Chapter 1868: Prime Minister wait (36)

Chapter 1868 Prime Minister and Slow Down (36)

Prime Minister wait 36

Hearing this, the emperor nodded in satisfaction.

"The prime minister is really good at teaching. From now on, you don't have to be in the prime minister's mansion anymore, go back to the palace."

I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect that a bright color suddenly appeared in these princes who he always thought were trash.

The Emperor    was extremely satisfied with Fu Changye in front of him.

"That long night tonight... do you need to go back to the prime minister's mansion?" Long night asked respectfully.

"No need!" The emperor waved his hand, "I live in the palace closest to here."

Long Ye leaned over to give thanks.

Then, leave the palace.

The nearest palace from here is the Simiao Palace? The Si Miao Palace is second only to the emperor's bedroom.

This is truly the grace of God...

A sneer slowly overflowed from the corner of Chang Ye's lips.

Oh, Si Miao Palace?

Is this going to start pampering him again?

The commander in front of    took Chang Ye to the Si Miao Palace.

"Sixth prince, the **** and maid will come to serve you later. Tonight...there are many things in the palace. If there is something wrong, I hope the sixth prince will forgive you."

Changye raised his hand, "It's okay, let the commander go."

After the    commander left, Chang Ye looked at everything in the Si Miao Palace indifferently.

The threshold made of warm jade, beautiful glazed tiles, beautiful coral trees everywhere, all kinds of rare treasures, it can be seen that the emperor loves Si Miao Palace.

Now let him live in the Simiao Palace?

This holy grace comes really fast, and of course, the holy grace disappears quickly.

Long Ye sat down slowly, without any joy in his heart.

After realizing that something was going on in the other courtyard of the East Palace, he did return to the Prime Minister's Mansion and told the Prime Minister first.

However, the prime minister taught him another rhetoric, asking him to say firmly that he had never returned to the prime minister's residence, and his first reaction was to enter the palace to report...

The prime minister still sees through the emperor.

Know what kind of person the emperor is.

I also know that the emperor will not trust anyone, and he will be suspicious of everyone...

Changye smiled sarcastically and lay on the bed. What he wanted, he could get it soon.

However, he doesn't seem to be too happy...

The next day.

The news that the second prince killed the king came out.

It was also reported that the sixth prince was successful in saving his car and was arranged by the emperor to the Simiao Palace.

The news of    quickly spread throughout the palace.

Not only that, but all the ministers also knew about this great change.

The second prince killed the king?

This is really impatient to live!

Is it not good to live well?

During the early morning dynasty, the emperor praised the prime minister again, and after the early dynasty ended, he left the prime minister alone.

Cha Cha's complexion is always indifferent.

On the other hand, the other ministers are getting close to each other.

I always thought that this prime minister would not stand either side, but I never thought that he would actually stand in line long ago. It turned out that the sixth prince of the Lenggong, who was aiming at him before, was not at all soft-hearted.

At that time, many people could not guess why the Prime Minister brought a waste with him.

It turned out to be the prime minister with a brilliant eye like a torch.

It has long been seen that the Sixth Prince is not in the pool.

Now, the emperor has let the sixth prince live in the Simiao Palace, and I am afraid that in a few days, the sixth prince will be the crown prince.

When the time comes, the prime minister who personally teaches the sixth prince will be equivalent to a much higher status.

Although he has already reached the prime minister and can no longer be named, but the relationship between the prime minister and the sixth prince is incomparable to others.

For these ministers, taking the opportunity to curry favor with the Prime Minister is definitely the right choice.

Chacha was not taken to the imperial study this time, but to the Simiao Palace by His Majesty's people.

Simiao Palace.

The emperor is playing chess with Chang Ye.

Seeing her coming, the emperor praised directly, "Thanks to the prime minister, you taught Chang Ye so well."

Cha Cha took a step forward, "Your Majesty is wrong, the sixth prince is excellent, and the minister can't help you much."

The    emperor laughed.

There is a deep meaning in his eyes.

"The prime minister is more and more able to speak."

He looked at Chang Ye with satisfaction, "I will learn more from the Prime Minister after Chang Ye, you know?"

Chang Ye, "My father's suggestion, my son will keep it in mind."

Emperor, "Hmm."

He withdrew his gaze and continued to look at the chessboard in front of him.

"Prime Minister, Chang Ye is going to lose this round. Come and see, does he have a chance to turn the tables against the wind?"

Cha Cha raised her head, walked over slowly, glanced at the chessboard, and pointed at one point, "Although you can't win against Your Majesty, you can draw with His Majesty."

"The prime minister is good at means." The emperor praised, obviously thinking of other things. For him, it is not a good thing to have a minister who is too smart.

As an emperor, he was taboo against such courtiers.

The    emperor sighed slightly and put the chess piece back in his hand.

"Suddenly I have no thoughts."

He said in a calm tone.

Cha Cha was keenly aware of the change in the emperor's expression.

Her face was calm, and there was a little smile in her eyes.

The superior, be suspicious.

is true.

Even this emperor is still like this.

Cha Cha didn't say much, just stood there quietly, but the beauty of his body still couldn't stop him.

"Let's go back to the palace." The emperor said lightly.

After the death of Eunuch Li, the people around the emperor were replaced by another Eunuch. It seems that he has stayed in the palace for many years, and he is very good at winking.

The emperor was quite satisfied with his father-in-law.

After the    emperor left the Simiao Palace.

Cha Cha stood there for a few more seconds, and looked at Chang Ye with a deep meaning, "The Sixth Prince stayed, the Prime Minister's Mansion has something to do, we have to go back first."

Chang Ye looked at her deeply, the eyes of the two met, and Chang Ye slowly retracted his gaze.

What he wants has already been obtained, why is he so unhappy?

He took a step forward, just about to stop the Prime Minister.

received a reminder from her eyes.

Long Ye was stunned for a moment, stopped, and didn't go any further, watching her leave the Simiao Palace.


Imperial study.

The emperor sat there indifferently.

The person kneeling in front of him whispered, "After His Majesty left, the Prime Minister immediately left the Si Miao Palace without saying anything to the Sixth Prince."

The emperor slowly took a sip from the tea cup, "Go back."

He looked away.

Although the Prime Minister did not say much to Chang Ye, it was really hard to guess what the Prime Minister was thinking.

On the contrary, the prime minister could guess his mind.

This is by no means a good thing for him.

The courtiers can guess the emperor's thoughts, but they are by no means guessing right everywhere and strategizing!

Such a person, he can't tolerate...

The long night was like a surprise to him.

But this surprise has been buried in the palace for many years, and was finally discovered by the prime minister?

And he just glanced at it and brought Chang Ye back to the Prime Minister's Mansion at first glance?

Such a vision is really admirable!

worthy of being selected by Tianxuan Pavilion.

The emperor's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Tianxuan Pavilion has existed for so long, and Tianshu Kingdom is getting better and better. According to this development, as long as the heir to the throne is not wrong, Tianshu Kingdom can definitely continue to develop.

Not only that, Tianshu Kingdom has a lot of talents for a long time, even if there is no Tianxuan Pavilion now, Tianshu Kingdom can also be better! more prosperous!

The emperor was thoughtful, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

The rabbit dies and the dog cooks, and the bird hides its bow. This has always been the truth.

(end of this chapter)