Chapter 1882: Difficult to be the queen (6)

Chapter 1882 It's hard to be a queen (6)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 6

Passers-by who eat melons know that Muyu and Huacha are the same company.

And Mu Yu's new endorsement is the endorsement before the flower tea.

No one will throw out their endorsement casually.

Although the specific things are not clear to passers-by.

But after eating melons for so long, it is obvious that Mu Yu is not a young rookie without background.

Otherwise, in the previous drama, you could easily crush the flower tea?

Even the characters are much better than the actress?

Isn't that obvious?

So, in this case, the relationship between the two is definitely not good.

Take another look at the attitude of Huacha on Weibo.

Hey, scented tea clearly doesn't like this twilight.

That Mu Yu is still in a hurry to run over to send warmth when others are at their worst?

said nicely, it’s called giving charcoal in the snow.

is a bit ugly, who knows if he ran to see the joke and deliberately taunted the flower tea?

Mu Yu watched as the direction of the comments gradually became inaccurate.

hurriedly called on fans to accuse and comment, brushing the comments, and suppressing those bad remarks and doubts to the back.

Cha Cha maintained a play-watching attitude from beginning to end.

When Mu Yao was in a bad mood, Cha Cha took a bath and went to bed.

another beautiful day.

Although today's actress is also a day of being scolded.

But it didn't affect her mood.

The next day.

The melon-eating masses shifted their targets.

Because, another big melon broke out in the circle.

The model couple XX and XX were suddenly revealed that they had already divorced...

Then, the melon-eating masses shifted their target to the couple.

The heat on Mujing's side is also much less.

This time.

Lu and Jing are learning to be smart.

He was in no hurry to throw out all the chips.

But a little bit of the curiosity of the stray.

After all, he made this melon explode because of Mu Yu.

Now that it has exploded, you must find a way to make this melon long and interesting.

Otherwise, if you just laughed it off, you might have to discuss Mujing again tomorrow, which is not good.

Therefore, the divorced couple had absolutely no idea who they had offended, nor did they know that they were inexplicably targeted.

It was first reported that they were divorced, and then someone broke the news that the man and his assistant were very close, and the woman was also very close to friends.

Plus some unconfirmed gossip.

What is very close to who and who is in the crew...

In short, the couple's melons were stunned for three or four days by the melon eaters.

And the matter of Muyu and Huacha was so easily forgotten.

No one mentioned it, and naturally no one noticed.

Mu Yu suffered from this loss and began to take a low-key route, returning to the crew to continue filming...


And Chacha's revenge against Lu Hejing has only just begun.

Lu Hejing focused his work on the film and television company. Although he had established a firm foothold in the Lu family, he was still at risk. The brother next to him, who had just returned to China, still wanted to stare at his seat.

Therefore, he must make the development of this film and television company better and better.

And Chacha, who found out the situation of Lu Hejing.

One does not do two endlessly.

directly made an appointment to meet Lu Anjing, Lu Hejing's nemesis.

Lu Anjing is the brother of Lu Hejing.

Because he had been abroad for many years, when he returned to China, the power had been taken over by Lu Hejing, and Lu Anjing had been working hard to block Lu Hejing.

In this situation.

is of course the best time for her to stir things up.

Chacha didn't do anything but made an appointment with Lu Anjing.

And Lu Anjing was obviously very interested in her.

The two made an appointment to meet in the afternoon.

Obviously Lu Anjing was more anxious.


In the box of a private kitchen.

Cha Cha ordered dishes in a hurry.

The man on the opposite side has a somewhat unruly eyebrows.

Compared with Lu Hejing, he seems to lack a little maturity.

However, this is not the point. Lu Anjing's eyes are fierce, like a wolf in the dark night, emitting a fierce light.

Cha Cha's gaze fell on Lu Anjing lightly.

"You should know why I found you."

Lu An looked at the head and said calmly, "It's just because of that scumbag Lu Hejing, I know something about you and him, he lied to you, and his favorite person has always been Mu Wei.

Mu Yu and him are childhood sweethearts, and they have a good relationship, which is also his weakness. "

I just never thought that Lu Hejing would actually use such rude means?

Looking for a shield?

Deception to shield the feelings of the shield!

is indeed an out-and-out scumbag.

Deeply in love with Mu Yu, but still harming others?

The scumbag is the scumbag.

His fair and slender fingers tapped lightly on the table, looking nonchalant,

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He really didn't like Lu Hejing's method.

A man who uses a woman to deceive his feelings is the most trash!

Cha Cha had a panoramic view of Lu Anjing's movements.

said calmly and rationally, "Let's cooperate."

Lu Anjing looked up at her in surprise.

The beautiful woman in front of her is really beautiful, and her temperament is calm and calm. If you look closely, you will find her unique beauty, beautiful but not glamorous, but charming and calm. She is more than usual in TV dramas. She should be more real, real and vivid.

In general... Lu Hejing chose Mujing instead of scented tea. From the perspective of appearance, it was indeed a big loss.

As for this connotation...

Looking at the calm attitude of the woman on the opposite side, and thinking about the appearance of Mu Jing only shouting at Brother Jing when she encounters something... In this comparison, the flower tea has won again.

Lu Anjing's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Because someone misses the best.

chose the wrong one.

"Talk about cooperation? You can, but we need your conditions to impress me before we can continue to talk."

Cha Cha nodded, "That's nature."

Lu Anjing on the opposite side is his ally and partner, of course he has to give a suitable reason to impress him.

Cha Cha continued, "As far as I know, your relationship with Lu Hejing is not very good, and Lu Hejing's current work focus is on the film and television company.

If you want to attack him, you can directly fight him in terms of work. My suggestion is that you also enter the entertainment industry and start an entertainment company. All you have to do is to develop the company better than him and step on him. on the head! "

She is rational and calm, and analyzes the current situation sharply.

Lu Anjing paused slightly, "Miss Huacha, I know what you mean, this way, to tell you the truth, I also thought about it.

But... the cost of running a company is too much, and I don't have enough money to support it. "

Before   , he might be able to borrow money.

But now, the power of the Lu family is in the hands of Lu Hejing. If someone lends money to him, it will be against Lu Hejing, and no one is willing to risk helping him.

And the flower tea opposite him has just paid a huge amount of liquidated damages, and he should not have much money in his hand.

Therefore, the suggestion she said is not very implementable.

Chacha shook his head, "Mr. Lu, you don't need to worry about the funding issue, I can handle it, I just want to know if you are willing to cooperate with me to bring down Lu Hejing together.

My purpose is very simple, to get revenge on Lu Hejing, and your purpose is similar to mine, to bring down Lu Hejing and take charge of the Lu family. "

(end of this chapter)