Chapter 1901: Difficult to be the queen (25)

Chapter 1901 The queen is hard to be (25)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 25

Qi Yubai thought for a while, "I'm going to leave Huadian Village soon."

Chacha looked at Qi Yubai in surprise, "Aren't you waiting for Grandpa Lin to come back?"

Grandpa Lin and Father Hua estimated that it would take several days to come back.

"The time is a little tight, so don't wait." Qi Yubai said lightly, "Do you want to come with me?"

Cha Cha shook his head, "Shouldn't we be on our way?"

Qi Yubai, "..." Is his performance not obvious enough?

Or is he not clear enough?


Chacha found that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

Cha Cha, "...?"

They really didn't make it through...

Yang Meng lowered his head beside him and did not dare to make a sound.


Lu and Jing waited for an hour and didn't get any news from the bodyguard.

He asked the assistant to call back.

The assistant held the phone, a little uneasy, "...No one answered."

Lu Hejing's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"You go look for it."

The hotel where they are located is not far from Yanyu Building.

About ten minutes passed.

The assistant called back.

"Mr. Lu, the bodyguards were all knocked out, and Miss Hua is no longer in Yanyulou." The man ran away again.

Lu Hejing, "!!!"

Good gas!

There was a lot of anger in his eyes, and the whole person looked a little gloomy.

Mu Yao lowered her head and closed her eyes.

When he looked up again, his eyes were a little red.

"Hejing." She called out.

Lu Hejing was a little flustered when she saw her expression was wrong, "I'm sorry, did I scare you?"

Mu Hu shook her head with a sad expression, "Hejing, tell me honestly, are you still thinking about flower tea, otherwise, why are you so persistent in catching her? Do you want to live in Huadian Village? Not the you I know."

Lu Hejing's face changed, "婳婳, you have to believe me, I don't have any feelings for flower tea, I was just playing with her before, I only have you in my heart.

I arrested her, just to get revenge on her, nothing else. "

Is the sense of security he gave to 婳婳 not enough?

actually caused 婳婳 worry?

Mu Yu shook her head, lowered her head and shed tears, looking extremely aggrieved.

Lu Hejing had no choice but to say, "Then we will leave Huadian Village in a while. As for the flower tea, I will think of other ways to retaliate. If I don't catch her, I can also retaliate."

Mu 婳 then glanced at Lu Hejing.

"Actually, it's not that she has to take revenge on the flower tea, she didn't do anything..."

Lu Hejing patiently comforted a few words.

But flower tea, he must take revenge!

Mu Yu was slightly relieved to see that Lu Hejing's hatred didn't seem like a fake.

In any case, she didn't want the flower tea to have any relationship with Lu Hejing.

No matter how much they play on the scene, the flower tea still has a label: Lu Hejing's former girlfriend...

I'm afraid that she will be in the entertainment industry in the future, and she will inevitably be compared with flower tea by others. When Mu Jing thinks of this, she is a little unhappy, but she can't do anything about it.

Things have happened, what she thinks about is how to be more beneficial to herself.


Cha Cha and Qi Yubai returned to Huadian Village.

But I don't know which sentence was wrong. Along the way, Qi Yubai's face was not quite right.

Chacha, "..." is panicking.


Until Cha Cha met the people from the show team.

Variety show is still popular because of Lu Hejing's withdrawal of funds and the unexpected situation, but... several guests invited by the show team ran away.

Xue Yan and Luo Han are still there, but they can't support this show either.

The people in the program group discussed and decided to suspend the program.

Stop loss in time.

Fortunately, so far, the loss is not too big.

Get out in time, it's better.

However, Luo Han was even worse.

The variety show that he finally received, the manager was so angry that he called and scolded him.

Wasted the opportunity and offended Lu Hejing.

This time, Luo Han has completely sat on the bench in the company, and there may not be any other variety shows in the future. At least, the company will not let him show up again in the past two years, and the agent has made it very clear.

Xue Yan comforted Luo Han a few words, her own situation was not much better.

Her appearance with Luo Han caused a variety show accident...

And Lu Hejing is the future ruler of the Lu family, no one would be stupid enough to offend Lu Hejing.

Even the company was eager to take this opportunity to make good friends to Lu Hejing.

and sacrificed, she and Luo Han were two poor little ones.

Xue Yan has a headache.

She and Luo Han are now sisters and brothers.

"Luo Han, Xue Yan, can I chat with you?" The appearance of Cha Cha broke their thoughts.

Xue Yan looked at the scented tea and had a headache.

"Ten minutes for you."

Why did she run into Huacha and Lu Hejing so unluckily?

Cha Cha turned around to say hello to Qi Yubai, and then found out... Qi Yubai had left her and left alone.

Chacha, "?" What happened?

She looked at Yang Mei in surprise, "He... what happened? Did I offend him?"

Yang Mei, "I don't know...Miss Hua, I'll follow you first, don't go back too late."

Going back too late, I'm afraid the young master will be unhappy again.

Probably... the young master feels neglected?

So get angry?

don't know……

He was also confused.

Cha Cha looked at Qi Yubai who was far away, then looked at Luo Han and Xue Yan, and sighed silently, she still had business to do.


Cha Cha took Xue Yan and Luo Han forward for a while and found a place to sit down.

Cha Cha didn’t hesitate and went straight to the point.

"This incident should have a great impact on you, right?"

Xue Yan hummed uncomfortably.

Chacha looked at Luo Han again.

To be honest, Luo Han is very optimistic about her, she is a good seedling.

And Xue Yan, is also good.

According to Lu Hejing's ruthless heart, even if he doesn't take action directly, he will anger them both.

In a place like the entertainment industry, Xiaotong is like an ant that is arbitrarily pinched in the palm of your hand.

"Have you thought about leaving your current company?" Cha Cha continued.

As soon as these words came out, Xue Yan and Luo Han were a little shocked.

Of course they thought about it.

However, everyone knows that leaving the company has to pay liquidated damages.

They have no money in their hands.

Naturally cannot leave.

Moreover, in a place like the entertainment industry, all parties are intertwined, and even if they can afford the liquidated damages, they must find the next boss.

In the case that they are not popular, no one wants to ask for it, right?

Cha Cha passed over their expressions lightly.

took out two business cards from his pocket, "If you plan to leave your current company, contact this person and he will pay you liquidated damages. As for the detailed contract, you can discuss it in detail at that time."

Xue Yan and Luo Han stared at the business card.

There is only one name and contact information.

's name is Lu Anjing.

Lu Anjing, Lu Hejing?

Xue Yan frowned.

She's not stupid, much less stupid.

She looked up, her eyes full of doubts, "Do you have any purpose? I don't think pie will fall from the sky..."

She has been in the circle for several years.

Often if you want something, you have to pay a price.

The easier it is to get your hands like this, the more you have to pay...

(end of this chapter)