Chapter 1889: Difficult to be the queen (13)

Chapter 1889 It's hard to be a queen (13)


Xue Yan quietly waited for the owner of the house to appear.


Someone opened the door from inside.

It was Yang Meng who opened the door.

Yang Mei glanced at the people outside, saw the photographer at a glance, took a step back, and slammed the door shut in dissatisfaction.

The smile on Xue Yan's lips became stiff.

Her smiling face was also a little unstoppable.

Qiubai clicked his tongue, didn't say anything else, left first and knocked on the door next door.

That one made it clear that they didn’t like outsiders.

Xue Yan was still standing there like a fool.

Qiubai looked over, and it seemed that Xue Yan didn't give up and kept knocking on the door.

Unfortunately, no one answered.

Xue Yan angrily turned her head and left.

went in the direction of Qiubai again.

Mu Yu, who stayed where she was, bent her lips, walked over and patted the door.

"Hello, I'm here to stay here, we're recording a variety show, may I ask you..."

Before he finished speaking, the door was opened again.

It was an old man who opened the door this time.

is Grandpa Lin.

Grandpa Lin glanced at Mu Yu and the staff with the camera behind him. He was not very happy, "This is a private place, please do not disturb."

After he finished speaking, he closed the door.

Mu Yu grabbed Grandpa Lin reluctantly, "Grandpa, it's getting late, we are not bad people, we are a variety show, and the whole process will be broadcast live, so there will be no loss to you..."

Grandpa Lin broke Mu Hua's hand away, "I said this is a private place, I don't want to be disturbed, I don't want to be on camera, and I don't want to be seen by more people, our life is very ordinary, different from you big stars ."

The words fall.

Grandpa Lin closed the door again.

Mu Yao's face was a little ugly. She was a little embarrassed and a little unhappy when she was so rejected in the live broadcast.

She hesitated for a moment, then turned her head and walked in Qiubai's direction.

Forget it, old country man.

I don’t know what a live broadcast is, so I don’t care about him.

Xue Yan saw that Mu Jing was rejected twice, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

"It seems that people don't like you." Xue Yan covered her lips and chuckled, almost writing her pride on her forehead.

When he raised his hands and gestures, he really had the momentum of a female villain.

Mu Yao's face was not very good-looking.

There was an inexplicable smell of gunpowder between the two of them.

Qiubai and Luo Han stood on one side, neither of them made a sound.

This Muyu and Xue Yan made it clear that they would not deal with it.

If they made a noise at this time, wouldn’t they be cannon fodder? ?

At the same time, the director team was very happy.

These Mu Yu and Xue Yan are absolutely amazing!

Don't deal with it as soon as you meet, tear it apart!

The two tore up, which is very good for the popularity of the show! ! !

Nowadays, many audiences love to watch Tear X, and the director team could hardly wait to write a script on the spot and throw it over.

Unfortunately, they are a live show.

No script...

The director team is thinking about doing a scripted show next time.

The atmosphere between Mu Yu and Xue Yan is very wrong.

At the moment when the atmosphere was about to explode.

The door that Qiubai knocked on was opened from the inside.

Qiubai breathed a sigh of relief.

turned his head with a smile on his face, wanting to talk to the people inside, and then in the next second, Qiubai was stunned on the spot.


Qiubai stood there dumbfounded.

The whole person was stunned.

The person who opens the door...

This face, he was all too familiar.

Oh no, it should be said that everyone in the entertainment industry is familiar with it!

This horse riding... Isn't it the Queen's Flower Tea that made a lot of noise some time ago?

The matter between the flower tea and Lu Hejing is the kind that everyone who eats melons applauds. did the scented tea appear here?

Qiubai opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

almost subconsciously looked at Mu Jing.

The relationship between Muyu and scented tea... doesn't seem right?

Although he doesn't know the specifics, he still has this sensitivity.

And this show is live.

Flower tea appeared in this show, I'm afraid it will be **** again.

Qiubai felt that he was a bit unlucky.

This door knocked...

He now prefers to live in barren mountains.

Qiubai was wrong, and the staff and Mu Yu felt it.

Mu 婳, Xue Yan and others all looked over.

Especially Mu Yu, her expression really couldn't hold, "..."

Good for a long time.

Mu Yu's face softened.

"Senior Flower Tea." She shouted, breaking the strange atmosphere like a crematorium.

She knew that the scented tea might be in Huadian Village.

But I never thought that I would encounter flower tea at such a time.

At that time.

Flower tea leaned on the door frame, with a small face the size of a slap, delicate and watery, without makeup, even with her face up to the sky, it still attracted the attention of many people.

Looking back at herself, she looked embarrassed, this comparison... it really made her feel aggrieved.

Mu Yao looked away with a bad mood.

Xue Yan came back to her senses and immediately went over to say hello to Chacha

Although she didn't know the relationship between the flower tea and Muyu, the woman's intuition told her that the two would not deal with each other.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Xue Yan greeted Cha Cha with a smile like a flower.

"Hua Cha, I didn't expect to see you here. We came to Huadian Village to record the show, how about you?"

Chacha snorted, "I live here."

Her eyes swept to the staff behind several people, and after a while, she asked again, "Are you live streaming?"

Xue Yan didn't realize what she meant by living here.

nodded quickly, "Yes, live broadcast."

Cha Cha was relieved, and his eyes passed over these people indifferently.

In the end, his eyes stopped at Mu Yu with a half-smile, "Since you are broadcasting live, then you should leave quickly. If there is an accident on the show later, it will be bad."

Mu Yao's face changed slightly.

She looked up at Cha Cha.

The photographer immediately switched the camera back and forth between the flower tea and the twilight, quite a bit like shooting a blockbuster.

Other people don’t know the meaning of Chacha

Twilight knew it.

These words were clearly threatening her and letting her leave.

But according to the regulations of the program, when you knock on a door, you have to ask about borrowing.


Xue Yan quickly talked about the borrowing.

Cha Cha refused cleanly.

"Private place, need privacy, goodbye."

After he finished speaking, he took a step back and slammed the door shut.

Seeing that the place to live has not been settled, Xue Yan, Qiubai, Luo Han and others were a little discouraged after eating closed doors one after another.

Only Mu Yu walked behind, not knowing what she was thinking.

the same moment.

The director group held a collective meeting.

Director: Why did the flower tea appear here?

Can the affair between   scented tea and twilight bring another wave of heat?

Flower tea disappeared from the public eye after the derailment incident, so it was here to heal the wounds? Or dating a little lover?

The program team really felt that they had good luck.

This heat will never stop.

will only go up!

Immediately afterwards, the program team did not hesitate to buy a hot search for flower tea.

#Mu 婳 Live New Variety Show Meets Flower Tea#

(end of this chapter)