Chapter 1916: Hard to be the Queen (40)

Chapter 1916 It's hard to be a queen (40)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 40

In Mu Yao's view, she will face three endings.

One: Lu Hejing loves her. Even if Old Man Lu forced him, he would not give up on her. Then... Lu Hejing was given up by Old Man Lu, and she finished playing with Lu Hejing.

2: Between her and the heir, Lu Hejing chose to continue to be the heir and gave up on her. She lost her asylum and finished playing alone.

3: Lu Hejing didn't give up on her, and solved the old man Lu.

But… from the current status quo, the third result is minimal.

She has to think about her future, she can't bet all on Lu Hejing.

Without love, there is nothing.

She thought that in Lu Hejing's eyes, she might not be as good as the Lu family's assets.

After having this idea, Mu Yu began to change gradually.

First on the set, she became more gentle and kind.

Even when facing the director, he became more and more humble.

Director, "???" Is this taking the wrong medicine?

Occasionally met Xue Yan, Mu Jing not only did not turn against Xue Yan, but even deliberately flattered Xue Yan, wanting to know from Xue Yan who Xue Yan's noble person is now.

She is not a fool. After offending Lu Hejing, Xue Yan's company will definitely not let Xue Yan go and teach Xue Yan a lesson.

As a result, Xue Yan directly terminated the contract with the company.

There is also that Luo Han, who also terminated the contract with the original company. Now it is very popular in a variety show.

These two are clearly someone behind.

Where else would there be such a big change?

After Xue Yan noticed that something was wrong with Mu Yu, she was even more careful, for fear that Mu Yu would suddenly do something...

This person's mind is hard to guess.

Xue Yan's mouth was tight, and she went back and forth. For several days, Mu Jing couldn't get any news from Xue Yan, which made Mu Jing very upset, but the gentleness on the surface still had to be maintained.

Many people in the crew saw Mu Hua's changes, and she was more gentle and humble... This should not be Mu Hua at all... Although the former Mu Hua was also gentle, she looked like a delicately raised one. The little princess who was waiting, and now... inexplicably like a phoenix in distress?

But... Lu Hejing and Mu Jing are clearly still in love.

Mu's fans are even more eager to walk sideways and oppress the artist fans of Lu's Film and Television Company.

Should be in the limelight, but suddenly be humble and humble?

This is not logical!

Moreover, Mu Yu had already left those things that were unfavorable to her clean.

In any way, Muyu is not quite right.

until the next day.

Such public opinion suddenly appeared on the Internet.

【It is suspected that the dream of the newly promoted Xiaohua giants is broken, where should this relationship go! 】

The overwhelming public opinion is like someone deliberately released it. For a while, countless people are interested in this news.

Although there is no mention of who is inside.

But as long as you surf the Internet, you know who it is.

Isn't it Mu Yu and Lu Hejing?

So, this matter quickly became a hot search.

After seeing such a hot search, the staff of the crew became concerned. No wonder Mu Yu has changed so much. It turns out that the dream of marrying into a wealthy family is about to be disillusioned?

is really interesting!

Mu 婳 of course also saw the hot search.

She was so angry that she couldn't post a Weibo rebuttal.

She didn't know who broke the story this time.

After all, only she, Lu Hejing and Mr. Lu should know about this matter.

If there are other people, it may be someone from the Lu family...

Mu Yao didn't know the various involvements of the Lu family, and she didn't dare to act rashly.

This hot search is not a good thing for her.

She could only ask Lu Hejing for help.

Looking forward to Lu and Jing to say a few words.

After a few perfunctory remarks, Lu Hejing put the matter behind him. Lu Hejing now has a lot of messes to clean up. Let's not talk about the troubles of work, just the ones from the Lu family who want to be promoted. There are many people living with them, and a little trouble for one of them is enough for him to have a headache.

Originally, these people did not dare to do things blatantly.

Ever since Mr. Lu put down his harsh words, everything has changed.

Those people had no scruples, and even blatantly shot at him.

The old man didn't say a word, and let those people make trouble for him, as if he was really dissatisfied with his heir...

Lu Hejing was devastated all day long, not to mention taking time out to coax Muyu.

Mu Yu, who was left out in the cold, didn't wait for Lu Hejing to come forward to refute the public opinion.

directly caused Mu Yao to be very dissatisfied with Lu Hejing.

The original dissatisfaction has been accumulating. At this moment, it seems like she can't control it. She even has a grudge against Lu Hejing...

Mu Yao thought about it, and finally made up her mind.

She wants to stay away from Lu and Jing.

Mu Yu took the initiative to ask the bodyguard beside her after the shooting of the day, "I want to see Mr. Lu and talk to him about what happened last time."

She knew that these bodyguards were nominally sent by Lu Hejing to protect her, but in fact they still obeyed Old Man Lu's orders.

Therefore, she believed that these bodyguards could convey her meaning to Mr. Lu.

The bodyguard hesitated for a moment and said, "Miss Mu, please wait a moment."

Then, the bodyguard made a phone call.

After five minutes.

News from the bodyguard.

"The old man agrees with you."

Mu Yu gave a faint hum.

Since some things will happen sooner or later, it is better for her to take action first and let Lu Hejing be caught off guard, rather than being caught off guard and being abandoned in the end...

Mu Yu is sometimes far more ruthless than Lu Hejing.

If it wasn't for her IQ, Mu Yu would definitely be able to climb to a higher position than Lu Hejing...


The old house of the Lu family.

Mr. Lu was not surprised to see Mu Jing, as if he had expected that she would take the initiative to come to him.

Mu Yu didn't say much nonsense, and directly explained her intentions.

"I am willing to take the initiative to break up with Lu Hejing and cut off contact."

Mr. Lu raised his head with a half-smile, "Tell me about your conditions."

Mu 婳, "The old man is really a smart man, my conditions are very simple, I will break up with Lu Hejing, but you have to guarantee that I will be smooth sailing in the entertainment industry and that I will not be revenge by Lu Hejing.

I have seen his methods, and it is easy to destroy the scented tea and ruin the reputation of the scented tea. Now, I am not a movie queen. I just showed a new role in the entertainment industry. As far as he is concerned, I am just a person who can be pinched to death at will. The ants...

I don't want my future to be ruined in his hands, nor in the hands of the Lu family, can you agree? "

Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Very good, you have seen it thoroughly, and you are indeed very ambitious. I can promise you this condition."

But there are too many ambitious people in this world.

Not all ambitious people can succeed, and many more people fail miserably.

Although Muyu has ambitions, in the eyes of the old man, he still lacks a lot of enthusiasm and cannot go far. This is one of the reasons why he is unwilling to let Lu Hejing be with her.

Even if the Lu family won't be a hindrance to her development, how far can she go without Lu Hejing?

(end of this chapter)