Chapter 1938: The village owner is polite (7)

Chapter 1938 The village owner is polite (7)

The owner of the village is polite 7

Cha Cha is very grateful to my grandfather for his understanding.

And the big cousin came at the right time, and the things they brought were exactly what they needed.

This would save her from having to ask people to buy food, clothes and other supplies.

Big cousin came here this time, in addition to bringing things, he can also help Chacha by the way, and occasionally give some suggestions, which makes Chacha very satisfied.

If it wasn't for the great future of the big cousin, she really wanted to keep the big cousin in the cottage.

"By the way, cousin, Wen Yue has already met her grandfather."

Chacha was a little surprised, and asked Lvwu to serve tea, and she talked about it with her eldest cousin.

Big cousin, "Wen Yue was accompanied by a young man who said that he came to the capital to defect to his relatives. He happened to meet Wen Yue being surrounded by bandits, and then he rescued Wen Yue.

Wen Yue proposed to let her grandfather give some money away, and her grandfather agreed. "

"Can that person leave the capital now? Have you seen that person?" Cha Cha asked.

A young man with him?

Wen Yue was clearly with the bandit.

Could it be that those bandits were really beaten away by the man who came out?

always feel that this is still strange.

"I've seen that man, but my cousin has doubts? If necessary, I can draw the man's appearance." The older cousin said warmly, and he was very happy.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

She actually forgot that this eldest cousin, Danqing, is also a master at painting.

"Green Mist, go and prepare pen and paper!"

"it is good."

Cha Cha took his eldest cousin into a study room. At present, the study room is still a bit crude. After all, it was remodeled by a bandit den, and the bandits don’t read books.

So the study is naturally simple.

Big cousin quickly drew the appearance of the young man.

Especially the facial features, the big cousin grasped it very well.

Cha Cha took one look and recognized that this man was the fake bandit she met at that time! ! !

In other words, Wen Yue was very courageous and ran to her grandfather with fake bandits to cheat money!

Cha Cha's face changed slightly, if she hadn't been able to get away now, she would have to teach that fake bandit a lesson!

Bah! Also save the benefactor, shameless!

"Did Wen Yue mention me?" Cha Cha asked again.

Big cousin, "She said she ran away from you separately, I don't know where you escaped to, she rushed back as soon as she was rescued, but couldn't find you, so she immediately rushed to the capital to ask for help.

But because you passed a book to grandfather Feigu before, grandfather didn't tell her that you are fine now..."

Chacha responded.

She raised her brows slightly and quickly suggested.

"Well, don't go back these days, and pass a letter to your grandfather Fei Ge, saying that you want to stay here to help, and by the way create the illusion that you are leading people to find me, otherwise I will be lost and no one will be there. Come to me, isn't it too fake?

Let my grandfather send someone to watch Wen Yue and the young man who saved her life. There is something wrong with the two of them. "

Big cousin, "..." I think you just want to trick me into doing coolies for you.

After a while, the eldest cousin asked again, "What's wrong with Wen Yue? For the sake of me being a coolie for you, you can talk about it."

He was really curious about this.

After all, my cousin used to love Wen Yue very much, but now that she has changed suddenly and is still on guard everywhere, he is still a little incredible.

Cha Cha sighed and whispered to his eldest cousin, "I suspect that the bandit robbery has something to do with Wen Yue. Those so-called bandits may be those whom Wen Yue found, and the real bandits on Cuiyun Mountain, I see However, the people who robbed me are not the same group, but I have no evidence now, and I am worried that the fake bandit entered the capital with bad intentions..."

This statement is half-truth, after all, some things cannot be clearly stated.

But such a statement can make the big cousin and the others deepen their vigilance against Wen Yue.

Big cousin's face was heavy, and he was obviously very angry.

"Wen Yue she, she... she actually..."

The eldest cousin is a knowledgeable person, which leads to the fact that when the eldest cousin wants to scold someone, he pays attention to etiquette and cannot scold.

"You treat her so well, but she actually repays her kindness and revenge? I must tell my grandfather about it. When I find evidence in the future, I must ask your father to divorce her mother and drive Wen Yue out of the Wen family!"

If Father Wen is unwilling to call the shots, his Zhao family is not easy to mess with!

"The eldest cousin calmed down first, and went to the flying pigeon to pass a letter to tell my grandfather about these things."

Cha Cha calmed down.

Big cousin is still angry.

Wen Yue is too cruel!

Can you do something like this?

Fortunately, his cousin is fine, otherwise, Wen Yue would never be able to save her life!

A biography of the eldest cousin, Flying Pigeon.

Then he stayed in the cottage for four or five days.

He reinforced all the places where the cottage could be reinforced, and then sent people to the capital to buy a lot of good things and shipped them over. He bought a lot of snacks, candied fruit, jewelry, and beautiful clothes. in the cottage.

He felt sorry for his sister from the bottom of his heart.

The good daughter came to suffer, all blamed on those abominable bandits!

At the same time, I feel sorry for these homeless girls.

Fortunately, his cousin is there. His cousin is really a kind little fairy, helping to settle them...give them new hope.

The eldest cousin has to go back to the capital to deal with other affairs, so he can't stay here for a long time. Before leaving, the eldest cousin is worried that he will leave some of the people he brought.

and was immediately rejected by Chacha.

"No, I'm fine here, and I'll recruit people in the stockade next."

Big cousin worried, "What if bad people are invited?"

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, so he left behind more than a dozen right-hand men before leaving with him.

Chacha, "..." is very helpless.

After all, these dozen people have to eat a lot.

What if she was eaten up?

Qiqi, "...You obviously have a lot of small money!"

Chacha, "Don't talk."

Qiqi, "..." I understand.

The small money is prepared for your man.



The chores of the cottage are almost done.

The next step is to expand the population.

Cha Cha led Da Gouzi, Ergouzi and others to descend the top of the mountain aggressively.

As for the people brought by the eldest cousin, they stayed in the stockade to protect the safety of the girls.

Qiqi arrogantly nestled on Cha Cha's shoulder.

Today, it will accompany Chacha to expand its territory!

Cha Cha leads a few younger brothers, and the main purpose is to fight.

She plans to leave her prestige on Cuiyun Mountain now.

As Da Gouzi mentioned before, there are actually many other people on Cuiyun Mountain who steal chickens and dogs.

is similar to the big dog.

Well, she plans to fight all of them, establish a prestige, and shock the entire Cuiyun Mountain with her prestige.

Soon, Cha Cha found the first group of small bandits, these people lived in the cave, there were only five people in total.

The big dog was very winking and introduced them directly, "This is the owner of our Cuiyun Village, you know? In the future, the entire Cuiyun Mountain will be the site of my family's owner!"

Little bandit, "...? You said that your territory is your territory? What about Brother Fei before?"

Chacha said coldly, "I killed him."

(end of this chapter)