Chapter 1863: Prime Minister wait (31)

Chapter 1863 Prime Minister wait (31)

Prime Minister and wait 31

Cha Cha and Chang Ye had just left the palace when they saw the second prince at the gate of the palace.

The second prince looked at Cha Cha coldly.

"The prime minister is really a good means."

Cha Cha smiled and said, "Is the second prince complimenting his true appearance?"

The coldness on the second prince's face gradually deepened.

He didn't expect the Prime Minister to answer like this, he didn't even hide it, he was serious and fearless.

"You..." The second prince gritted his teeth, and the anger on his face could not be concealed gradually.

It took him so long to calculate, but in the end it fell short with the Prime Minister.

Even now, his father is suspicious of him and suspicious of him.

Even if Concubine Meng proves her innocence by death, I am afraid that the royal father will no longer trust him and dote on him like before.

The second prince suddenly set his eyes on Chang Ye and looked at him quietly.

It seems that the prime minister is really concerned about Fu Changye, otherwise, how could it be, and take it wherever he goes?

Even when you came to this palace, you actually brought people with you?

Aware of the second prince's gaze, Cha Cha gave him a dissatisfied look.

"Could the second prince want to find a dead end for himself again? Some people are not something you can calculate." Cha Cha warned.

If she dared to calculate Chang Ye, she promised that the second prince would end up in the same fate as Concubine Meng.

The second prince smiled suddenly, "The prime minister is joking, he is my younger brother, what can I do to him?"

After the words fell, he turned around and entered the palace.

chacha, “…”

She snorted coldly, that's all, since the second prince is like this, then she will start first.

Originally did not plan to attack the second prince immediately, but now it seems that the second prince must be unable to turn over!

Chang Ye said worriedly, "Will I cause you trouble?"

"No, don't think so much." Cha Cha comforted him.

Cha Cha tightly grasped Chang Ye's wrist and looked at him firmly.

Chang Ye felt a warm feeling in his heart.


The next day.

His Majesty found out all kinds of things between the second prince and Concubine Meng.

It stands to reason that it should not be found so quickly.

Things have passed so long.

The Dark Guard is puzzled, but since he has found it, he will hand over the evidence directly to His Majesty.

After all, it's not very good for them to continue to go deeper into this kind of thing, as a dark guard.

If it is thorough and thorough, I am afraid that they will not live long.

For the emperor, it was... equivalent to a scandal.

No one wants a scandal to be known to too many people.

The second prince was still thinking about how to calculate the long night.

did not know that the good deeds he had done had already been known by His Majesty.

Even, he didn't even notice that something was wrong.

Until someone came to send an decree to let him enter the palace.

The second prince entered the palace, and then went to the emperor, only to vaguely realize that something was wrong.

The emperor sat upright, glanced at the second prince, and pulled the corners of his lips without smiling, "Tell me about the birthday banquet that day."

The second prince responded and said the previous thing again, but there was still no flaw.

Speaking of the end, the second prince suddenly stopped when he saw the cold and stern aura of the emperor.

The conversation changed and he asked.

"Imperial Father... Do you not believe in your son?"

Emperor, "..." You, a bastard, still have the face to say such a thing?

How much dote he usually gives his second child? So the second child just floated away?

Don’t even know east, west, north and south?

The emperor's face changed and changed.

The second prince stood there, thinking about how to sell badly in a while.

How to deceive the emperor.


The second prince did not know, the emperor had already found out the truth.

I knew for a long time that he had an affair with Concubine Meng, and the relationship was not ordinary. The two were really related.

The second prince still felt that there was still a chance for this matter.

Always reluctant to think about your own results.

Even, he began to perform in front of the emperor again.

"If the royal father doesn't believe his son, even let someone check it out!"

The second prince was confident, as if he was certain that the emperor could not find anything.

Things have passed for so long, how to find out?

He was not afraid at all.

The emperor was about to die from Fu Changming's shamelessness.

has reached this point, and is still talking nonsense and deceiving people.

"You said you have nothing to do with Concubine Meng? Very well, I will ask you one last time, whether you and Concubine Meng are innocent!"

The    emperor was extremely angry and stared at him.

The second prince's eyes flashed, and he replied firmly, "The relationship between the son and the concubine Meng is innocent!!!"

"Beast!" The emperor cursed in anger.

The second prince looked at His Majesty in astonishment.

"Royal father?" He doesn't seem to understand why he would scold him like this

The emperor sneered, "Do you really think what you have done can really be hidden from the sky? Fu Changming, the matter between you and Concubine Meng, I have already checked it out! You are still full of mouths. lie?"

The second prince's eyes froze.

looked at the emperor with horror on his face, "Father, what are you talking about? My son really doesn't understand."

The words have come to this point, and Fu Changming is still stubbornly refusing to admit it.

The emperor's face was ashen, he frowned and smashed the evidence on Fu Changming.

"Don't you understand? Then take a look at the evidence and remember the shameless things you did in the past!" The emperor shouted angrily.

How could he have such a son?

Can you cover up what you have done without admitting it?

The second prince looked at the evidence, his mind was stunned, and his mind was full of buzzing voices.

"……"how so?

was discovered?

how come……

Fu Changming was a little bit broken. In an instant, he knelt down with a plop and struggled to death, "Father, you have to believe Erchen! Erchen is really innocent with Concubine Meng... Someone must be framing Erchen!"

The emperor sneered, "These are all found by my people! Fu Changming, Fu Changming, you have reached this point, and you still refuse to admit it? Do you think that if you don't admit it, I will believe that you are innocent?"

"..." All Fu Changming's strength seemed to be taken away at this moment.

"Father! Father!"

Fu Changming shouted at a loss, this situation was something he didn't expect.

was discovered?

Can't bite to death without admitting it?

What else can I do?

All things are pushed to Mengfei? Will that have the opposite effect?

He didn't know what to do.

"Isn't it plausible just now? Why, I can't say a word now?"

The emperor pressed his eyebrows.

pulled the corners of his lips, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

He raised a good son.

"Forget it, Concubine Meng is dead, and it is impossible for me to kill you. In the future, you can go to accompany the boss. He lives there alone, and he is probably quite lonely. It happens that the two of you are company."

The emperor's indifferent order.

Now, the abolished prince is living in the East Palace.

In other words, he will live there from now on.

Companion with the waste prince.

Fu Changming knelt on the ground helplessly, but he went around in circles and came to the same ending as the abolished prince?

Although the abolished prince is still in the East Palace, everyone knows that the other courtyard in the East Palace is equivalent to the Cold Palace, but it is called the East Palace Other Courtyard...

is no different from Leng Gong.

(end of this chapter)