Chapter 1914: Hard to be a queen (38)

Chapter 1914 It's hard to be a queen (38)


Mr. Lu looked at Lu Hejing with a bad expression, "It seems that you are going to oppose me for Mu Jing?"

Lu Hejing looked calm.

"Grandpa, now I am the heir to the Lu family."

And the old man is no longer the ruler of the Lu family.

So, why do you have to order him to break up with Mu Jing?

He doesn't listen!

Mr. Lu's face was ashen with anger, what kind of wind and waves has he never seen before? Now, just a few days after he became the heir, he dared to speak to him like this?

Do you really think he's old and useless?

The old man pointed at the door and scolded, "...Get out!"

Lu Hejing smiled and turned to leave, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Everyone is old, what kind of posture are you still posing?

is downright ridiculous.

Lu Hejing left the Lu family's old house, and halfway through, suddenly remembered the official business of coming to the Lu family this time.

The old man was talking nonsense, and he was stunned to forget the business.

Lu and Jing went and returned.

pushed open the door of the study.

The old man was sitting there to rest, and he seemed to be very angry.

Seeing Lu Hejing coming back, he asked angrily, "What are you doing here again?"

Lu Hejing didn't care about the old man's attitude at all, "I'm back this time, I have something to ask you."

Mr. Lu couldn't help sneering, "? You are the heir of the Lu family, what else do you need to ask me?"

Lu Hejing didn't care about the old man's attitude at all, "Does grandpa know about Qi Yubai? My people didn't find his information."

Mr. Lu's expression changed drastically.

stood up abruptly and shouted angrily, "You traitor! If you dare to offend the Qi family, I will abolish you!"

Lu Hejing was a little surprised.

The old man was so emotional, it seemed that Qi Yubai's identity was more mysterious than he imagined.

"There is no such person in Ancheng."

Lu and Jing sat down while talking.

The old man slowed down for a while and sat down again.

He glanced at Lu Hejing, "Qi Yubai is a member of the Qi family, and the Qi family is a big family in Jingcheng. Compared with the Lu family, I just compete with the sun and the moon for glory.

Qi Yubai is the future heir of the Qi family, but there are rumors that Qi Yubai is not in good health and rarely goes out..." Having said this, the old man paused, and his face showed a bit of confusion.

"Why did you suddenly think of asking me Qi Yubai? You shouldn't have really offended him, right? If you offend him, my entire Lu family will be finished..."

Lu Hejing's eyes darkened, "I didn't offend him, but I just happened to hear the name, so I came to ask you."

said so, but Mr. Lu didn't quite believe it.

If you just happened to hear it, why did you check Qi Yubai's information? Are you running to ask him?

The old man stared sharply at Lu Hejing, as if he wanted to peel off Lu Hejing's whole body to see what he was hiding.

Lu Hejing was a little uncomfortable under the eyes of the old man, "You don't need to look like a big enemy. If you say that you didn't offend Qi Yubai, that means you didn't offend Qi Yubai. I'm not stupid enough to ruin my future."

He's not a fool, so he happily finds a powerful enemy for himself?

Mr. Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Lu Hejing left.

And Mr. Lu was lost in thought.

Is it really wrong to let Lu Hejing be the heir? At first, I didn't think there was any problem. Now, it seems that one problem after another is about to emerge.

The first is Twilight...

Then it was Qi Yubai.

And Lu Hejing obviously didn't listen to him anymore.

Mr. Lu suddenly had a strong sense of crisis.

It seems that he has to do something.

First of all, we solved Muyu's problem.

The heir of the dignified Lu family, who is obsessed with a little star all day long, and shouldn't he be talked about as a joke every day?

After Lu and Jing left.

didn't rush to find Mu Jing, Mu Jing had the bodyguard he sent by her side, so there would be no problem.

The old man is old now, even if he really wants to do something, he is not his opponent.

What he has to do now is to investigate the relationship between the flower tea and Qi Yubai.

Could it be that Qi Yubai is really behind the scented tea?

According to Qi Yubai's identity, the scented tea should not curry favor with Qi Yubai.

Qi Yu has a strong white background, how could he like flower tea?

But he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

It was also Lu Hejing's negligence that gave Mr. Lu a chance.



Mu Yao was invited to the Lu family's old house.

The bodyguards around Mu Jing not only didn't help her, they even cooperated with Old Man Lu's people.

At that time, Mu Yu was so angry that he almost pointed at the bodyguards and cursed loudly.

She didn't understand, how could the people Lu Hejing find cooperate with others?

Until Mr. Lu appeared in front of her, he showed his identity.

"I'm Lu Hejing's grandfather."

Mu Yu was startled for a moment, and immediately realized that this was the Lu family.

No wonder the bodyguards didn't resist.

She put on a smiley face, "Is there something wrong with Grandpa looking for me?"

Mr. Lu snorted coldly and looked down on Mu Yu's style, "Who do you call grandpa? Don't look at your own identity, are you worthy of Lu Hejing? You dare to call me grandpa?"

Mu Yao's face changed.

Is this a sin?

The old man doesn't like her?

Mu Yu felt a little aggrieved immediately, "Hejing and I are truly in love..."

The old man, "I don't understand the love of your young people, I only know that your identity is not worthy of my Lu family. You are too scheming and like to cause trouble, which will only add more trouble in the future."

Mu Yu lowered her head and subconsciously took out her cell phone to call Lu Hejing, but as soon as she took out the cell phone, it was knocked down violently, and she was slapped on the back of her hand, which was terribly painful.

She looked up at Mr. Lu with tears in her eyes, with a look of pity I saw.

The old man rolled his eyes in disdain, "Don't use your tricks in front of me, the old man, I have seen more women than you have eaten. I don't know how many women wanted to enter the gate of my Lu family back then. But they don't deserve it!

Now, Lu Hejing is fascinated by you. I might as well tell you that I have already cut him off from you. "

Mu Yao's face turned pale, and she said again, "He won't give up on me!" She believed in Lu Hejing!

Mr. Lu, "Well, he did reject me, he didn't give up on you."

Mu Yu's joy overflowed from the brows.

However, in the next second, the old man said ruthlessly, "Since he doesn't give up on you, then my Lu family will give up on him. It's just an heir, and it's no big deal to change another one."

Mu 婳, "…………"

Mu Yu was almost taken aback by this sentence.

Can the heir change if he wants?

Isn't this Chinese cabbage?

Mu Yu looked at the old man in disbelief, "Are you kidding me?"

The old man didn't answer her, but waved, "You guys take Miss Mu back home."

"Please come here, just to see what kind of flirtatious look you have, and if you look closely, it's nothing more than that."

At the end, the old man probably felt that Mu Yu was not stimulated enough, so he made up for it, "Compared with the previous one called Huacha, it's still a lot worse."

(end of this chapter)