Chapter 1879: Difficult to be the queen of the movie (3)

Chapter 1879 It's hard to be a queen (3)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 3

In addition to the anger of the original owner, he also spied the truth from Mu Jing's words.

So, from the beginning to the end, she was Mu Yu's shield?

Now Lu Hejing's wings are hard.

Now that she can be on her own and gain a firm foothold in the Lu family, her shield will be useless?

The original owner angrily drove Mu Yao out of the house.

Then I cried alone, the more I thought about it, the more sad it became, the more I thought about it, the more sad it became, and finally, I chose to commit suicide.

The memory ends here.

Cha Cha sighed.

Unexpectedly, so many things happened during this period.

The original owner had so much trust in Lu Hejing. After a few years together, it turned out to be a scam from beginning to end?

From beginning to end, the original owner was a shield?

really makes people...sigh.

Chacha took a look at the original owner's room. It was rented by the original owner some time ago. She lost all the money she earned. Basically, she is now a poor jingle.

She simply packed up the original owner's things, such as documents, etc., and threw them all into the space, and then she followed into the space.

According to the current situation.

It is estimated that there are many paparazzi outside her residence.

The night is getting darker.

She still has a good rest first, it is better to recharge her energy.

Chacha entered the space and lay on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and looked at the online evaluation of the original owner.

Whether it’s public opinion or whatever, it’s all one-sided.

The situation of the original owner is not optimistic.

Cha Cha sighed slightly, miserable, really miserable.

Then, Cha Cha checked the account balance of the original owner.

Cha Cha looked at the balance carefully over and over again.

Well, she read it right, the balance: 80 yuan.

After    dignified shadows, only 80 yuan remained on his body.

Oh, no, there are still several liquidated damages for endorsements that have not been paid.

The net worth of the original owner is now negative.

Chacha took out a packet of small snacks in a hurry, "!" Don't panic, calm down.

Sleep first.

Qiqi nestled in Cha Cha's arms, "Meow!"

Chacha, "Speak human words." There is no one else here.

What cat language.

Qiqi, "Should I kill Lu Hejing first?"

Chacha touched Qiqi's little head, "Calm down, don't worry." A ruthless scumbag like Lu Hejing should teach a lesson slowly

Lu Hejing can like Mu Yu, but he shouldn't deceive the original owner and use the original owner's feelings, even if he really wants to take back those things that were given to the original owner, he shouldn't take it back in a way that would ruin the original owner's reputation.


The next day.

After Chacha woke up, she asked the robot to prepare her breakfast before going to wash.

After washing, the breakfast prepared by the robot has also been placed on the table.

Chacha turned on the phone while eating.

Then I saw the push on the phone.

Cha Cha squinted his eyes.

The push on the mobile phone is a matter of the original owner and Mu Yu.

Last night, the scene where Mu Yu was looking for the original owner and then being pushed out by the original owner was photographed. Naturally, these marketing accounts took the opportunity to step on the original owner.

Tea refreshment went in, most of which are titled content like this.

[New Jin Xiaohua Muyu went to the air shadow to send charcoal in the snow at home, suspected of having a dispute. 】

【The newcomer Xiaohua Mujing is kind-hearted, and she was kicked out of the house after she did not dislike the air shadow! 】

【After passing the air shadow, the ugliness is revealed! 】

Cha Cha, "...?"

Really anyone can step on the original owner, one word: miserable.

two words: miserable.

Cha Cha took a deep breath: Calm down!

Looking at a bunch of marketing about Twilight on the phone.

Cha Cha exited Weibo in a hurry and opened a bank account.

pulled out the original owner's bill, and called several companies one by one.

Because the original owner's reputation was ruined, he had to pay liquidated damages for many endorsements.

Cha Cha had breakfast and made an appointment with the heads of several endorsement companies.

Half an hour later.

The heads of several companies met at the original main gate.

Person in charge A, "You are also here to ask for liquidated damages?"

Person in charge B, "Yeah, this flower tea, said that the account was settled today, but the person in charge had to go in person, so I came. I don't know if she was lying."

Person in charge C, "Have you read today's Weibo? She had an argument with Mu Hua only yesterday, and I don't know if she is in a good state now... sigh! In just a few days, from being a popular actress to notorious... …”

Several responsible persons gathered around and said a few words.

Then ring the doorbell.

Chacha heard the doorbell, then walked out of the space, came to the room, and then went to open the door again.

She looks pretty good.

The moment the people in charge saw her, they couldn't help sighing in the bottom of their hearts. After all, the actress is a movie queen, even if she has no makeup, she can still win a lot of her looks.

Chacha didn’t talk much, so straight to the point, “Line up and settle the bills one by one.”

The cold voice matched her beautiful face, and several responsible persons were slightly stunned.

After    reacted, someone walked over.

Person in charge B, "Miss Huacha, your reputation has had a great impact on our company. As a last resort, I will terminate the contract with you. At the same time, according to the contract, you should compensate our company 7.8 million..."

Chacha snorted and looked at the contract again.

The number of    is no problem.

Chacha direct credit card transfer.

The person in charge B looked at Chacha, who was moving neatly in surprise, "Miss Huacha, you..."

"Is there anything else?" Cha Cha looked up at him, her eyes cold.

"No." Person in charge B shook his head, the account was indeed settled.

He stood up and gave the other people a wink.

motioned them to come forward.

A few of them were dumbfounded.

As far as the current situation is concerned, can flower tea have so much money on hand?

If you are really rich, why do you still live in such a shabby place?

Several people were stunned and surprised, but in just a few minutes, she did clear the account of the liquidated damages.

"I won't leave you for dinner, please come back."

Several people left with surprise on their faces.

As soon as we walked out of the building, several paparazzi wearing masks ran over.

"Is it about the liquidated damages?"

Several people nodded.

"Does Huacha want to postpone the payment of liquidated damages? As far as we know, Huacha has no money left! Her earnings in the past few years are not enough to support her to pay the liquidated damages of so many companies."

Several leaders looked at each other.

Then, the person in charge B explained, "We thought the same at the beginning, but... Huacha directly paid us the liquidated damages this time, and the account has been cleared."

There is no deferred payment.

The queen of the movie is the queen of the movie, and this attitude is absolutely incredible.

When you swipe your card, there is no nostalgia in your eyes!

Could the flower tea make more money than they thought?

But that's not what they should care about.

What they should care about is who the company's next spokesperson should be.

That newcomer Mu Yu?

Still forget it.

Mu 婳 has already taken over a lot of endorsements for Scented Tea. If Mu 婳 is selected again, it will not be very good.

After all, although Mu Yu's momentum is on the rise, at present, there is no representative work worthy of hand.

The drama that was filmed with the scented tea before was indeed very popular, but it was only under the background of the scented tea that it gained so much popularity.

(end of this chapter)