Chapter 1917: Difficult to be the queen (41)

Chapter 1917 It's hard to be a queen (41)

It's Hard to Be After a Shadow 41

Mu Yu and Mr. Lu reached an agreement in this way.

Afterwards, Mu Wei left the Lu family's old house. The old man watched her leaving, and the smile on his lips became colder.

means not on the table.

That's it?

Didn't you give up after a few days?

didn't even try to resist...

Soon, Mu Wei posted a breakup Weibo on Weibo and announced that she was about to terminate the contract with Lu's Film and Television Company.

The melon eaters were shocked by the big melon that suddenly appeared.

This ride on a's very confusing.

And it was Mu Yu who proposed to break up first?

Still so arrogant to terminate the contract?

A bunch of people couldn't understand what Mu Yu was doing.

Not only that, but after Mu Wei posted on Weibo, Lu Hejing did not respond.

It looked more like Lu Hejing was caught off guard.

And Lu Hejing was indeed caught off guard.

He was working overtime to deal with the company's affairs. Who would have thought that Mu Wei would stab him in the backhand?

When Lu Hejing heard that the public relations manager told him that Mu Yu had announced the breakup unilaterally, the whole person was stunned.

Especially after seeing that Weibo with my own eyes, I almost fainted.

Lu and Jing hurriedly called Mu Jing.

Mu Yu also quickly pressed to answer.

Lu Hejing asked directly, "Are you threatened by that dead old man? Or is it that you didn't post Weibo, you are being controlled?"

Mu Hua smiled sarcastically, "Lu Hejing, I'm not threatened, I'm fine, let's break up, don't contact me in the future, I'll let my lawyer go to the company to talk about the termination of the contract, I hope we don't do it again. Meet."

The words fell, and Mu Jing hung up the phone directly.

She does have some affection for Lu Hejing, but her affection is very thin and can be easily washed away.

Not to mention, Lu Hejing doesn't necessarily take her as everything. Emotions are the most erratic. Instead of putting all hope on Lu Hejing, it is better to fight a **** path.

And...she has her own plans.

If in the future, Lu Hejing really wins the old man and becomes the real winner, then she can go back to Lu Hejing and tell Lu Hejing that she is forced to help. Although she made her own choice, at that time, she was For her future, I don't want him to have nothing...

can still go back to Lu Hejing.

If Lu Hejing fails and there is nothing left, then she can still reach the peak of her career with the opportunity given by Father Lu.

So in this move, she made no mistake!

She is the real winner!

Mu Yu's wishful thinking.

Just in case, she logged into her Weibo account and posted a few specious Weibo posts to express her sadness and sadness.

In case Lu Hejing didn't believe her, she could use Weibo to convince Lu Hejing.

At that time.

Lu Hejing was hit.

He stared at the breakup Weibo posted by Mu Jing, and in anger, he dropped his phone and rushed directly to Mu Jing's apartment.

He has done so much for Mu Yu, why did Mu Yu treat him like this?

Do not! He didn't believe that this would be Mu Hua's choice, and he even believed that Mu Hua was threatened...

After all, the old man had been looking for Muyu alone before.

The more Lu and Jing thought about it, the more they felt that they had guessed correctly.

It's very likely that she was being watched, so she did this kind of thing, and she was so ruthless even when she was on the phone.

Lu Hejing came to Mujing's apartment excitedly, and rushed in directly.

The moment he saw Mujing, Lu Hejing's emotions were a little out of control.

Mu Yu was not too surprised when she saw Lu Hejing suddenly appear.

She even looked at Lu Hejing calmly.

"Lu Hejing, we broke up, don't pester me again."

Lu Hejing clasped Mu Yu's shoulders with both hands.

"Tell me, is the old man threatening you? We have such a good relationship, you can't break up with me suddenly, there must be a secret, isn't it? You answer me!"

At the end, Lu Hejing almost roared.

He is not willing to accept this fact!

Mu Yu tried to push Lu Hejing away, but unfortunately the strength was so disparate that she stopped struggling and looked at Lu Hejing seriously.

"Lu Hejing, the relationship between us is not that deep, you have to know that you had an ex-girlfriend Huacha before that, and you love her far more than me.

When you were with the scented tea, you couldn't wait to send your heart to the past. Now, with me, let's not talk about the romantic things you have done to me, just talk about how much trouble you have caused me because of the scented tea. Don't you have a count?

keep saying that you love me? Lu Hejing, do you really love me? I understand now, I want to break up with you, I want to distance myself from you, I have a great future, why should I waste it on you!

And you can't even hold the position of the heir of the Lu family now. If you are the old man, you can't make a substantive resistance. Do I still have to take care of my own future and future for you? "

Lu Hejing's mood gradually calmed down.

He looked at Mu Jing in despair, so he thought so?

So she always sees herself this way?

He stared at Mujing, suddenly feeling that he might not have known what kind of person Mujing was all along.

says she is kind, and she does have a kind side.

said she was cruel, and he really saw her cruel side...

Really ruthless.

Lu Hejing took a few steps back, his face gradually turned gloomy, "Mu Huan, you have to remember that you gave up on me first, not me first. You'd better not regret the choice you made in this life. "

Mu Jing looked away disdainfully, "..." Of course she wouldn't regret it, if she did regret it, it would probably be the day when Lu Hejing really took over the power of the Lu family.

However, she is prepared, so she is not afraid.

And when he said these cruel words, Lu Hejing didn't clean up the mess in his own company... Doesn't he really think it's funny?

Mu Jing's expression stabbed Lu Hejing severely.

Lu and Jing left angrily.

And the paparazzi, who had come to squat long ago, perfectly captured the scene of Lu Hejing leaving Muyu's apartment sadly.

This kind of big news, but who caught the fire!

Lu Hejing left on the front foot, and someone on the back foot posted the video online.

Melon-eating crowd, "...?"

【Wow! Unexpectedly, Lu Hejing was actually dumped? 】

【Mu Yu dumped Lu Hejing? Is this climbing another high branch? 】

[The way of heaven is good for reincarnation, when Lu Hejing **** was tea, did you ever think that he would also be **** of Mu Yu? 】

【Here should be Aite Flower Tea to watch the play. 】

【The scumbags have their own way, and the scumbags will be punished sooner or later! 】

[The front, you tear it up, don't affect me watching the play. 】

Mu Yu and the news of Lu and Jing breaking up, stunned to let the melon eaters eat melons for a long time.

Some people can't help but sigh, Lu Hejing and Mu Yu have so many melons, maybe one day they will be able to squat until the follow-up!

It can be called a large-scale drama!

(end of this chapter)