Chapter 1878: Hard to be the Queen (2)

Chapter 1878 It's hard to be a queen (2)

Shadow 2

Secondly, this drama is invested by Lu Hejing Company, and the drama invested by its own company will not have any undue problems.

However, some time ago, after the show was officially launched, the original owner finally realized the problem when he was chasing the show.

In this play, she is the heroine.

The character and role of the heroine were originally very good.

But after editing.

The original owner found that there was a serious problem with the show.

Most of the plots and highlights of the heroine have been edited out? Under this kind of editing, it seems that the heroine is not normal at all, not only causing trouble but also all kinds of problems.

directly caused a lot of people to scold her.

Not only that, but she also found that some scenes that were obviously her own NG were also put on it.

It seems that she herself is in this drama, and her acting skills fluctuate? ? ?

Let's watch the female supporting role of this drama, that is, the second female lead played by the newcomer Mu Yu. Not only is the character set well, but she stepped on the heroine and successfully gained a large number of drama fans.

This drama has become a stepping stone for Mu Yu.

Everyone has become a tool for Muyu to attract fans, as if this drama is just to promote the red Muyu.

This drama was aired a few days later.

Many fans of the original owner have climbed the wall to go to Muyu's Weibo, and Muyu's Weibo fans have risen steadily, while the fans of the original owner's Weibo are completely opposite, and they have been dropping.

The original owner was helpless and called the director to ask, but unfortunately, the director either didn't give a reply, was rambling, or was unwilling to answer the phone.

The original owner was thinking about this, and there was no need to go to Lu Hejing. After all, Lu Hejing was already very busy.

Soon, the original owner found out that he did not renew his contract after several of his endorsements expired.

But, the new spokespersons for those endorsements are Mu Yu.

No matter how stupid the original owner was, he could still sense something was wrong.

After all, Mu Yu is the same company as herself.

If Mu Jing had received so many endorsements from her, it would be impossible for her not to hear any rumors, and these endorsements have always had a good relationship with her.

The more the original owner thought about it, the more wrong it became.

found his agent again.

Brokers falter.

Before waiting for the agent to give an accurate answer, the original owner saw Mu Yao come to her agent.

At that time, the original owner realized that his manager had become Mu Yu's manager.

This kind of change, but she doesn't know?

Thinking of the deleted scene of the play, as well as the malicious editing, forcibly supporting Muyu, how could the original owner not know that this is the company's plan to step on her to support Muyu.

Become a stepping stone for Twilight!

The original owner was angry and went to Lu Hejing's office.

Lu and Jing are not in the office.

And the original owner accidentally saw a photo frame on his desk.

The position of the photo frame was originally a photo of her and Lu Hejing.

But now, the photo frame has obviously changed to another new one.

The original owner walked to the desk and picked up the photo frame, and the whole person was not well.

The person in the photo frame is Muyu! ! !

The original owner was shocked.

She was holding the photo frame and stood there in disbelief, her whole person was not well.

how come……

How could this be?

Scenes and scenes flashed in my mind.

Once in the crew, those tiny and inconspicuous details seemed to be magnified, turning back and forth in her mind.

For example: Lu Hejing went to the crew more often.

For example: Lu and Jing's afternoon tea was not her favorite one.

Another example: Lu Hejing will also care about Mu Yu in the crew...

Does that mean the boss cares about his subordinates?

It may be normal to replace it with someone else.

But that person was Lu Hejing, and Lu Hejing wouldn't look at other women at all.

Thinking about it, everything is explained...

The original owner angrily waited for Lu Hejing to give her an explanation.

However, what was waiting was the ruthless breakup of Lu Hejing.

Lu Hejing even smashed the relationship between the two. He threatened the original owner with the company contract to continue filming and signing variety shows, and continued to be a stepping stone for Mu Hua. The original owner was angry and terminated the contract with Lu Hejing's company. All the money is lost.

Lu Hejing broke up with the actress Huacha and terminated the contract.

This incident caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

After all, these two have a stable relationship and show their affection every day.

There is no reason to break up suddenly and terminate the contract with him, when everyone is caught in all kinds of speculation.

Lu Hejing is cruel and ruthless to the extreme.

Lu and Jing let people post various black materials about the original owner, most of the so-called black materials are made up.

In the absence of any evidence, of course it can’t be considered anything, although it has an impact on the original owner’s reputation, it’s not bad.

But the key lies in Lu Hejing's last move.

Someone released a video of the original owner in the hotel, partying with little wolf dogs at night.

The whole person of the original owner was clearly photographed.

The little wolf dog was photographed very vaguely, with only one back.

This incident caused a heated discussion in an instant, and a bunch of people called to ask her if she was cheating before Lu Hejing broke up.

Naturally, the original owner denied it, because that man was not a little wolf dog at all. He was Lu Hejing's Xinzhao's assistant, and Lu Hejing asked that person to give her something.

She waited for Lu Hejing to help clarify, but Lu Hejing turned his face and did not recognize the person.

He held a press conference directly, not only denying that the mysterious man was his assistant, but also scolding the original owner for cheating, saying that he had discovered the cheating of the original owner long ago, and it was only because of love that he endured it until now...

But the original owner did not know how to restrain himself, but instead intensified...

The words spoken by Lu and Jing directly pushed the original owner to the cusp of the storm, and also blocked all the paths of the original owner.

It was only then that the original owner realized that a man doesn't love you anymore, that is, he really doesn't love you anymore.

can even push you into **** with your own hands...

The original owner's career also fell apart.

The endorsement in hand was affected because of her "derailment" and faced huge compensation.

And her fans, including support clubs, etc., some ran away, and some became black fans and stepped back on her...

Her career hit rock bottom.

Her love becomes a person's laughing stock.

The original owner watched as the person beside Lu Hejing turned into Mujing, but Lu Hejing did not say that Mujing was his girlfriend, and Mujing just stayed by his side in the name of a newcomer to the company.

The original owner just thought it was ridiculous. Maybe Lu Hejing thought that having a new girlfriend just after breaking up would have a bad influence on Mu Jing?

really took care of Mu Yu to the extreme...

What really overwhelmed the original owner was what she heard from Mu Jing.

Mu Yu found her like a child who did something wrong and gave her a card.

"Hua Cha, I'm sorry, I didn't know until now that Brother Hejing hurt you because of me.

He said that he never loved you, but the Lu family was in turmoil. As the heir of the Lu family, he was afraid that his weakness would be discovered by others, so he chased you as his girlfriend.

This card, even if it is my compensation to you, don't blame Brother Hejing, as he said, he made you stand from nothing to the top of the pyramid, and now he just took back the things that didn't belong to you... …”

(end of this chapter)