Chapter 1890: Difficult to be the queen (14)

Chapter 1890 It's hard to be a queen (14)


This hot search came up.

Immediately there are people who eat melons and come in.

Although the melon-eating crowd did not see the picture of the chance encounter, and the melon was cold, someone recorded a screen on Weibo.

The melon eaters picked up the melons in their hands, and almost ran after them, hurriedly rushing to catch up, and finally sorted out the situation between the flower tea and Muyu.

Mu Yu and others participated in a live variety show, looked for a place to live, and met a flower tea.

Tsk, the scene of a large crematorium.

The melon-eating crowd sighed, but unfortunately they couldn't see the conversation between the two.

If you can see the two of them talking, maybe something will be revealed.

After all, the previous endorsement of flower tea is now in the hands of Mu Yu, and the melon that borrowed money between Mu Yu and the flower tea to pay the liquidated damages is also delicious.

There are some things that need to be carefully scrutinized.

Chacha was in the room, calmly brushing Weibo.

After going around Weibo, I clicked into this live variety show.

She squatted for a few minutes in the Twilight studio.

At this time, Mu Yu had already found a place to live, not far from her house.

separated by a few families.

In the other group, Xue Yan and Luo Han have also found a place to live.


Because the two of them were the last place to stay.

In this mission, I got the last place, which means that I need to be punished.

The punishment for the program team is the last team, and the two need to find a way to solve the dinner by themselves.

The idol group and the Twilight group have dinners provided by the program group.

And Luo Han and Xue Yan need to solve it by themselves.

You can also eat at the place where you live, of course, as long as they are thick-skinned.

Obviously, Luo Han was not thick-skinned enough, and he was embarrassed to disturb the host who was borrowing.

Xue Yan opened her mouth.

is that she is in the stage of losing weight, it doesn't matter if she doesn't eat a meal.

She asked the host for help with an apple, even if the dinner was settled.

Xue Yan kindly shared half of it with Luo Han.

Luo Han expressed his gratitude, but was afraid that Xue Yan would not have enough to eat, so he did not accept it.

That way, the amused Xue Yan laughed happily there.

"You are so honest, how do you get involved in the entertainment industry?" Xue Yan teased.

This honest appearance, she was too embarrassed to tease him.

"Would you like to go to the Queen of Flowers Tea to eat some food later?" Xue Yan gave him an idea without hesitation.

Luo Han shook his head, "It's not good, I'm not familiar with her either..."

Xue Yan was helpless.

Silly boy.

The most important thing for flower tea now is heat.

As long as the name is associated with flower tea, it will be more popular. Why doesn't this silly child know what she means?

Xue Yan shook her head and sighed: I can't take it with me!

Luo Han scratched his head, feeling a little overwhelmed.


Although the   Muyu group got food, because it was the second place, the food could only satisfy their hunger, only some bread and water.

After a tiring afternoon, these breads and water were barely enough to eat. Mu Wei pressed her eyebrows, and when she thought of the scented tea she had just met, she felt that the bread in her hand became more and more difficult to swallow.

According to the temperament of the program team, I am afraid that after knowing that the flower tea is also in Huadian Village, they will find a way to find an opportunity, and let them meet again, thereby creating heat...

Mu Yan was clutching the bread, her expression changed.

Qiubai was in a complicated mood while eating bread.

He originally wanted to take advantage of this show to get closer to Mu Wei. If he could stir up CP, it would be best to tie them together, but now it seems that Mu Wei is not something to mess with.

Fry CP?

I'm afraid that even he can get in.

Thinking over and over again, Qiubai felt that he had to learn to be flexible.

It is impossible to fry CP anymore. He still performed better in this live variety show. Lala fans are the most suitable...

Later, Qiubai was extremely grateful for his choice.

Otherwise, the future is ruined.


The screen turned and switched to the two idols.

Two idols are the first place in this mission and won the luxurious meal prepared by the program team.

Two people are enjoying.

is completely different from the other two groups...


Cha Cha is afraid that the program team will photograph Hua Fu, which will affect Hua Fu's life.

She pondered for a while, and it happened that Grandpa Lin was going to work outside again. Not long after the show crew left, Chacha fooled Huafa out.

Let Father Hua accompany Grandpa Lin out.

When they come back, the show is almost finished.

With Grandpa Lin by his side, Father Hua didn't think there was a problem, and didn't think about other aspects.

I just thought it was Grandpa Lin who went out this time.

Father Hua packed up his clothes and left Huadian Village with Grandpa Lin.

Qi Yubai asked Yang Mei to send people out of Huadian Village.

In the blink of an eye, only Cha Cha and Qi Yubai were left in the two courtyards.

Chacha closed the door of his house.

turned his head and entered the next yard.

"Did the guests from their program team knock on your door too?" Cha Cha asked casually.

Qi Yu nodded, "Yes, Yang Mei responded quickly and closed the door directly."

He didn't want to be in the live broadcast.

Chacha hummed.

thoughtfully took out a mask from his pocket and handed it to Qi Yubai, "Put the mask on, as long as I'm still in Huadian Village, their program team may come to me again.

In case you are photographed, the mask can also block it.

I haven't told you before, in fact, I'm also in the entertainment industry, but something happened, I came back to adjust my mood, and accompany my father by the way. "

Cha Cha didn't care to mention a few things, and didn't say much.

fell in Qi Yu Bai's ears, and only felt a little distressed.

So many things passed with a smile, in fact, those pains, I'm afraid it will take a long time to get out...

Qi Yubai looked away, "Do you need my help? I can help you."

His words may be a little abrupt.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized what he meant.

"No, I can solve it by myself. The current me, not the previous me, some things I prefer to do by myself.

Thank you for helping me, but I don't need your help for now. "

After a pause, Cha Cha added, "I have my plan, don't worry, if I really can't solve it one day, I will come to you."

The reason why she said it so clearly was partly because she was afraid that Qi Yubai would suddenly intervene and attack Lu Hejing.

Judging from Qi Yubai's attitude.

It is estimated that Qi Yubai already knew about her situation.

But probably didn't know she had other plans.

In order to prevent Qi Yubai from attacking Lu Hejing and interrupting her plan, Cha Cha understood what he said, only one layer of window paper was left unbroken.

They are all smart people, and some words are easy to understand.

Qi Yubai gave her a deep look, "Okay, if there is anything that needs my help, just say it, don't feel embarrassed."

"Don't worry! I will hold Master Qi's thigh firmly!" Cha Cha smiled, reached out to touch his thigh, and gestured to hug him.

Qi Yubai was startled.

"!" Little girl, don't move your hands and feet indiscriminately! ! !

(end of this chapter)