Chapter 1915: Difficult to be the queen (39)

Chapter 1915 It's hard to be a queen (39)


Mu Yu was still stunned until she was sent out of the Lu family's old house.

angry and angry.

My heart is like a big rock.

The old man forced Lu Hejing to cut off contact with her?

He even deliberately praised the flower tea in front of her and stepped on her?

Mu Yu felt as if she had been severely humiliated.

She got into the car.

Without further ado, call Lu Hejing first.

Lu Hejing was furious when he heard that she was taken to the Lu family's old house.

Immediately called Mr. Lu to ask questions.

"Master, I respect you as an elder, but if you challenge my bottom line like this again, don't blame me for being rude!" Lu Hejing threatened.

The old man didn't care much about Lu Hejing's threat. For him, Lu Hejing just grew wings, and he still has a long way to go before he can fly solo.

A few threats would have little effect on him.

Even the old man asked lightly, "That woman only cried to you about the grievances she suffered. Did I tell you? I also said something to her. If you are not obedient, the Lu family can change to a new heir at any time. When the time comes, You have nothing left..."

Lu Hejing's anger was smashed by this sentence.

"What did you say?" A new heir?

Do not!

Why, old man?

The heir of the Lu family is already him!

Why change?

What qualifications does the old man have?

Lu Hejing wanted to say something else, but unfortunately, the old man didn't give him a chance at all and hung up the phone.

Lu Hejing was a little caught off guard.

subconsciously dialed back.

But no one answered.

The old man left the study with a smile, and instructed people to keep an eye on the phone.

As long as it is from Lu Hejing's mobile phone number, he will not answer it.

The old man has a calm demeanor.

Ginger, of course it's still old and spicy!

Even if the Lu family has a new heir, the real power of the Lu family is still in his hands.

If you want him to fully decentralize, it will take at least a few years.

Lu and Jing are still too tender.


Lu Hejing was suddenly at a loss.

He always thought that after he became the heir, he would have all the power and everything in his hands. At this moment, listening to the words of the old man, he had a new understanding.

Could it be that the old man didn't delegate all powers at all?

So you can say that?

Lu Hejing forced himself to calm down, but found that his palms were all sweaty.

He made several calls, but no one answered.


Lu Hejing called Mujing again.

Mu Yu was still crying and telling her grievances.

Lu Hejing was a little impatient, "Okay, don't cry, you only know how to cry all day long, can you be a little trickier like flower tea?"

Mu 婳 was yelled, and her fingers trembled while holding the phone, "What did you say?...You compare me to flower tea? You despise me? Think I'm... inferior to her?"

Twilight almost collapsed.

How can Lu Hejing say that!

Did he know that those words he said would cause her great harm!

She was threatened by Mr. Lu, doesn't he know that he feels sorry for her?

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you about this now. Let me ask you, did the old man tell you anything else, he told you about changing the heir, didn't he? Why didn't you tell me just now? The old man's original words are again What do you say, repeat it to me!!!"

Lu Hejing's attitude was very bad, a little anxious and a little angry.

Mu Yu's mentality collapsed at this moment.

He didn't care what Lu Hejing said, hung up the phone without hesitation, and turned off the phone.

Lu Hejing, "...?"

Lu He Jing was in a terrible mood, and his face was extremely bad. He left his work and hurried to the Lu family's old house.

As for Mu Yu, she was waiting for Lu Hejing to apologize to her.

In the end, neither of them were as happy as they wanted.

Lu Hejing went back to the Lu family's old house, but couldn't get in, and was stopped by a bunch of bodyguards. Finally, they could only leave angrily.

In this case, Mu Yu naturally couldn't wait for Lu Hejing's apology, Lu Hejing himself was a mess.


Lu Anjing called Chacha, anxious to share about Lu Hejing.

Seeing Lu Hejing come this far, he was so happy!

Cha Cha yawned and reminded, "Don't be in a hurry to make any moves, all you have to do now is to stabilize your state. You don't need to be in a hurry for everything, and you don't need to chase after victory."

Pursuing while winning also depends on the situation, and sometimes it will be too much.

Lu Anjing suddenly stopped thinking about adding trouble to Lu Hejing.

Since the flower tea said so, then he quietly waited to watch the play.

After hanging up Lu Anjing's phone, Qi Yubai pinched her face in dissatisfaction, "If Lu Anjing needs your help in everything, then he doesn't need to fight for the heir position anymore, even if he gets it, he won't be able to sit for long. "

Cha Cha nodded, "That makes sense, then I'll leave everything to Lu Anjing in the future, let him handle it himself, and don't call me when there's nothing to do."

Qi Yubai, "Well, only in this way can you hone him."

Chacha quickly sent a message to Lu Anjing.

Lu Anjing, "...?"

Can't I just lie down and be a salted fish?

Why are you still training me?

Qi Yubai took away Chacha's mobile phone with satisfaction, and stared at her little face seriously, "Let's continue, don't be disturbed by others."

Cha Cha's face flushed.

"..." Then continue.

Kiss and hug! ! ! !

Seven-seven, "..." is almost invisible.

These two are getting tired of dying.


Lu Anjing didn't know that the reason why he was so busy was because his phone call was not at the right time, which ruined the sweet life of others, so that someone directly blew the pillow wind.

From then on, Lu Anjing's salted fish lied down and won his life, completely gone...

After all, the decision of the scented tea has really never been wrong.

Like this time.

He didn't take action against Lu Hejing, but that doesn't mean that others didn't take action against Lu Hejing.

The news that Lu Hejing and the old man broke up must be known to other people. If you blow a little bit of this news, many people in the Lu family will know about it.

To deal with Lu Hejing, it's really easy.

Let's not talk about the restless factor Muyu.

Even Lu Hejing had a lot of bad things.

I also want the artists under Lu Hejing, if there is any black material, just shake it out.

The artists of Lu's Film and Television Company have been on the hot search one after another within a week.

And Mu Yao and Lu Hejing quarreled for two days, and then made up again.

To say that this Lu Hejing is too cheap.

So many pretty girls.

had to hit Mu Yu with one head.

After this incident, Mu Yu probably also knew that her position was unstable. In Lu Hejing's heart, she might not be that important. If she quarrelled, she would quarrel... She didn't put her first at all.

The position of the heir to the Lu family is clearly the first in his heart.

So, Mu Yu easily had other ideas.

Mr. Lu doesn't like her, and Lu Hejing may not be the heir to the Lu family, which makes her very worried, and she has to make another preparation.

(end of this chapter)