Chapter 1883: Difficult to be the queen (7)

Chapter 1883 It's hard to be a queen (7)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 7

Lu Anjing raised his brows slightly, surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Can you solve the funding problem?"

He was a little unbelievable.

After all, according to the income of flower tea, even the liquidated damages may not be affordable.

But, at the moment, scented tea seems to be very rich?

The liquidated damages were cleared, and he still swore to say such things to him?

Chacha, "If you say you don't have to worry about money, you don't have to worry about money." The wealth she has accumulated is not comparable to a Lu family.

Lu Anjing looked at her seriously and asked again, "Are you really kidding me?"

Chacha nodded helplessly, "I'm really not joking with you, Mr. Lu, if you don't believe it, you can take a look at the next development first. There's no need to keep chasing after me because of funding issues."

Lu Anjing was a little embarrassed.

His own reaction was really too big.

But, on the question of funding, the answer she gave was too shocking.

No wonder he reacted like this.

"Miss Huacha, I'm sorry." Lu Anjing bowed his head and apologized.

Chacha came up with a plan in a hurry.

was placed in front of Lu Anjing.

"Mr. Lu, this is my first plan. There are some things that I am inconvenient to show my face, and before you gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, some things are inconvenient to handle.

So, I picked an entertainment company. This entertainment company is not well managed. I have already bought it. After that, you will be responsible for all kinds of work in this company. The person in charge of the company will also appropriately cover up your identity. Let you be exposed to Lu Hejing so quickly.

If you are willing to cooperate, then I hope we can cooperate happily. "

Cha Cha raised his head confidently, as if he was certain that he would agree.

Lu Anjing took a serious look at the plan.

Soon, he asked, "What if I don't want to? You're so confident that I'll agree?"

Cha Cha smiled.

Calm and wise, "Mr. Lu is also intelligent. I don't think such a good opportunity is presented to you, and you will discard it."

Therefore, Lu Anjing will definitely agree.

Unless Lu Anjing didn't want to defeat Lu Hejing.

Lu Anjing stared at the woman in front of him, even in this situation, he was still calm and confident.

He chuckled, "Happy cooperation."

can be regarded as agreeing with Chacha’s words.

Chacha nodded, "Happy cooperation."

Lu Anjing's lips curled into a faint smile, Lu Hejing would never have imagined that he would cooperate with scented tea...


After   Cha Cha returned to the place where the original owner rented, she cleaned up the things first, and she found that there were still some things of Lu Hejing here.

Thinking of the despair when the original owner committed suicide, Cha Cha threw Lu Hejing's things into the trash can downstairs.

and then went upstairs to pack other things.

Now that the plan has been launched, Lu Anjing does not need her to take action for the time being.

On Lu Hejing and Mujing's side, she was not in a hurry.

The most important thing for her now is to go back to the original owner's hometown and see the original owner's father.

When the original owner committed suicide, he was most worried about his father.

Unfortunately, he couldn't stand the stimulation and committed suicide.

Cha Cha sighed slightly.

The rented house was returned on the same day.

She has no nostalgia here.

Even on his body, he didn't have too much luggage.

Most are placed in the space.

He was wearing a black bag.

After wearing the mask, Cha Cha took a taxi to the station, and his hometown is a little far from City A.

Soon to arrive at the station.

Chacha looked back at the car that followed, a little speechless.

She is not a popular actress now, but the paparazzi are still following her?

However, since you are willing to follow, then continue to follow.

She doesn't care anyway.

Cha Cha got off the bus, went to pick up the ticket with a smile, and waited to get on the bus.

The two paparazzi who followed her looked confused.

"What is she doing?"

"Does the poor queen have to take the train?"

"Maybe... Didn't she say she paid off all the liquidated damages? Maybe she's out of money..."


The two discussed in a whisper for a while.

"I still don't feel right. Did she want to meet someone when she got on the train?"

"……Small dogs?"

"Look, she broke up with Lu Hejing for so long, and there was no other man around, so she must be covering up! Maybe, this little wolf dog's identity is unusual.

After all, Lu Hejing is so good, she cheated! This shows that the little wolf dog is probably even better than Lu Hejing! ! ! ! "

"That makes sense, so let's continue?"

"Look where she goes, we quietly follow."

The two paparazzi made up one big drama after another.

Cha Cha got on the train with an expressionless face.

It was totally assumed that those two were not found.


At the next stop, Cha Cha got out of the car quietly, turned around and went to take the plane.

The two paparazzi are still beeping softly.

"You said, why didn't she move?"

"I don't know... maybe you fell asleep?"

The two paparazzi could only see a black hat, but they dared not go forward, and stared there with their heads stretched out.

I don't know, the person staring at it has already run away.


Huadian Village is located in a remote location.

You can only reach the city even by plane.

Then take the bus and go back to your hometown.

When    arrived at Huadian Village, it was already the next afternoon.

Cha Cha got out of the car and took off his mask, revealing a pretty fair face.

The young man next to her was slightly surprised when he saw her face.

"You, are you the queen...a flower, flower tea?"

Chacha shook his head, and said solemnly, "No, it just looks alike! You've identified the wrong person."

The words fell, and he left with a sprint.

The young man behind    was stunned for a while.

Are you mistaken?

does look alike...

However, also, the current situation of flower tea is so difficult, how can you smile so happily?

The joy on the little girl's face didn't look like someone who had been severely injured at all.

The young man shook his head, sighed, and walked in another direction.

Cha Cha returned to Huadian Village and followed the road in memory and soon found the original owner's home.

Along the way, she observed the situation in Huadian Village.

With beautiful mountains and rivers, it is a good place that has never been developed.

So, this is the way to retain such a good natural scenery.

The style here is somewhat similar to that of Jiangnan Town.

Small bridges and flowing water, quaint bluestone slabs, mysterious streets and alleys, every step of the way makes Chacha full of curiosity about this village.


Cha Cha stood in front of a house and hesitated for a while.

She stared at the door, a little flustered.

The original owner entered the entertainment industry, but his father did not allow it, so he argued and had a fight, and then the original owner left angrily. After that, the original owner quietly came back to see his father, but they were all hiding in the dark.

Cha Cha stood there, tilting her head, thinking about how she should face the original owner's father.

was thinking about it when the door suddenly opened.

The people inside didn't seem to expect anyone outside.

The two of them looked at each other and were stunned for a while.

Soon, the man's expression changed, and he slammed the door shut.

Cha Cha touched his nose awkwardly, "..."

Father and daughter meet, should she pretend to cry? still……?

(end of this chapter)