Chapter 1865: Prime Minister wait (33)

Chapter 1865 Prime Minister wait (33)

Prime Minister and wait 33

Fu Changming looked at the fire book in his hand, the faint light, like a glimmer of hope, fell deep in his heart.

No one knows how desperately he wants to be the prince.

Unfortunately, the current situation is unfavorable, he himself took the wrong path, one step, one step, and now he can only take the risk one last time, and he doesn't know what else to do.

Looking back? impossible!

He never wanted to look back, nor could he ever look back.

Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

Either successfully ascend the throne, become an emperor, and enjoy thousands of miles.


Fu Changming made up his mind and continued to walk forward.

He was very confident in himself, because when he escaped from the East Palace, no one knew, and he deliberately found the right time.

No one would have thought that the first thing he did when he escaped from the other courtyard was to enter the palace and break into the imperial study.

So this time, he can definitely succeed!


Fu Changming came to an end.

He handed the fire book in his hand to the dark guard behind him, and then carefully pushed open the door.

Looking out from a gap, there are only the emperor and Eunuch Li in the imperial study room.

is a good time for him to strike.

Outside the imperial study, according to the emperor's past habits, there would be no guards, only a few small eunuchs.

After all, no one dares to kill the king.

Fu Changming was so familiar with the emperor's habits that made him more confident.

Fu Changming greeted the two dark guards behind him and decided what to do next.

They will rush out as fast as they can.

Then one controls Eunuch Li, and the other controls the emperor together with Fu Changming.

Since then, everything is under control.

Fu Changming's eyes exuded a pleasant atmosphere.

His eyes were hot.

Then, he opened the secret door and rushed out.

The emperor and Eunuch Li heard the voice and looked over subconsciously.

The next second, I saw Fu Changming who suddenly appeared.

Fu Changming had a fierce look on his face.

As soon as the two of them wanted to shout, they were restrained.

Two secret guards put knives on the necks of the emperor and Eunuch Li respectively.

Fu Changming looked at the emperor expectantly, "Father, I didn't expect my son to appear at this time, right?"

The    emperor's face changed and changed, "You bastard! I should kill you!" Instead of leaving Fu Changming's life!

Knowing this, Fu Changming and Concubine Meng should have died together.

Make a pair of mandarin ducks!

also saves today, with people wanting to kill the king!

It's a big deal! It's outrageous!

"Father, you have to understand that your life is in my hands now, so you have to be polite, otherwise, I can't guarantee that the knife on your neck will be stable or not!"

Fu Changming's arrogant threat, he bowed his head and turned over the memorial on the table, and suddenly laughed, "This's really good, mastering other people's life and death, watching others struggle... Father Huang must be enjoying this kind of thing. Fun, right?"

He looked up and looked at the emperor.

The emperor snorted coldly, not wanting to talk to a rebel.

Fu Changming is not in a hurry.

He lowered his head and found a blank imperial decree on the table, and took the jade seal, "Father, write an imperial edict, pass the throne to me, and I will let you go, if you don't write...Father, I can only Take you to death."

The emperor was trembling with anger, his face ashen, "...Rebel son, you rebellious son! You are killing the king and killing the father! Great rebellion is better than being punished by heaven!"

Fu Changming sighed, "Father, why don't you understand the current situation?"

He pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed it directly into Eunuch Li's body under the shocked gaze of the emperor.

Eunuch Lee was killed on the spot.

The emperor was speechless in horror.

He actually... actually dared to do it?

Inverse son!

Fu Changming played with the dagger in his hand, and said lightly, "My father must not know that this dagger of mine has also killed a person."

He raised his eyes and said coldly, "Eldest prince, your abolished crown prince, I stabbed him twice, and he never opened his eyes again..."

Fu Changming said almost morbidly.

The emperor's face turned green, "You! You!" After a long time, it seemed that you didn't know how to scold him.

"That's your real brother!" The emperor roared angrily.

Fu Changming sighed and shook his head, "Father, where does the family of the emperor come from? What if he is a real brother? If he ascends the throne, will he let me go? The answer is obviously no!

I just took the lead and killed the abolished prince, so that he would not have to worry about it in the future. "

The    emperor was extremely disappointed.

Stop looking at Fu Changming, "I don't know how to write the edict of abdication."

"Huh." Fu Changming sneered, "It doesn't matter, while I'm still a little patient, I'll say a few last words to you.

Father, don’t be so persistent. Anyway, you are getting old, and the throne should be relinquished. Look at your sons. The eldest is dead. It's crazy again, and the fifth one can't help it, why? Do you still want to hand over the throne to Fu Changye who grew up in the cold palace?

I've come and gone, and I'm the best candidate. As for you, look carefully and write the edict, and in the future you will be your emperor in peace and stability! Enjoy the happiness. "

"Don't even think about it! No one will pass the throne to you, this traitor!" The emperor sneered and firmly refused.

Besides, even if he really wrote the abdication edict, Fu Changming would not let him go!

Fu Changming is so eager to report, I'm afraid he won't allow others to know how he got his edict!

"You don't eat and drink for a toast!" Fu Changming kicked his foot and knocked the emperor to the ground.

The emperor is getting old, and he can't get up if he kicks casually.

Fu Changming watched him struggling quietly.

The dagger in his hand turned back and forth, and soon it fell on the emperor's neck.

This time, he personally threatened.

"Father, I've given you a chance. If you do this again, I can only kill you! Then take the abdication edict and find a scapegoat! At that time, the throne will be mine as well!"

Fu Changming felt that he was talking too much nonsense. He grabbed the emperor on the ground and threw him to the desk, "Writing or not!"

The    emperor had a pen in his hand, and he looked at the blank imperial edict in front of him in pain.

As long as he wrote it down and stamped it with the jade seal, this matter... even if there is no room for turning around.

The emperor gritted his teeth and was unwilling to write an edict of abdication.

"You! Kill me if you have the ability!" The emperor dropped the pen in his hand in anger, and he stared at Fu Changming.

He bet.

Bet that Fu Changming would not dare to kill him!

He is the emperor, the Son of Heaven, and he will never die in the hands of an evil son!

Fu Changming was a little surprised.

"Father, since you insist on doing this and don't want to cooperate with me, then don't blame me for being rude!"

No wonder he is ruthless, it is because his father and emperor did not survive...

Fu Changming was ruthless, the big deal was to kill the emperor and find another scapegoat.

Finally, I took the jade seal, made up a reason, and forcibly ascended the throne!

At that time, with the jade seal in hand, and imitating a paper edict, maybe it can be fooled.

(end of this chapter)