Chapter 1924: Difficult to be the queen (48)

Chapter 1924 It's hard to be a queen (48)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 48

He touched her hair very lightly, and his big hand landed on Mu Jing's neck again.

With the shadow just now, Mu Yu was instinctively afraid and wanted to escape.

However, as soon as Mu Yu had the reaction to flee, Lu Hejing grabbed her by the throat.

In front of Lu Hejing, Mu Yu was powerless to resist.

Lu Hejing was very satisfied with Muyu's reaction.

He let go of his hand and patted Mu Jing's cheek.

"Be honest, you are now, only me."

If he annoys him, he will kill Muyu!

By then, Muyu may have nothing left.

Twilight shook her head.

Lu Hejing didn't believe what she said.

What else could she do?

can only stay here honestly first, in the current situation of Lu Hejing, if he is cruel and strangled her directly, she has no place to cry.


Seeing that Mu Jing was a lot more honest, Lu Hejing retracted his hand satisfied.

Lu and Jing left the attic.

went to the study alone to deal with work.

To say that Lu Hejing has changed so suddenly, besides being stimulated by Mu Yu's betrayal, another point is that his status in the Lu family is now seriously threatened.

The old man really turned his face and didn't recognize anyone.

Let those trash find a bunch of **** for him to deal with.

The more things there are, the more difficult it becomes.

And those people are getting worse...

Under the long-term pressure, Lu Hejing's condition was not good, so he needed a place to vent.

And Mujing just happened to be his venting point.

After Lu Hejing taught Mu Yu a lesson, he felt that he could do it again.

Lu Hejing: Look, nothing can escape my palm, whether it's Muyu or the Lu family!


Mu Yao's withdrawal from the circle made Xue Yan a little worried. After all, in the drama she filmed, Mu Hua was the heroine, so I don't know if it would affect her drama.

Even Chacha was a bit more unexpected.

She felt that, according to Mu Yu's temperament, it was impossible for her to quit the circle so easily.

This kind of behavior is like blocking Mu Yu's own way, angering fans, announcing her withdrawal from the circle, and then canceling the contract with Xingyue Company...

These steps are not something Mu Yu can take out.

Chacha gradually had a terrible guess.

After all, the original scented tea was also ruined by Lu Hejing step by step.

Then, will the current Mujing be tricked by Lu Hejing as well? So it was cut off?

However, as the biggest investor in this drama, Cha Cha is not panic at all, there is no serious stain on Mu Yu, which will not affect the broadcast of the drama.

When the time comes, speed up the pace and broadcast the drama as soon as possible. The most important thing right now is to make a movie.

Lu Anjing was shocked by Chacha's ability to act. He never thought that this person could actually make movies?

This almost omnipotent.

As if everything can be done.

The better she is, the more he can't understand why Lu Hejing was so miserable in the first place.

While preparing for the movie, Lu Anjing secretly avoided Qi Yubai and asked Chacha this question.

Chacha blinked with a very innocent expression, "What else could it be for? Of course it was because I was blind back then!"

Lu Anjing, "..." I was speechless?

The preparatory process for the movie has always been smooth, even the smooth start.

Since there are no big-name stars in the crew, the only one with high popularity is Luo Han, so Luo Han's fans were surprised when Luo Han took the film.

This movie doesn't even have a big name.

Just shoot directly?

Isn't    a waste of time?

The fans didn't calm down until the team of the movie was exposed.

Oh wow! This team is still available.

In addition to the lack of big coffee and traffic, from the director to the service, it is very reliable.

This made Luo Han's fans relieved.

I hope the movie doesn't get in the way...

When    was turned on, neither Cha Cha nor Lu Anjing bought the hot search. They just started the game in a low-key manner, wishing only their family would know about it.

Lu and Jing still haven't had time to count them recently.

Of course, they are taking the opportunity to work hard and surprise everyone! ! !


This movie took more than a month to shoot.

The    period was very smooth.

And Xue Yan's drama "Allure" will also be broadcast soon.

After the show is broadcast, another wave of movies is promoted, which is completely free.

"Allure" uses the method of webcasting. After the file was fixed, Chacha asked Lu Anjing to buy a hot search.

Since this drama is going to be broadcast, it is inevitable to mention Muyu.

Mu Yu announced her retirement more than a month ago.

never appeared again, as if it had disappeared.

Now that her drama is on, the melon eaters couldn't help but pick up their melons.

Unfortunately, Muyu's Weibo has nothing to say.

Lu Hejing's Weibo did not say anything.

Not even publicity.

It seems that Mu Yu really no longer cares about the entertainment industry.

The people who eat melons are still quite puzzled. After all, the drama Allure is also the last drama of Mu Yu, why is it still cold? Not even mentioning it? Even Mu Hua didn't log in to Weibo? ? ?

When the melon-eating crowd was discussing, many people mentioned the last time Muyu appeared.

Mu Yu finally appeared in everyone's sight when she was photographed with Lu Hejing.

After that time, whether it was Mu Yu's announcement of reconciliation with Lu Hejing or his withdrawal from the circle, there was no real appearance, just two Weibo posts.

It stands to reason that with such a big thing as quitting the circle, at least you have to record a video to hold a press conference or something... In the end, no one was seen.

The people who eat melons are idle and bored, and then they find that the more they eat, the more terrible they are.

Wow rub?

In other words, Mu 婳 has not appeared in the public eye for more than a month!

Some people even started Aite Xingyue Company and Lu Hejing.

Xingyue Company didn’t have a good attitude towards Mu Jing, and they didn’t want to get involved in this matter, and they didn’t want to get involved with Mu Jing, so they replied directly, [The cancellation of the contract was handled by Lu Hejing, and we didn’t see Ms. Mu Jing. 】

The people who eat melons only feel that they have eaten a big melon.

In other words, the person who really saw Mu Yu was Lu Hejing...

However, no matter how many people Aite Lu Hejing, Lu Hejing did not appear to say anything.

About an hour passed.

Mu Yu's Weibo account was logged in, forwarded the Weibo set by Qingcheng, and replied to the melon eaters: Well, don't read.

All kinds of guesses in the minds of the melon eaters were immediately broken.

Look, Mu Yu is really fine.

People may really be wealthy wives at home.

Why do people who eat melons meddle in their own business?

Maybe it's because the wealthy wife doesn't want to show her face...

Cha Cha pulled Qi Yubai and Lu Anjing, the three of them sat around and watched Mu Jing's Weibo.

Lu Anjing, "Shouldn't Lu Hejing really kill Mu Jing?" Apart from a few Weibo posts, there was no evidence that Mu Jing had ever appeared.

Lu Anjing's head is a little big.

Are Lu Hejing so cruel?

Cha Cha blinked, "It's not going to kill you, but... you should still check Lu Hejing, I always feel that he has a problem, and now, his situation is not good, you can also appear in a high profile while Allure is about to be broadcast. In front of the public, Lu Hejing was caught off guard."

(end of this chapter)