knew that she was not a man.

So there must be no relationship between her and Concubine Meng.

Then why did the three of them leave the table together?

Cha Cha raised his head and looked at the emperor calmly, "Since Your Majesty has already guessed in his heart, why should he go to the bottom of it?"

Some things are better not to say.

In this way, it can be regarded as leaving some face.

Although the second prince is powerful, the second prince may have forgotten a sentence: Jiang is still old and spicy!

Although this emperor is old, he is the champion in the last prince battle!

A few words settled the emperor's guess.

The emperor's face gradually darkened, "Forget it, you can go back." He waved his hand, "Let Eunuch Li come in."

"I hope Your Majesty takes care of the dragon's body." Cha Cha respectfully withdrew.


Eunuch Li walked in.

"Your Majesty."

Emperor, "How's the investigation of those sent out?"

Eunuch Li's face turned pale, "Report to Your Majesty, it is still under investigation, but...there are already some clues."

After he finished speaking, he knelt down with a plop.

The emperor's face was gloomy, "Speak!"

Eunuch Li reported tremblingly, "The dark guard sent out said that Concubine Meng had met the second prince in private, but the specific situation is still being verified..."

The emperor was so angry that his face instantly flushed red, followed by a violent cough.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, are you all right?" Eunuch Li was in a hurry.

I had scolded the second prince a thousand times in my heart.

There are so many women in the world, but they are walking with Concubine Meng?

Isn't this too long?

I have never seen such a hopeless person!

After a long time, the emperor's emotions calmed down a bit.

"..." He looked straight ahead.

If he guessed right.

The Prime Minister has long known.

The beast, the second child, has something to do with that bitch.

Now this situation is not bad.

After all, in the eyes of those who saw the situation, the second child and Concubine Meng were framed by someone, and Concubine Meng proved her innocence by death. In this matter, as an emperor, he can also step down.

If there is no such thing...

The emperor suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

"You ask the dark guard to find out all the circumstances of the matter." The emperor ordered with a cold face.

Eunuch Li, "The slaves follow the order."


Cha Cha walked out of the dormitory and saw the long night waiting for her quietly outside.

"Long night, let's go back."

Chang Ye was a little surprised, didn't the emperor do anything to the adults?

He thought that the emperor would hold the prime minister accountable.

He frowned.

asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty has no accountability?"

Cha Cha paused slightly, "No."

She walked down the steps and suddenly looked back at the closed door.

His Majesty is indeed not accountable at this moment.

But what about later?

In the future, will His Majesty feel that she knows too much?

In the last life, Fu Changming attacked the original owner partly because he felt that Tianxuan Pavilion was too lenient, and he did not want to be controlled by Tianxuan Pavilion anymore.

So what about now?

Does His Majesty have the same thoughts?

Don't want to be involved with Tianxuan Pavilion anymore?

Judging from the current manpower of the Tianshu Kingdom, even if there is no Tianxuan Pavilion, the Tianshu Kingdom can find a suitable person to be the prime minister.

May not need Tianxuan Pavilion to provide talents...

Check and balance this kind of thing. Over time, some people will always be unwilling.

Cha Cha sighed.

walked back with the long night.

We will talk about the future.

Now it is still necessary to finish the affairs of the second prince.

Not long after the two of them left, they suddenly bumped into someone.

"Sir Prime Minister is polite, brother of the sixth emperor."

The third prince looked kind.

Chacha glanced at him and had an impression of him.

is the third prince who is obsessed with various books and is not interested in fighting for power.

"The third prince is going to visit His Majesty?"

The third prince, "...No, I'm looking for someone."

He asked Father-in-law Li to help him get a few isolated copies a few days ago.

"The third prince should pay attention, His Majesty is not in a good mood at the moment." Cha Cha reminded him casually.

and leave with the long night.

The Third Prince, "...?"

Is your father in a bad mood?

Then he...let's find Eunuch Li another day!

After all, Eunuch Li was the father of the emperor. If he collided, he would be miserable.

The third prince turned his head to look at the prime minister who had not gone far, and quickly bowed his thanks.

Xie Prime Minister reminded.

(end of this chapter)