Chapter 1923: Brother 1923

Chapter 1923 Younger Brother Chapter 1923 Hard to Be a Queen (47)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 47

After Lu Hejing threatened Mu Jing, he turned his head and left.

Then lock the attic again.

Mu 婳 looked at the tightly closed door, tears falling from the bottom of her eyes.

She didn't expect that Lu Hejing would be so maddened by stimulation.


is like a changed person.

Not only that.

The whole body exudes a sinister aura, and she feels that she seems to be finished...

If no one finds her, won't she be kept here forever?

But in this case, she felt that she would collapse after a few days.

Soon, Mu Yu began to brainwash herself.

She is also a female star anyway. Her fans and her agent will always look for her if she doesn't show up for a long time!

However, Mu Jing didn't know that her manager and fans had given up on her...

She didn't even know that in the eyes of the outside world, she and Lu Hejing had made up, and even she herself admitted it.

Lu and Jing sat on the sofa indifferently.

He glanced at Muyu's phone.

It's time to do something with Mui's phone again.

He turned on his mobile phone and glanced at the notification of missed calls, as well as the message from Mu Jing's agent.

Lu and Jing calmly logged into Mujing's Weibo, and regardless of the private messages and comments, they posted another Weibo after the reconciliation.

Lu Hejing continued to imitate Mu Jing's tone of Weibo.

【Muyu V: Thank you fans for your support, but due to personal problems, I need to make a major decision. Starting today, I will officially withdraw from the circle. 】

Fans who took off their fans and stepped back, "...?" I stepped on a horse! What about my knife?

You actually want to quit the circle?

Oh shit!

The fans really went crazy this time!

Abandoned his career and all his fans because of one Lu Hejing?

They also want to respect Mu Yu's decision, but this decision is too cruel! They can't take it! ! ! ! !

Unfortunately, no matter what the attitude of the fans, no matter how crazy, can not change the "fact" of quitting the circle.

The corners of Lu and Jing's lips gradually evoked a cold smile.

is out of the loop.

He is going to destroy Mu Yu's career with his own hands!

He just wanted to let Mu Yao know that since he can give her everything, he can also destroy everything she has!

Because Mu Yao was about to retire, the Legal Department of Xingyue Company quickly called. Lu Hejing answered the call, and Lu Hejing calmly expressed that he was willing to pay the liquidated damages for Mu Yao.

The boss of Xingyue Company is also very satisfied with Lu Hejing's attitude, plus Lu Hejing's identity, there is no need to be unhappy because of an artist.

So, the next day, Lu Hejing directly transferred a liquidated damages to Xingyue Company, and Xingyue Company also happily announced the news of the termination of the contract.

Mu's fans became calm after seeing the news of the termination of the contract after experiencing a night of ups and downs and even a breakdown... They are blind, what can they do?

is nothing more than as if he had met a scumbag.

Slow for a while.

The online melon eaters expressed their shock at this trend.

This really delicious.

Before I knew it, I went around and went back to the time when the two were together.

Tsk, interesting.

Just don’t know if there will be other melons next.

So far, Mu Yu is finished in the entertainment industry.

announced his withdrawal from the circle and terminated the contract with Xingyue Company.

The career is over.

Handle it all.

Looking for credit, Lu Hejing opened the door of the attic and gave Mu Jing a little food as if he was alms.

Then he stood next to her, and indifferently told her about the Internet.

"I used your Weibo to post the reconciliation news between the two of us. Your fans are very excited and crazy. In order to appease them, I used your Weibo to announce the news of my withdrawal from the circle!"

Lu Hejing held Mu Jing's mobile phone and shook it in front of her.

Twilight almost collapsed.

She was eating because she was hungry, and tears were falling out of her eyes.

"Lu Hejing, how could you treat me like this..."

That is her career! He actually ruined her career like that?


She don't quit the circle!

She is not yet a queen, she is still standing at the top!

Lu Hejing continued indifferently, "Oh, I also paid you a liquidated damages, you have nothing to do with Xingyue Company.

婳婳, look how good I am to you! Even the liquidated damages are willing to pay you! "

Mu 婳, "...A lunatic! You are a lunatic."

A real beast!

Lu Hejing let out a sneer, "Mad man? Who am I crazy for? It's not because you are cheap! I held you up as a little princess, and I couldn't bear to hurt you, but what did you give me?

You betrayed me! break up with me!

Break up when you break up, and you even run to hook up with Lu Anjing, wanting to go to Lu Anjing's bed? I'm crazy, so what are you? female watch? bitch! "

Seeing that Lu Hejing was gradually going crazy again, Mu Jing hurriedly shut up, she didn't want to be beaten again.


Mu Yu thought of the speech she had prepared earlier.

Mu Yu tried to defend, "I didn't betray you, I broke up with you for your own good!"

Lu Hejing's eyes were scarlet, and he raised his hand and slapped him, "I broke up with me for my own good? Do you think I'm stupid?"

A bloodshot leaked from the corner of Mu Yu's beaten mouth.

However, she endured the pain and continued, "Master Lu said, if I stay with you all the time, your position as the heir of the Lu family may not be preserved, I don't want you to lose the heir position because of me...

Hejing, I always have you in my heart, you have paid so much for me, how could I betray you? I don't want you to ruin my future and career for me...

Hejing, you really blame me! "

Twilight burst into tears.

Lu Hejing stood there, a little stunned.

He stared at Mu Jing, trying to think about the truth of these words.

For his career and future?


Lu Hejing squatted half-squatting, reaching out and gently wiping away Mu Jing's tears, "Are you telling the truth?"

Mu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and nodded earnestly, "Really!"

The corners of Lu and Jing's lips turned upward.

Twilight thought he believed it.

However, the next second.

Lu Hejing pinched her neck fiercely, killing intent bursting out of his eyes, "No! You lied to me! If you really like me, why would you hook up with Lu Anjing? I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes! You just want to find another one. Gold Master! You just don’t love yourself! You just lie to me again!!!”

Ah! bitch!

actually wanted to confuse him with rhetoric, he would never be deceived again!

Mu Yu was pinched so hard that she could hardly breathe, and her face gradually turned blue.

As if he would be strangled to death by Lu Hejing in the next second.

Looking at her struggling, Lu Hejing suddenly smiled.

He seemed to have discovered new pleasures.

At the moment when Mu Yao was on the verge of death, Lu Hejing let go of her.

Lu Hejing looked at Mujing calmly, gasping for breath.

for a moment.

Lu Hejing raised his hand and put it on Mu Jing's head.

Mu Yu's whole body trembled, "..."

Lu Hejing's voice sounded like a flood of beasts, "Be good, don't move."

(end of this chapter)