Chapter 1867: Prime Minister wait (35)

Chapter 1867 Prime Minister wait (35)

Prime Minister and slow down 35

Fu Changming and others all looked towards the direction of the door.

I saw a boy standing there.

The boy is slender and looks straight ahead with no expression on his face.

Fu Changming recognized at a glance that the person who came was Fu Changye, the sixth prince.

Before he could think about it, his first reaction was to put away the edict, and then he took a few steps forward with a cold expression.

"What are you doing here?" Fu Changming asked coldly.

Not far away, two dark guards were holding the emperor, and Chang Ye could see the situation in the imperial study at a glance.

"I should be asking you this sentence, you should be in the East Palace now."

The last four characters of    are extremely heavy in the long night.

He looked at Fu Changming lightly, and saw the killing intent in Fu Changming's eyes.

He smiled lightly, looking harmless, "Isn't the second prince playing the game of killing the king?"

was revealed by Chang Ye, and Fu Changming's face darkened, "No matter why you are here, you can't leave!"

Fu Changming is full of killing intent, this time, he will send Fu Changye to reunite with the eldest prince!

Anyway, he has long been disliked by Fu Changye, and it happened to be resolved today.

Not only that, he even felt that Fu Changye could be the scapegoat.

At that time, the crime of murdering the king was put on Fu Changye. It was Fu Changye who assassinated the emperor and was beheaded by him. Because of his great success in saving his life, the emperor deliberately passed the throne to him.

And the emperor was also frightened by Fu Changye's assassination, and his body would not be as good as before.

No matter how you look at it, this will be a perfect solution.

It seems that God treats him well!

At this critical moment, send him a Fu Changye!

Holding a dagger in his hand, he stabbed towards Chang Ye without any explanation.

However, Chang Ye just stared at Fu Changming who was about to kill him in front of him.

He dodged away with a calm expression, his body was agile, and then he grabbed the dagger from Fu Changming's hand in a strange way, and slapped Fu Changming with his palm at the same time.

And the dagger he grabbed was thrown by him, directly killing a dark guard beside the emperor.

The emperor was speechless in shock!

This young man who was thrown in the cold palace by him and never looked at him once, when did he become so good?

The emperor is unknown.

But he knew that at this moment, Fu Changye would be the one who made great contributions to the rescue.

The other secret guard who was holding the emperor was frightened. He glanced at the body of his companion. For a moment, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

In that case, kill the emperor first.

Pull the emperor to hell!

It’s not a loss if the emperor accompanies him to die!

The dark guard was ruthless, and the knife in his hand stabbed straight at the emperor.

Emergency moment.

Chang Ye raised his foot and kicked Fu Changming over.

Fu Changming, who had just been kicked, was kicked up by a force before he could recover, and then hit the dark guard heavily.

The dark guard was smashed and killed on the spot.

And Fu Changming... His mouth was overflowing with blood, and there was a sharp pain in his body.

I guess, a few ribs will be broken...

all over, like falling apart.

Fu Changming tilted his head and stared at Fu Changye.

"You..." As soon as he opened his mouth, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

Long Ye gave him a faint glance.

"I'm fine, don't worry about the second prince."

After he finished speaking, he bent down and took out an imperial decree from Fu Changming's arms.

He looked at the imperial edict, but instead of opening it, he turned and handed it over to the emperor who had been frightened for a long time.


Fu Changming stared at Chang Ye's back unwillingly.

"Give it back, give it back!!!"

Fu Changming asked for the imperial decree that belonged to him, but unfortunately, Chang Ye ignored him and lifted the emperor indifferently, "I am frightened."

The emperor looked at Chang Ye with great satisfaction, "You came in time."

He now looks at the long night as if he saw a savior.

When he was most desperate, Long Ye appeared, and he was so relieved and happy...

Chang Ye's eyes touched the bloodstain on the emperor's neck, "The emperor is injured, I will order someone to call the imperial doctor."

falls with the sound of the long night.

The commander of the Imperial Forest Army, who heard the movement, rushed over first, and immediately knelt down when he saw the scene in the Imperial Study Room.

"I'm late! I beg Your Majesty to punish me!"

At that time, the emperor regained his indifference. He glanced at the commander, "It's true that he should be punished, but let's deal with this matter for now. The second prince, Fu Changming, dared to kill the king and usurp the throne... put Fu Changming on death row!"

The    commander was speechless in shock.

The Second Prince...

The second prince actually escaped?

After escaping from the East Palace, the first thing you did was to usurp the throne?

What did the second prince think?

Looking at this scene, it seems that His Majesty was rescued by the Sixth Prince.

The    commander didn't think too much, and quickly called for someone to clean up several corpses in the imperial study.

The emperor left the imperial study with a dark face.


The imperial doctor was frightened and helped the emperor to treat the wound.

For fear of being careless, His Majesty, who is tumbling in anger, will directly solve it...


The wound on His Majesty's neck was clearly caused by someone using a dagger or other sharp weapon. This man is so daring!

After the doctor finished treating the wound, he knelt beside him tremblingly.

The emperor was in a bad mood at the moment, and he had other things to deal with, so he waved back the imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor was relieved and hurriedly left His Majesty's palace.

saved another life!

The emperor took a sip of tea and suppressed his shock, "Chang Ye, you have done a good job in saving this time, how should I reward you?"

Chang Ye, "Chang Ye dare not take credit."

The emperor continued to ask, "Then why did you appear in the imperial study?"

His eyes looked sharply at Chang Ye.

If it was said that when he was in the imperial study, he was happy and fortunate to Changye, then now, he is full of doubts.

In that case, it is impossible for someone to suddenly appear in the imperial study.

Such a coincidence!

And he never believed in any coincidence...

Most of the coincidences are intentional.

Chang Ye lowered his head and covered the emotions in his eyes, he explained lightly, "Since the second prince was sent to the other courtyard of the East Palace, the Prime Minister has specially ordered Chang Ye to go to the other courtyard of the East Palace when Chang Ye is fine, and go outside. See if there is any change.

Tonight, when I went to the East Palace Courtyard in the long night, I found that the East Palace Courtyard was not quite right. It was quiet everywhere, which was different from before.

Then Chang Ye saw the bodies of several guards in the courtyard of the East Palace, as well as the eldest prince's...

Only the second prince was not seen, so Chang Ye hurriedly entered the palace and wanted to report the matter to the emperor, but he never expected that such a thing would happen..."

These words don't sound like any flaws.

The emperor sighed slightly, "The prime minister deserves to be the prime minister. She has such foresight and realizes that Fu Changming will cause trouble."

There was some inexplicable emotion in the words.

Then, the emperor asked again, "Then you came to the palace as soon as you noticed something was wrong in the other courtyard?"

Long Ye raised his eyes, his eyes full of seriousness, "Yes."

The emperor tried, "Didn't you go back to the prime minister's house and tell the prime minister?"

Chang Ye seriously taught him what Cha Cha said, and said again, "No, the prime minister has always taught Chang Ye that the father should be the first in everything. The father is not only the father, but also the king."

(end of this chapter)