Chapter 1900: Difficult to be the queen (24)

Chapter 1900 The queen is hard to be (24)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 24

In his spare time.

Chacha turned on his phone and glanced at Lu Hejing and Mujing's Weibo.

chacha, “…”

Affectionate confession, disgusting.

She glanced at the comment, and a sneer crossed the corner of her lips.

Since Lu and Jingfei wanted to say that he was with Mu Jing after they broke up, then she couldn't blame her for slapping her face.

Cha Cha smiled and put the phone back in his pocket.

She tilted her head to look at Qi Yubai.

"I invite you to dinner in town?"

Although Qi Yubai and Yang Mei didn't show their faces, today's events still caused them trouble.

"There is a century-old shop in the town, Yanyulou, which tastes really good." It doesn't take much time to get to the town from here.

You can also enjoy the scenery along the way.

Qi Yu was silent for a while, "Okay."

Immediately, Cha Cha called the owner and made a reservation in advance.

That shop is doing well.

She has a good relationship with the boss.

An appointment will be made soon.

The three of them set off together to go to Yanyu Building.

After half an hour.

The three came to the Yanyu Building.

Yanyulou has an ancient style, which is quite eye-catching.

As soon as the three entered the door, they met someone they shouldn't have met.

Mu Yu and Lu Hejing were also there.

At this time, Lu Hejing's assistant was arguing with the boss in front of the counter.

Yanyulou's business is good, as small as a bowl of noodles, as large as a full-fledged Manchurian banquet, the boss will not refuse to come.

There are a lot of people today. Judging from the assistant's negotiation, it is obvious that there is no reservation and there is no extra space.

Lu Hejing, as the young master of the Lu family, naturally has little patience.

Let him wait for Lu and Jing?

how can that be?

Boss, "When you come to Yanyu Building, you must abide by the rules of Yanyu Building, please wait quietly."

Assistant tries to add money.

The boss indifferently refused.

And now, the boss is a little impatient.

Seeing that Chacha brought people over, the boss immediately waved his hand and asked them to take them upstairs.

Lu Hejing got angry on the spot.

"Why can they go up?"

The boss felt that what he said was very problematic, "They have made reservations, but you haven't made reservations, so naturally you have to wait."

Lu Hejing frowned, staring at Chacha.

The bodyguard behind him stood there ready to move, as if he was going to do something to Chacha at any time.

Cha Cha's expression was calm, "Mr. Lu, do you still plan to kill people in front of so many people?"

Lu Hejing, "..."

Thinking of the current situation, Lu Hejing snorted, stretched out his hand to hold Mu Jing, and raised his foot to leave.

He was afraid that he would not be able to help himself to the scented tea.

However, if he suffers a loss, he will lose face in front of Mu Yu again.

When Lu Hejing was passing by Qi Yubai, he paused for a moment and paused.

's eyes quickly filled with sarcasm, "Are you looking for another gold master?"

Qi Yu glanced coldly at Lu Hejing.

The two looked at each other.

this moment.

Lu Hejing felt strangely that his aura seemed to be suppressed?

The man in front of him had a bit of sharpness in his eyes.

The dark eyes are bottomless, like an abyss.

For a moment, Lu Hejing thought he had fallen to the bottom.

His aura was actually suppressed without a trace.

Lu Hejing looked away with difficulty, cold sweat dripping down his spine.

Mu Yu couldn't help but looked at Qi Yubai more.

Because she noticed this man from the moment she came in, but she didn't expect to come with the scented tea.

This man has a superior temperament, and even Lu Hejing is inferior to him.

She turned to look at the scented tea, with a signboard smile on her face, "Hejing, how can you say that? They should be friends, don't keep your mouth shut, they are the gold masters, and the reputation of scented tea is very bad."

Cha Cha was too lazy to talk to Mu Jing, reached out and grabbed Qi Yubai's wrist, turned his head and went upstairs.

Dog men and women!

Want to step on her?

Then you have to see if you have that ability!

The good mood was affected a lot by meeting these two people.

But when I think of the deliciousness of Yanyulou, Chacha feels that my mood is much better!


Lu Hejing was completely ignored.

Neither he nor Mu Jing had a good-looking face.

Originally dealt with online matters, thinking about having a good meal and resting, and finally met the broom star of flower tea.

He stood outside the Yanyu Building and instructed the bodyguards behind him.

"You wait here, as soon as the flower tea appears, arrest her."

Mu Yu frowned.

"Would this not be good?"

Lu Hejing coaxed her in a low voice, "There's nothing wrong with me, I'm just teaching Huacha a lesson, and I won't do anything else. Don't think about it, I've always been law-abiding."

Twilight, "..."

It wasn't because she thought too much, it was because Lu Hejing was too stubborn and insisted on catching the scented tea.

In fact, she didn't understand, why did she have to catch the scented tea?

If you want to teach flower tea a lesson, you can also start from other aspects.

Scented tea has fallen into disrepute.

Since the popularity is so high now, we should take this opportunity to step on the scented tea to hell.

But she couldn't say that.

Her image in Lu Hejing's heart still needs to be well maintained.

Lu Hejing soon left with Mu Yu.


Qiqi reminded Cha Cha, "Lu Hejing's bodyguard is outside the Yanyu Building."

Chacha, "...?" This **** still doesn't give up?

There is a pit in the brain.

Qiqi, "..." Cha Cha scolded people more and more.

Yanyulou's food is full of flavors and aromas. It really didn't smash the century-old signboard. Even Qi Yubai praised it.

Chacha put down his chopsticks and looked at Qi Yubai with a smile on his face, "I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me here."

Qi Yubai, "Okay."

Cha Cha went downstairs, did not go to the bathroom, and walked briskly outside the Yanyu Building.

She smiled and looked at the two bodyguards.

"Aren't you two too tired to panic?"

The two bodyguards shivered inexplicably when they met her smile.

But thinking of Mr. Lu's orders, he could only bear it.

This little girl is very cunning.

Always be careful.

Immediately after, they heard the suggestion from the seemingly harmless little girl in front of them, "Let's go over there and talk, there is no one there, there are too many people here, which is inconvenient."

Two bodyguards followed her in the other direction.

about a few dozen steps.

The little girl in front suddenly turned around and moved very quickly.

In one move, the two bodyguards fell to the ground.

Cha Cha kicked the bodyguard who was closer. Seeing that he didn't make any movement, he snorted and left with an indifferent expression.

No one pays attention to the movement here at this moment. It just so happens that the location Chacha is looking for is on the side of Yanyu Building.

resolved the bodyguard, and Cha Cha walked back calmly.

After all, when she and Qi Yubai leave the Yanyu Building together, they can't be disturbed by these two bodyguards, so what should be resolved in advance must be resolved in advance.

Cha Cha returned to the Yanyu Building, where Qi Yubai was sitting waiting for her.

saw her come back, a smile on her handsome face.

"How long will you stay in Huadian Village?" Qi Yubai asked.

Now, because of the live broadcast of this variety show, her affairs in Huadian Village have been exposed. It is estimated that she will not stay in Huadian Village for long.

"We won't be staying for a few days." Cha Cha sighed, "Some things have to go back and deal with it."

(end of this chapter)