Chapter 1880: Difficult to be the queen of the movie (4)

Chapter 1880 It's hard to be a queen (4)

Shadow 4

The news that   huacha's liquidated damages were all cleared quickly reached Lu Hejing's ears.

Lu Hejing didn't expect that flower tea would be settled so quickly?

The sum of    liquidated damages is not a small amount.

It stands to reason that flower tea can't get so much money.

Lu Hejing frowned and thought.

Suddenly, I thought of the morning's announcement about Twilight.

Mu Yu went looking for flower tea yesterday?

An idea was born in his mind.

Lu and Jing immediately called Mu Jing.

"婳婳." Lu Hejing shouted softly, even through the phone screen, he gave Mu Yu the feeling of being careful and caring.

Mu Yao heard Lu Hejing's voice and whispered, "Brother Hejing." She paused, then said, "I'm filming, what's the matter?"

Lu Hejing, "Did you send money for flower tea?"

As soon as the    voice fell, the other party obviously paused.

for a moment.

Lu Hejing heard Mu Jing ask, "Brother Hejing, did I do something wrong?" The girl's tone was a little overwhelmed.

"No, I'm just asking." Lu Hejing immediately comforted.

I don’t want to affect Muyu because of the scented tea.

Mu Yu continued to explain, "I went to find flower tea by myself yesterday, just to make up for her, nothing else..."

Hearing this in Lu Hejing's ears, his meaning immediately changed.

"So the money she pays for the liquidated damages is all yours, 婳婳, why are you so stupid? With so much money, how could you give flowers tea casually?

Even if you compensate her, she will not be grateful to you for that. "

Lu Hejing frowned. He was in a very bad mood at the moment. When he thought that his family gave Huacha a lot of money, and the Huacha took it to pay the liquidated damages, he was in a bad mood.

Mu Yu stood where she was, her hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

What are Brother Jing talking about?

She wanted to give money to the flower tea, but she didn't want the flower tea.

Mu Yu opened her mouth, thinking about how to explain.

In other words, Huacha paid all the liquidated damages for those endorsements?

Where did the flower tea come from?

Mu Yu was still thinking when Lu Hejing's voice came over again.

"婳婳, you don't need to worry about this matter anymore, I will deal with it as soon as possible, be good, and film well."

"Well, thank you Brother Hejing." Mu Jing replied obediently.

Soon, Lu Hejing hung up the phone.

Mu 婳 held the phone and pondered for a while.

didn't plan to make things clear immediately, it was Lu Hejing who misunderstood, but she didn't say anything.

Lu Hejing held the phone, his eyes were cold and thin.

Scented tea is too uninteresting!

How dare you accept 婳婳's money?

His thin lips were slightly hooked, overflowing with a hint of danger.

Chacha didn't know, and Lu Hejing was quietly calculating again.

Lu Hejing didn't know either, so he would dig a hole for himself.



Chacha and Muyu are on the hot search again.

This time.

It is the marketing account that accuses the scented tea of ​​not being thankful, sending charcoal in the snow, and the scented tea does not know what is good or bad.

The    marketing account said that in order to thank the scented tea for its kindness, Mu Yu once worked in the same company to comfort the scented tea and gave the scented tea money so that the scented tea could pay the liquidated damages.

As a result, the liquidated damages for Huacha have been settled, but Mu Yu was kicked out of the house by Huacha.

Lu Hejing is now focusing on film and television companies. Naturally, he has a lot of marketing accounts.

A marketing account started to send out this kind of announcement, and then the rest of the people seemed to get a signal and were also sending out similar announcements.


The topic of   scented tea was sent to the hot search without knowing the good or the bad.

Mu Yao is a stark contrast to her.

#People are beautiful and kind#

#I don’t know what is good or bad tea#

The popularity of   scented tea has remained high, and soon, it became the number one hot search.

Chacha took out his mobile phone and calmly glanced at the hot search.

Then I looked at the marketing account that issued the announcement.

Cha Cha tilted his head and stared at the phone harmlessly.

This is really rushing to death.

No wonder she slapped her face.

The innocence on Cha Cha's face was gradually replaced by indifference. She calmly logged on to the original owner's Weibo, and countless private messages and other messages rushed to her face.

The phone stuck for a few minutes before I came to the page for posting Weibo.

Cha Cha calmly posted a Weibo.

And the upright Aite met Muyu.

花茶: @Lu's Film and Television Company Mu 婳, I heard that you gave me money to pay the huge liquidated damages? Beautiful and kind-hearted lady, can you clarify for me?

Chacha posted on Weibo.

The comment area immediately fell.

Before Weibo fell, it was all messages from fans, I loved her and loved her.

Today, it is either a melon eater or her black fan.

Therefore, for those bad comments, Chacha didn't even read them, and closed the comment function directly.

In dealing with this kind of white lotus, when it is time to be straightforward, you should be straightforward.

When you shouldn't be straightforward, you have to learn a little from Bailian.

The Weibo posted by   Chacha quickly aroused heated discussions.

Read between the lines, this is telling everyone that Mu Yu has nothing to do with her paying off the liquidated damages.

When Lu Hejing saw this Weibo, he was slightly stunned.

He thought for a moment.

called Huacha.

Chacha glanced at the caller ID and raised an eyebrow.

Because the original owner did not delete Lu Hejing's mobile phone number, there is a note on the caller ID: scumbag Lu Hejing.

Chacha answered the phone and pressed the record button.

"Does Mr. Lu have anything to do with me?"

Her voice sounded unusually calm.

is not at all different from the desperation of the last few days.

Lu Hejing was stunned for a moment.

After    slowed down, Lu Hejing questioned unhappily.

"Flower tea, what do you want? You are so kind to you, I ran to comfort you and help you in the snow. How could you push her to the forefront at this time?"

Cha Cha was instantly **** off.

Such a shameless man is rare.

What a coincidence, she just met her.

"Mr. Lu, haven't you figured out the situation? The money for the liquidated damages is mine, and has nothing to do with her Muyu.

Now there are a bunch of marketing accounts under Lu's Film and Television Company, rhythmically saying that I took Muyu's money to pay the liquidated damages. Am I still not qualified to clarify? Are you out of your mind? "

An indifferent and sneering voice fell into Lu Hejing's ears.

Lu Hejing was a little surprised.

"Didn't 婳婳 help you pay it back? Then where did you get the money?

Your money has passed through Lu's film and television company. After paying the liquidated damages from our company, you don't have much money to pay for anything else! "

At the shameless questioning of Shang Lu Hejing, Cha Cha gave a cold snort and directly sent the words of Lu Hejing, "None of your business!"

Then, just hung up the phone.

And block Lu Hejing's mobile phone number, the action is smooth and smooth.

Lu Hejing, "...?"

scold him?

He and Huacha have been together for the past few years. Huacha used to look very gentle, but now he hangs up the phone?

Lu Hejing made another call.

Then found out he was blocked.

Lu Hejing, "???"

Lu and Jing scolded angrily, and then hurriedly went to the Internet to read the latest progress of Muyu's affairs.

He misunderstood this matter.

I didn't figure it out, so let the marketing account talk about it in rhythm.

However, things have come to this situation, and he must minimize the impact on 婳婳!

(end of this chapter)