Chapter 1864: Prime Minister wait (32)

Chapter 1864 Prime Minister and Slow Down (32)

Prime Minister and slow down 32

The second prince, who was originally favored, was suddenly thrown into the other courtyard of the East Palace by the emperor, and ended up the same as the abolished prince.

Everyone talked a lot, secretly guessing that the sky of this palace is really going to change.

I don't know what the second prince has done recently. It was shocking and confusing to be treated the same as the abolished prince overnight.

However, since it was an order from the emperor himself, no matter how confused, curious, or surprised they were, they would not dare to ask openly and honestly, and would only dare to discuss a few words quietly.

After all, who can tell the royal affairs?

All kinds of intrigues, no one wants to be involved casually.

When the news that the second prince fell out of favor reached the prime minister's residence, Cha Cha was not surprised.

Originally, the emperor sent secret guards, so it was impossible to find out the truth so quickly, but the second prince had to kill himself, so no wonder she, she just helped the secret guards.

Anyway, sooner or later, the emperor will know, nothing more than a few days in advance.

Long Ye smiled slightly.

"Adult is for me, that's why you shot, right?"

Chacha nodded, "There's a saying that it's good to do it first, and then you will suffer. Since the second prince wants to do something with you, let's take the lead and send him to the cold palace first."

Long Ye, "Your Excellency is right."

Really can't be soft-hearted and give the second prince a chance, otherwise, when the second prince takes action, I don't know how much things will be pulled.

Chacha looks mild.

"Go and do today's homework."

East Palace Courtyard.

The second prince, Fu Changming, looked gloomily at the eldest prince who was laughing in front of him.

The eldest prince laughed so much that his tears almost came out.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect you to have today? Aren't you very powerful? You sent me to this East Palace, and now it's your turn? Fu Changming, this is retribution!"

The eldest prince never imagined that he would see such a situation one day.

He was so happy.

Since he was abolished, this other courtyard is similar to the cold palace.


He can't see hope every day, he is in despair every day, he is looking forward to and praying every day that someone can come to save him and let him get out of this other courtyard!

It's a pity, I never waited for the person who could let him out of the courtyard!

But it doesn't matter, even if he can't get out of the other courtyard, it doesn't matter, because he has waited for a person now.

Seeing Fu Changming appear in the other courtyard, and he was sent to the other courtyard by the emperor's personal order, he was very happy. If it wasn't for Fu Changming's calculations, how could he be today?

Fu Changming pursed his lips, the gloomy meaning in his eyes suddenly appeared, and there was a bit of killing intent.

The eldest prince was still immersed in joy and did not feel the danger coming. He glanced at Fu Changming with disgust.

"Why don't you talk? Are you feeling very sad now, very sad?

Fu Changming, just stay here!

I hope you can't get out of the East Palace and other courtyards in your life, and you still want to be the prince?

I tell you, it is impossible in this life, anyway, I have been the prince for more than ten years, and you will never have the chance to take that position in this life!

Compared with me, you are still far, far behind! "

The eldest prince is arrogant and proud.

He clearly remembered that it was because of Fu Changming's calculations that he lost the position of the prince, so now, it is absolutely impossible for him to help him in the snow. He will only fall into the trap and bully Fu Changming!

Step on Fu Changming!

The killing intent in Fu Changming's eyes gradually became stronger.

He looked at the eldest prince coldly.

"The big brother is joking. Of course I am different from you. I still have a chance to go out from here, and you will never be able to go out again."

The words fell, Fu Changming took a step forward, and under the condition of the first prince's surprised eyes, he slammed down the first prince's shoulder with one hand, and the other hand, holding a dagger, stabbed into his body fiercely.

The eldest prince's eyes were full of shock, " actually..." To be so vicious?

For the rest, the First Prince is powerless to say.

Fu Changming's eyes were ruthless, "Brother Emperor, don't blame me for being ruthless, who made you deliberately say those words to irritate me? I knew that I was in a bad mood right now, and I was in a state of collapse, so I couldn't accept myself now. In the end, you are courting death ignorantly, who is to blame?"

As his voice fell, the dagger in Fu Changming's hand was pulled out of the eldest prince's body.

When he saw the First Prince still staring at him, he stabbed the First Prince again with a grim face.

This time, the eldest prince was killed immediately.

fell to the ground with a thud.

The blood slowly fell on the ground, and a **** color appeared.

Fu Changming stood beside the corpse of the eldest prince, reflecting the cold light, his whole person was particularly gloomy.

The dagger held in his right hand exudes a cold, cold light, against the blood falling from the tip of the dagger, creating a chill out of thin air.

The father already knew that he had a relationship with Concubine Meng, so the father would never give him a chance to turn over in his life. In this case, he could only go out on his own!

After a long time.

Fu Changming blankly glanced at the cold corpse on the ground.

He bent down, wiped the dagger clean and put it away.

He hid the eldest prince's body in the room without any hassle.

He can't be exposed yet, at least, there is no way to get out of the East Palace today. If someone sees the corpse of the first prince, it will be bad for him.


Fu Changming began to think of ways to contact his own people.

In his prince's mansion, there are also a group of subordinates that he has carefully cultivated. That is his last hole card, and it is also the hole card that he has never told anyone.

As long as he gets in touch with those dark guards, he can leave from here, and even... finally fight to the death!


three days later.

The courtyard of the East Palace was empty.

Not only the eldest prince, but also the second prince, Fu Changming.

Even the guards who were guarding the other courtyard were gone. The empty courtyard was inexplicably cold and gloomy...

After Fu Changming escaped from the East Palace, the first thing he did was sneak into the palace.

During the period of time when he was favored, he deliberately established a relationship with the guards at the gate of the palace. Now, at a glance, the guards are still those few people. Therefore, entering the palace quietly is much simpler than imagined. .

Not only that, after entering the palace, Fu Changming did not immediately go to the imperial study, but went to another place.

That was a secret he discovered by himself, no one knew.

No one would have thought that there was a secret passage leading to the imperial study in that place.

It was a dry well, and below the dry well was the imperial study room of the emperor.

This night, the palace was quiet, not too different from the past. In a place where the patrolling guards could not see, Fu Changming jumped into the dry well, followed by two dark guards. The dark guards were highly skilled, even completely You can quietly kill a few guards...

Fu Changming was in the secret passage and lit the fire zigzag, and the tiny and faint light flickered and flickered in this small dark secret passage.

(end of this chapter)